Difference between revisions of "Dharmawiki Users"

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(New Page defining the Users of DW and specifying their role)
(No difference)

Revision as of 15:38, 1 January 2019

Narratives on Dharmawiki are built by an ever growing team of qualified authors and editors coming from diverse educational, spiritual and cultural backgrounds yet each of them have sound technical knowledge. Every editor and author should bear the following principles at heart

  • Dedication to the core ideas and concepts of this project
  • Engage in active research of subject matter
  • Engage in consultation with scholars and peers
  • Content verification

Authors who contribute on this portal are essentially like-minded registered users with a passion to play their part in furthering Sanatana Dharma for the generations to come. The following are the different roles of people associated with the site in one or many ways.

  • Dharmawiki Editor is one who is engaged in the core team, in building the site contents and plays an active role in decision making working along with the other team members and scholars. They have administrative rights and have approval powers to make significant changes both technically and content wise. They moderate, guide and channelize the other users on the site.
  • Guest Author is a registered user who is engaged with Dharmawiki project in content related aspects. Their inputs and suggestions are received by the moderators who discuss them with the core team and incorporate them as required. They are the primary resources for articles on various subject matters and should adhere to the Content Policies while creating the articles. They are registered users with restricted editing rights, whose interests and profile are kept on file in the site, and can contribute articles once approved by the core team.
  • Unregistered User is the end user, visiting the site, interested in knowing about Sanatana Dharma, wanting to adopt dharmika jivana vidhana. Unregistered users, at this juncture, are restricted to edit the article or narratives. Users can however, present their thoughts, views, references, video links, blog references, images etc on the Discussion or Talk pages. Few others who may visit the site for learning or engaging in a debate about any topic of their concern can do so using the Discussion and Talk tabs of that topic. Users can potentially become guest authors on the site by sending an email to dharmawiki2018@gmail.com or by requesting an account on Dharmawiki site. Upon acceptance they can contribute articles or narratives within the framework of Dharmawiki policies.