शं: favourable / auspicious ; मित्रः Presiding deity of the day as well as prana; नो: to us; वरुणः Presiding deity of the night and water;
अर्यमा: Presiding deity of the sun as well as eyes. इन्द्र: Presiding deity of strength, of lightening and rain,as well as hands;
बृहस्पतिःPresiding deity of intellect as well as speech, विष्णु: Presiding deity of the highest heaven and the legs;
उरुक्रमः all-pervasive
May Mitra be favourable to us, and so also Varuna. May Aryaman be favourable to us. May Brihaspati and Indra be favourable to us and so also all pervasive Vishnu.