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=== स्त्रीधनम् ॥ Stridhana ===
=== स्त्रीधनम् ॥ Stridhana ===
The word Stridhana occurs for the first time in the Agniveshya Grhyasutra in the context of Kanyadana.<ref name=":7">L. S. Deodhar (2010), [ Concept of the right of Stridhana in the Smrtis] in Bulletin of the Deccan College Research Institute (Vol. 70/71), Pune: Deccan College Post-Graduate and Research Institute, p.349–357.</ref><blockquote>वधूमताद्भिर्दत्तां प्रतिगृह्णाति स्त्रीधनं च । १.६.१ । <ref>Agniveshya Grhyasutra, [ Prashna 1].</ref>vadhūmatādbhirdattāṁ pratigr̥hṇāti strīdhanaṁ ca । 1.6.1 । </blockquote>When a woman receives gifts on various occasions from various persons it becomes her individual property. This is recognized as a separate property called Stridhana by Dharmashastra authors.
The word Stridhana occurs for the first time in the Agniveshya Grhyasutra in the context of Kanyadana.<ref name=":7">L. S. Deodhar (2010), [ Concept of the right of Stridhana in the Smrtis] in Bulletin of the Deccan College Research Institute (Vol. 70/71), Pune: Deccan College Post-Graduate and Research Institute, p.349–357.</ref><blockquote>वधूमताद्भिर्दत्तां प्रतिगृह्णाति स्त्रीधनं च । १.६.१ । <ref>Agniveshya Grhyasutra, [ Prashna 1].</ref>vadhūmatādbhirdattāṁ pratigr̥hṇāti strīdhanaṁ ca । 1.6.1 । </blockquote>When a woman receives gifts on various occasions from various persons it becomes her individual property. This is recognized as a separate property called Stridhana by Dharmashastra authors. The first definition of Stridhana is found in the Arthashastra.<ref name=":7" /> <blockquote>वृत्तिराबध्यं वा स्त्रीधनं ।। ०३.२.१४ ।।<ref>Arthashastra, Adhikarana 3, [ Adhyaya 2]</ref> vr̥ttirābadhyaṁ vā strīdhanaṁ ।। 03.2.14 ।।</blockquote>Meaning: Maintenance and ornaments constitute woman's property.<ref name=":7" />
The first definition of Stridhana is found in Arthashastra.<ref name=":7" /> <blockquote>वृत्तिराबध्यं वा स्त्रीधनं ।। ०३.२.१४ ।।<ref>Arthashastra, Adhikarana 3, [ Adhyaya 2]</ref> vr̥ttirābadhyaṁ vā strīdhanaṁ ।। 03.2.14 ।।</blockquote>Meaning: Maintenance and ornaments constitute woman's property.<ref name=":7" />
And every property, movable or immoveable, given to a woman by anyone, constitutes her own absolute property.<ref name=":2" /> There are 6 types of Stridhana according to Manusmrti.<blockquote>अध्यग्न्यध्यावाहनिकं दत्तं च प्रीतिकर्मणि । भ्रातृमातृपितृप्राप्तं षड्विधं स्त्रीधनं स्मृतम् । । ९.१९४ । ।<ref name=":1" /> adhyagnyadhyāvāhanikaṁ dattaṁ ca prītikarmaṇi । bhrātr̥mātr̥pitr̥prāptaṁ ṣaḍvidhaṁ strīdhanaṁ smr̥tam । । 9.194 । ।</blockquote>They are,
# Adhyagni: That which is given by the father and others during marriage infront of the fire
And every property movable or immoveable, given to a woman by anyone, constitutes her own absolute property.<ref name=":2" /> There are 6 types of Stridhana according to Manusmrti.<blockquote>अध्यग्न्यध्यावाहनिकं दत्तं च प्रीतिकर्मणि । भ्रातृमातृपितृप्राप्तं षड्विधं स्त्रीधनं स्मृतम् । । ९.१९४ । ।<ref name=":1" /> adhyagnyadhyāvāhanikaṁ dattaṁ ca prītikarmaṇi । bhrātr̥mātr̥pitr̥prāptaṁ ṣaḍvidhaṁ strīdhanaṁ smr̥tam । । 9.194 । ।</blockquote>They are,
# Adhyavahanika: Ornaments and other things obtained from the husband's family
# Adhyagni: That which is given by the father and others during marriage infront of the fire.
# Adhyavahanika: Ornaments and other things obtained from the husband's family.
# Pritikarmani Datta: That which is given by the husband or others as a token of love and affection
# Pritikarmani Datta: That which is given by the husband or others as a token of love and affection
# Bhratr Prapta: That which is given by the brother .
# Bhratr Prapta: That which is given by the brother
# Matr Prapta: That which is received from the mother and
# Matr Prapta: That which is received from the mother and
# Pitr Prapta: That which is given by the father<ref name=":6">Girija Prasad Dvivedi (1917), [ The Manusmriti], Lucknow: Newal Kishore Press.</ref><ref name=":7" />
# Pitr Prapta: That which is given by the father<ref name=":6">Girija Prasad Dvivedi (1917), [ The Manusmriti], Lucknow: Newal Kishore Press.</ref><ref name=":7" />
Katyayana also has the same classification and has exhaustively explained all types of Stridhana. He says,
Katyayana Smriti also has the same classification. The first 3 types of Stridhana have been varigatedly explained in the Smrti shastras as follows. According to Katyayana Smrti,  
विवाहकाले यत्स्त्रीभ्यो दीयते ह्यग्निसंनिधौ ।
तदध्यग्निकृतं सद्भिः स्त्रीधनं परिकीर्तितम् ।। ८९५ ।।
What is given to a woman at the time of marriage before nuptial fire that is declared to be Adhyagni Stridhana by the wise.
Commentator of Yajnavalkya Smrti, Balambhatti, points out that this type of Stridhana is gifted at the time of marriage, perticularly at the time of Kanyadana and Lajahoma.
यत्पुनर्लभते नारी नीयमाना पितुर्गृहात् ।
अध्यावहनिकं चैव स्त्रीधनं तदुदाहृतम् ।। ८९६ ।।<ref name=":8">Katyayana Smrti, [ Stridhana lakshanam Stridhana Prakara]</ref> 
That which a women obtains when she is being taken in procession from the father's house to the bridegroom's house, is termed Stridhana of the Adhyaavahanika kind.
प्रीत्या दत्तं तु यत्किंचित्श्वश्र्वा वा श्वशुरेण वा ।
पादवन्दनिकं चैव प्रीतिदत्तं तदुच्यते ।। ८९७ ।।<ref name=":8" />
'Whatever is given to a woman through affection by father-in-law and mother-in-law and whatever is received at the time of saluting the elders is termed Pritidatta (gift through affection).
Though Kā. thinks that this gift is given by the in-laws and elders in the family, ManvaMu. states that this type of gift is given by the husband. BālamBha. points out that Priti datta stridhana is of two types - when elders see the daughter-in-law for the first time and later, on account of her seva, they give her gifts out of affection.
Remaining three types of are the gifts given by bride's father, mother and brother on various occasions.
In addition to these six types Manu has stated two more types in the following verse.
अन्वाधेयं च यद्दत्तं पत्या प्रीतेन चैव यत् ... । । ९.१९५ । ।<ref name=":1" />
Katyayana defines these as follows:
विवाहात्परतो यत्तु लब्धं भर्तृकुलात्स्त्रिया ।
* Adhyagni: What is given to a woman at the time of marriage before the nuptial fire.
अन्वाधेयं तदुक्तं तु लभ्दं बन्धुकुलात्तथा ।। ८९९ ।।
<blockquote>विवाहकाले यत्स्त्रीभ्यो दीयते ह्यग्निसंनिधौ । तदध्यग्निकृतं सद्भिः स्त्रीधनं परिकीर्तितम् ।। ८९५ ।।<ref name=":8" />
ऊर्ध्वं लब्धं तु यत्किंचित्संस्कारात्प्रीतितः स्त्रिया
vivāhakāle yatstrībhyo dīyate hyagnisaṁnidhau tadadhyagnikr̥taṁ sadbhiḥ strīdhanaṁ parikīrtitam ।। 895 ।।</blockquote>Balambhatta, the commentator of Yajnavalkya Smrti, points out that this type of Stridhana is gifted at the time of marriage, particularly at the time of Kanyadana and Lajahoma.
भर्तुः पित्रोः सकाशाद्वा अन्वाधेयं तु तद्भृगुः ।। ९०० ।।
* Adhyavahanika: That which a women obtains when she is being taken in procession from the father's house to the bridegroom's house.
'Whatever is obtained by a woman after marriage from the family of her husband and also what is similarly obtained from the family of her (father's) kinsmen is said to be anvadheya (subsequent gift). Whatever is obtained by a woman through affection after her marriage from her husband or from her parents is Anvadheya. This is the view of Bhrgu.<ref name=":7" />
<blockquote>यत्पुनर्लभते नारी नीयमाना पितुर्गृहात् । अध्यावहनिकं चैव स्त्रीधनं तदुदाहृतम् ।। ८९६ ।।<ref name=":8">Katyayana Smrti, [ Stridhana lakshanam Stridhana Prakara]</ref>
Another type of Stridhana enumerated by Manu is the gift given to a woman by her husband as a token of his love. It can be identified with the term bhartrdãya used by Nārada while defining Stridhana. His definition reads
yatpunarlabhate nārī nīyamānā piturgr̥hāt । adhyāvahanikaṁ caiva strīdhanaṁ tadudāhr̥tam ।। 896 ।।</blockquote>
अध्यग्न्यध्यावहनिकं भर्तृदायस्तथैव च ।
* Pritidatta: Whatever is given to a woman through affection by father-in-law and mother-in-law and whatever is received at the time of saluting the elders as a gift of affection.
भ्रातृमातृपितृभ्यश्च षड्विधं स्त्रीधनं स्मृतम् । । १३.८ । ।<ref>Narada Smrti, Vyavaharapadani, [ Dayabhaga]</ref>
<blockquote>प्रीत्या दत्तं तु यत्किंचित्श्वश्र्वा वा श्वशुरेण वा पादवन्दनिकं चैव प्रीतिदत्तं तदुच्यते ।। ८९७ ।।<ref name=":8" />  
However, the term bhartrdãya can be related to the share of partition of the wealth of her husband.
prītyā dattaṁ tu yatkiṁcitśvaśrvā vā śvaśureṇa vā । pādavandanikaṁ caiva prītidattaṁ taducyate ।। 897 ।।</blockquote>While Katyayana terms Pritidatta as a gift given by the in-laws and elders in the family, Manvarthamuktavali (a commentary on Manusmrti) states that Pritidatta refers to the gift given by the husband. Furthermore, Balambhatta, in his commentary on Yajnavalkya Smrti describes Pritidatta Stridhana of two types viz. the gift given when elders see the daughter-in-law for the first time and the gifts they give her out of affection, later on, on account of her seva.
The illustration of Stridhana could not be restricted to number six. Mitā. has commented that elaboration of sixfold property is intended as a restriction of greater number but it should be understood as a denial of less number. Visņusmrti has included more than six categories in the interpretation Stridhana.<ref name=":7" />
In addition to these six types of Stridhana enumerated above, Manusmrti has stated two more types viz. Anvadheya and Patyadatta.<blockquote>अन्वाधेयं च यद्दत्तं पत्या प्रीतेन चैव यत् ... । । ९.१९५ । ।<ref name=":1" /> anvādheyaṁ ca yaddattaṁ patyā prītena caiva yat ... । । 9.195 । ।</blockquote>Katyayana Smrti defines these as follows:<blockquote>विवाहात्परतो यत्तु लब्धं भर्तृकुलात्स्त्रिया । अन्वाधेयं तदुक्तं तु लभ्दं बन्धुकुलात्तथा ।। ८९९ ।।
पितृमातृसुतभ्रातृदत्तम्, अध्यग्न्युपागतम्, आधिवेदनिकं, बन्धुदत्तं, शुल्कम्, अन्वाधेयकं इति स्त्रीधनं । । १७.१८ । ।<ref>Vishnu Smrti, [ Adhyaya 17]</ref>
ऊर्ध्वं लब्धं तु यत्किंचित्संस्कारात्प्रीतितः स्त्रिया भर्तुः पित्रोः सकाशाद्वा अन्वाधेयं तु तद्भृगुः ।। ९०० ।।<ref name=":8" />
'What is given to her by the father, the mother, the son, the brother or what is received at the nuptial fire, what is received as a consolation fee for supersation, what is given by the kindreds as well as her perquisite and subsequent gifts - all this is her Stridhana.'
vivāhātparato yattu labdhaṁ bhartr̥kulātstriyā । anvādheyaṁ taduktaṁ tu labhdaṁ bandhukulāttathā ।। 899 ।।
Visņu has mentioned the gift from the son as Stridhana; no one else except Yâjnavalkya has mentioned it.
ūrdhvaṁ labdhaṁ tu yatkiṁcitsaṁskārātprītitaḥ striyā । bhartuḥ pitroḥ sakāśādvā anvādheyaṁ tu tadbhr̥guḥ ।। 900 ।।</blockquote>Meaning: Whatever is obtained by a woman after marriage from the family of her husband and also what is similarly obtained from the family of her (father's) kinsmen is said to be anvadheya (subsequent gift). Whatever is obtained by a woman through affection after her marriage from her husband or from her parents is Anvadheya. This is the view of Bhrgu.<ref name=":7" />While the Patyadatta type of Stridhana enumerated by Manusmrti is the gift given to a woman by her husband as a token of his love.  
The constituent features mentioned by Yajnvalkya in the definition of Stridhana are<ref name=":7" />  
It is interesting to note that Narada Smrti also enlist 6 types of Stridhana viz. Adhyagni, Adhyavahanika, Bhartrdaya, Bhratrdatta, Matrdatta and Pitrdatta. <blockquote>अध्यग्न्यध्यावहनिकं भर्तृदायस्तथैव च । भ्रातृमातृपितृभ्यश्च षड्विधं स्त्रीधनं स्मृतम् । । १३.८ । ।<ref>Narada Smrti, Vyavaharapadani, [ Dayabhaga]</ref>  
पितृमातृसुतभ्रातृदत्तमध्यग्न्युपागतम् आधिवेदनिकाद्यं च स्त्रीधनं परिकीर्तितम् ।।१४३।।  बन्धुदत्तं तथा शुल्कमन्वाधेयकमेव च । ... १४४।।<ref name=":9">[ Yajnavalkya Smrti] (1904), Pune: Anandashram</ref>
adhyagnyadhyāvahanikaṁ bhartr̥dāyastathaiva ca bhrātr̥mātr̥pitr̥bhyaśca ṣaḍvidhaṁ strīdhanaṁ smr̥tam । 13.8 । ।</blockquote>The only difference between the list in Manusmrti and Katyayana Smrti versus that of the Narada Smrti is the use of the term Bhartrdaya instead of Pritidatta. And the term bhartrdaya commonly refers to a women's share in the partition of her husband's wealth.  
'What is given to a woman by the father, the mother, the son or the brother or received by her at the nuptial fire, as also that which was presented to her on her husband's marriage to another woman and any other is denominated as a woman's property. That which has been given to her by her kinsmen as well as her fees or gratuity or anything bestowed after marriage.'
Also, these lists dont mean that the illustration of Stridhana is restricted to the number six. Infact, Mitakshara, the commentary on Yajnavalkyasmrti states that the elaboration of sixfold property is not intended as a restriction of greater number. Rather, it should be understood as a denial of a lesser number. This is exhibited in the Vishnu Smrti that includes more than six categories in the interpretation Stridhana.<ref name=":7" /><blockquote>पितृमातृसुतभ्रातृदत्तम्, अध्यग्न्युपागतम्, आधिवेदनिकं, बन्धुदत्तं, शुल्कम्, अन्वाधेयकं इति स्त्रीधनं । । १७.१८ । ।<ref>Vishnu Smrti, [ Adhyaya 17]</ref>
According to the Mitakshara commentary on Yajnavalkya Smrti, the word Adya after Adhivedanika covers the property which she may have acquired by inheritance, purchase, partition, seizure or finding.<ref name=":7" />
pitr̥mātr̥sutabhrātr̥dattam, adhyagnyupāgatam, ādhivedanikaṁ, bandhudattaṁ, śulkam, anvādheyakaṁ iti strīdhanaṁ । । 17.18 । ।</blockquote>Meaning: What is given to her by the father, mother, son, brother or what is received at the nuptial fire, what is received as a consolation fee for supersation, what is given by the kindreds as well as her perquisite and subsequent gifts - all this is her Stridhana.
रिक्थक्रयसंविभागपरिग्रहाधिगमप्राप्तम् एतत्स्त्रीधनम् ।<ref>Vasudev Laxman Shastri Panshikar (1936), [ Yadnyavalkyasmriti of Yogishvara Yadnyavalkya with the commentary of Mitakshara of Vidnyaneshvara], Bombay: Nirnaya Sagar Press.</ref>
It is also interesting to note here that the Vishnu Smrti has mentioned the gift from the son as Stridhana and no other text except the Yajnavalkya Smrti has mentioned the same. The constituent features mentioned by Maharshi Yajnvalkya in the definition of Stridhana are<ref name=":7" /><blockquote>पितृमातृसुतभ्रातृदत्तमध्यग्न्युपागतम् । आधिवेदनिकाद्यं च स्त्रीधनं परिकीर्तितम् ।।१४३।।  बन्धुदत्तं तथा शुल्कमन्वाधेयकमेव च ... १४४।।<ref name=":9">[ Yajnavalkya Smrti] (1904), Pune: Anandashram</ref>
Mitakshara interprets Bandhudatta as gift from kinsmen from mother's side as well as from father's side.
pitr̥mātr̥sutabhrātr̥dattamadhyagnyupāgatam । ādhivedanikādyaṁ ca strīdhanaṁ parikīrtitam ।।143।। bandhudattaṁ tathā śulkamanvādheyakameva ca । ... 144।।</blockquote>Meaning: What is given to a woman by the father, mother, son or brother or received by her at the nuptial fire, as also that which was presented to her on her husband's marriage to another woman and any other is denominated as a woman's property. That which has been given to her by her kinsmen as well as her fees or gratuity or anything bestowed after marriage.
The word shulka is interpreted in various ways. Katyayana says,
According to the Mitakshara commentary on Yajnavalkya Smrti, the word Adya after Adhivedanika covers the property which she may have acquired by inheritance, purchase, partition, seizure or finding.<ref name=":7" /><blockquote>रिक्थक्रयसंविभागपरिग्रहाधिगमप्राप्तम् एतत्स्त्रीधनम् ।<ref>Vasudev Laxman Shastri Panshikar (1936), [ Yadnyavalkyasmriti of Yogishvara Yadnyavalkya with the commentary of Mitakshara of Vidnyaneshvara], Bombay: Nirnaya Sagar Press.</ref> rikthakrayasaṁvibhāgaparigrahādhigamaprāptam etatstrīdhanam ।</blockquote>While Bandhudatta is interpreted, in the Mitakshara, as gift from kinsmen from mother's side as well as from father's side.
गृहोपस्करवाह्यानां दोह्याभरणकर्मिणाम् । मूल्यं लब्धं तु यत्किंचिच्शुल्कं तत्परिकीर्तितम् ।। ८९८ ।।<ref name=":8" />
However, the word shulka is interpreted in various ways. According to Katyayana Smrti,<blockquote>गृहोपस्करवाह्यानां दोह्याभरणकर्मिणाम् । मूल्यं लब्धं तु यत्किंचिच्शुल्कं तत्परिकीर्तितम् ।। ८९८ ।।<ref name=":8" />  
'That is declared to be sulka which is obtained as a price of household utensils, of beasts of burden, of milch cattle, ornament and slaves.
gr̥hopaskaravāhyānāṁ dohyābharaṇakarmiṇām । mūlyaṁ labdhaṁ tu yatkiṁcicśulkaṁ tatparikīrtitam ।। 898 ।।</blockquote>Meaning: That is declared to be shulka which is obtained as a price of household utensils, of beasts of burden, of milch cattle, ornament and slaves.
The Apararka commentary on Yajnavalkya Smrti finally concludes that<ref name=":7" />
The Apararka commentary on Yajnavalkya Smrti finally states that<ref name=":7" /><blockquote>अन्यदपि यत्स्त्रीस्वामिकं तत्स्त्रीधनम् ।<ref name=":9" /> anyadapi yatstrīsvāmikaṁ tatstrīdhanam ।</blockquote>
अन्यदपि यत्स्त्रीस्वामिकं तत्स्त्रीधनम् ।<ref name=":9" />
Meaning: Other things also, that belong to the woman is termed Stridhana.
Speaking of the rules of succession to Stridhana, Manusmrti says that the wealth obtained from the husband's family during marriage and that given by the husband himself as a token of love belongs to her progeny incase the woman dies while her husband is still alive. And if there is no offspring, the wealth belongs either to her husband or father. However, it emphasizes that any wealth given to a woman by her father shall belong to her daughter or the child of her daughter.<ref name=":6" /><ref name=":4" /><blockquote>अन्वाधेयं च यद्दत्तं पत्या प्रीतेन चैव यत् । पत्यौ जीवति वृत्तायाः प्रजायास्तद्धनं भवेत् । । ९.१९५ । ।
Speaking of the rules of succession to Stridhana, Manusmrti says that the wealth obtained from the husband's family during marriage and that given by the husband himself as a token of love belongs to her progeny incase the woman dies while her husband is still alive. And if there is no offspring, the wealth belongs either to her husband or father. However, it emphasizes that any wealth given to a woman by her father shall belong to her daughter or the child of her daughter.<ref name=":6" /><ref name=":4" /><blockquote>अन्वाधेयं च यद्दत्तं पत्या प्रीतेन चैव यत् । पत्यौ जीवति वृत्तायाः प्रजायास्तद्धनं भवेत् । । ९.१९५ । ।
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... aprajāyāṁ atītāyāṁ bhartureva tadiṣyate । । 9.196 । । ... aprajāyāṁ atītāyāṁ mātāpitrostadiṣyate । । 9.197 । ।
... aprajāyāṁ atītāyāṁ bhartureva tadiṣyate । । 9.196 । । ... aprajāyāṁ atītāyāṁ mātāpitrostadiṣyate । । 9.197 । ।
striyāṁ tu yadbhavedvittaṁ pitrā dattaṁ kathaṁ cana । brāhmaṇī taddharetkanyā tadapatyasya vā bhavet । । 9.198 । ।</blockquote>In fact, the rule of succession to Stridhana that it would go to daughters alone is also hinted elsewhere in the Manusmrti.<ref name=":2" /><blockquote>मातुस्तु यौतकं यत्स्यात्कुमारीभाग एव सः ।...९.१३१<ref name=":1" /> mātustu yautakaṁ yatsyātkumārībhāga eva saḥ ।...9.131</blockquote>Here, the term 'Yautaka' refers to the separate property of a woman; of which she alone is the sole owner. Thus, some apply it to what she receives at marriage. While some also apply it to the savings that a young woman makes out of what she receives from her husband for her clothing and ornaments and also for the household expenses.
striyāṁ tu yadbhavedvittaṁ pitrā dattaṁ kathaṁ cana । brāhmaṇī taddharetkanyā tadapatyasya vā bhavet । । 9.198 । ।</blockquote>In fact, the rule of succession to Stridhana, that it would go to daughters alone is also hinted elsewhere in the Manusmrti.<ref name=":2" /><blockquote>मातुस्तु यौतकं यत्स्यात्कुमारीभाग एव सः ।...९.१३१<ref name=":1" /> mātustu yautakaṁ yatsyātkumārībhāga eva saḥ ।...9.131</blockquote>Here, the term 'Yautaka' refers to the separate property of a woman; of which she alone is the sole owner. Thus, some apply it to what she receives at marriage. While some also apply it to the savings that a young woman makes out of what she receives from her husband for her clothing and ornaments and also for the household expenses.
Gautama also adds that the property descends to her daughters who are unmarried and unsettled. Wherein, unsettled also stands for those who, though married are childless, and without any property of their own, not having obtained a footing in the house of their husbands.<ref name=":4" />
Gautama also adds that the property descends to her daughters who are unmarried and unsettled. Wherein, unsettled also stands for those who, though married are childless, and without any property of their own, not having obtained a footing in the house of their husbands.<ref name=":4" />
Furthermore, Manusmrti clearly indicates that those relations who, in their folly, live on the properties of women, their conveyances and clothes (stridhana), are committing papa (पापम्) and thus, suffer downfall.<ref name=":2" /><ref>Ganganath Jha (1920-39), Manusmrti ([ Vol.4]), Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited.</ref><blockquote>स्त्रीधनानि तु ये मोहादुपजीवन्ति बान्धवाः । नारी यानानि वस्त्रं वा ते पापा यान्त्यधोगतिम् । । ३.५२ । ।<ref name=":0" /> ''strīdhanāni tu yē mōhādupajīvanti bāndhavāḥ । nārī yānāni vastraṁ vā tē pāpā yāntyadhōgatim । । 3.52 । ।''</blockquote>It is interesting to note that Sarvajnanarayana, in his commentary on Manusmrti called Manvarthavivrti interprets the word Stridhana in a different manner. He refers to the wealth received by the parents of the bride which is given by the bridegroom.<blockquote>स्त्रिदाननिमित्ते प्राप्तानि धनानि । २.५२ । stridānanimitte prāptāni dhanāni । 2.52 ।<ref name=":7" /> </blockquote>
Furthermore, Manusmrti clearly indicates that those relations who, in their folly, live on the properties of women, their conveyances and clothes (stridhana), are committing papa (पापम्) and thus, suffer downfall.<ref name=":2" /><ref>Ganganath Jha (1920-39), Manusmrti ([ Vol.4]), Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited.</ref><blockquote>स्त्रीधनानि तु ये मोहादुपजीवन्ति बान्धवाः । नारी यानानि वस्त्रं वा ते पापा यान्त्यधोगतिम् । । ३.५२ । ।<ref name=":0" /> ''strīdhanāni tu yē mōhādupajīvanti bāndhavāḥ । nārī yānāni vastraṁ vā tē pāpā yāntyadhōgatim । । 3.52 । ।''</blockquote>It is interesting to note that Sarvajnanarayana, in his commentary on Manusmrti called Manvarthavivrti interprets the word Stridhana in a different manner. He refers to it as the wealth received by the parents of the bride given to them by the bridegroom.<blockquote>स्त्रिदाननिमित्ते प्राप्तानि धनानि । २.५२ । stridānanimitte prāptāni dhanāni । 2.52 ।<ref name=":7" /> </blockquote>
=== संयुक्तकुटुम्बेषु स्त्रीणाम् अधिकाराः ॥ Rights of Women in Joint Family ===
=== संयुक्तकुटुम्बेषु स्त्रीणाम् अधिकाराः ॥ Rights of Women in Joint Family ===

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