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→‎स्त्रीधनम् ॥ Stridhana: Adding content with reference - to be edited
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यत्पुनर्लभते नारी नीयमाना पितुर्गृहात् ।
यत्पुनर्लभते नारी नीयमाना पितुर्गृहात् ।
अध्यावहनिकं चैव स्त्रीधनं तदुदाहृतम् ।। ८९६ ।।<ref>[ Katyayana Smrti]</ref>   
अध्यावहनिकं चैव स्त्रीधनं तदुदाहृतम् ।। ८९६ ।।<ref name=":8">Katyayana Smrti, [ Stridhana lakshanam Stridhana Prakara]</ref>   
That which a women obtains when she is being taken in procession from the father's house to the bridegroom's house, is termed Stridhana of the Adhyaavahanika kind.
That which a women obtains when she is being taken in procession from the father's house to the bridegroom's house, is termed Stridhana of the Adhyaavahanika kind.
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प्रीत्या दत्तं तु यत्किंचित्श्वश्र्वा वा श्वशुरेण वा ।
प्रीत्या दत्तं तु यत्किंचित्श्वश्र्वा वा श्वशुरेण वा ।
पादवन्दनिकं चैव प्रीतिदत्तं तदुच्यते ।। ८९७ ।।'Whatever is given to a woman through affection by father-in-law and mother-in-law and whatever is received at the time of saluting the elders is termed Pritidatta (gift through affection).
पादवन्दनिकं चैव प्रीतिदत्तं तदुच्यते ।। ८९७ ।।<ref name=":8" />
'Whatever is given to a woman through affection by father-in-law and mother-in-law and whatever is received at the time of saluting the elders is termed Pritidatta (gift through affection).
Though Kā. thinks that this gift is given by the in-laws and elders in the family, ManvaMu. states that this type of gift is given by the husband. BālamBha. points out that Priti datta stridhana is of two types - when elders see the daughter-in-law for the first time and later, on account of her seva, they give her gifts out of affection.
Though Kā. thinks that this gift is given by the in-laws and elders in the family, ManvaMu. states that this type of gift is given by the husband. BālamBha. points out that Priti datta stridhana is of two types - when elders see the daughter-in-law for the first time and later, on account of her seva, they give her gifts out of affection.
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'What is given to her by the father, the mother, the son, the brother or what is received at the nuptial fire, what is received as a consolation fee for supersation, what is given by the kindreds as well as her perquisite and subsequent gifts - all this is her Stridhana.'
'What is given to her by the father, the mother, the son, the brother or what is received at the nuptial fire, what is received as a consolation fee for supersation, what is given by the kindreds as well as her perquisite and subsequent gifts - all this is her Stridhana.'
Visņu has mentioned the gift from the son as Stridhana; no one else except Yâjnavalkya has mentioned it.<ref name=":7" />
Visņu has mentioned the gift from the son as Stridhana; no one else except Yâjnavalkya has mentioned it.
The constituent features mentioned by Yajnvalkya in the definition of Stridhana are<ref name=":7" />  
पितृमातृसुतभ्रातृदत्तमध्यग्न्युपागतम् । आधिवेदनिकाद्यं च स्त्रीधनं परिकीर्तितम् ।।१४३।।  बन्धुदत्तं तथा शुल्कमन्वाधेयकमेव च । ... १४४।।<ref name=":9">[ Yajnavalkya Smrti] (1904), Pune: Anandashram</ref>
'What is given to a woman by the father, the mother, the son or the brother or received by her at the nuptial fire, as also that which was presented to her on her husband's marriage to another woman and any other is denominated as a woman's property. That which has been given to her by her kinsmen as well as her fees or gratuity or anything bestowed after marriage.'
According to the Mitakshara commentary on Yajnavalkya Smrti, the word Adya after Adhivedanika covers the property which she may have acquired by inheritance, purchase, partition, seizure or finding.<ref name=":7" />
रिक्थक्रयसंविभागपरिग्रहाधिगमप्राप्तम् एतत्स्त्रीधनम् ।<ref>Vasudev Laxman Shastri Panshikar (1936), [ Yadnyavalkyasmriti of Yogishvara Yadnyavalkya with the commentary of Mitakshara of Vidnyaneshvara], Bombay: Nirnaya Sagar Press.</ref>
Mitakshara interprets Bandhudatta as gift from kinsmen from mother's side as well as from father's side.
The word shulka is interpreted in various ways. Katyayana says,
गृहोपस्करवाह्यानां दोह्याभरणकर्मिणाम् । मूल्यं लब्धं तु यत्किंचिच्शुल्कं तत्परिकीर्तितम् ।। ८९८ ।।<ref name=":8" />
'That is declared to be sulka which is obtained as a price of household utensils, of beasts of burden, of milch cattle, ornament and slaves.
The Apararka commentary on Yajnavalkya Smrti finally concludes that<ref name=":7" />
अन्यदपि यत्स्त्रीस्वामिकं तत्स्त्रीधनम् ।<ref name=":9" />
Speaking of the rules of succession to Stridhana, Manusmrti says that the wealth obtained from the husband's family during marriage and that given by the husband himself as a token of love belongs to her progeny incase the woman dies while her husband is still alive. And if there is no offspring, the wealth belongs either to her husband or father. However, it emphasizes that any wealth given to a woman by her father shall belong to her daughter or the child of her daughter.<ref name=":6" /><ref name=":4" /><blockquote>अन्वाधेयं च यद्दत्तं पत्या प्रीतेन चैव यत् । पत्यौ जीवति वृत्तायाः प्रजायास्तद्धनं भवेत् । । ९.१९५ । ।
Speaking of the rules of succession to Stridhana, Manusmrti says that the wealth obtained from the husband's family during marriage and that given by the husband himself as a token of love belongs to her progeny incase the woman dies while her husband is still alive. And if there is no offspring, the wealth belongs either to her husband or father. However, it emphasizes that any wealth given to a woman by her father shall belong to her daughter or the child of her daughter.<ref name=":6" /><ref name=":4" /><blockquote>अन्वाधेयं च यद्दत्तं पत्या प्रीतेन चैव यत् । पत्यौ जीवति वृत्तायाः प्रजायास्तद्धनं भवेत् । । ९.१९५ । ।

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