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→‎स्त्रीधनम् ॥ Stridhana: Adding content with reference - to be edited
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'Whatever is obtained by a woman after marriage from the family of her husband and also what is similarly obtained from the family of her (father's) kinsmen is said to be anvadheya (subsequent gift). Whatever is obtained by a woman through affection after her marriage from her husband or from her parents is Anvadheya. This is the view of Bhrgu.<ref name=":7" />
'Whatever is obtained by a woman after marriage from the family of her husband and also what is similarly obtained from the family of her (father's) kinsmen is said to be anvadheya (subsequent gift). Whatever is obtained by a woman through affection after her marriage from her husband or from her parents is Anvadheya. This is the view of Bhrgu.<ref name=":7" />
Another type of Stridhana enumerated by Manu is the gift given to a woman by her husband as a token of his love. It can be identified with the term bhartrdãya used by Nārada while defining Stridhana. His definition reads
अध्यग्न्यध्यावहनिकं भर्तृदायस्तथैव च ।
भ्रातृमातृपितृभ्यश्च षड्विधं स्त्रीधनं स्मृतम् । । १३.८ । ।<ref>Narada Smrti, Vyavaharapadani, [ Dayabhaga]</ref>
However, the term bhartrdãya can be related to the share of partition of the wealth of her husband.
The illustration of Stridhana could not be restricted to number six. Mitā. has commented that elaboration of sixfold property is intended as a restriction of greater number but it should be understood as a denial of less number. Visņusmrti has included more than six categories in the interpretation Stridhana.<ref name=":7" />
पितृमातृसुतभ्रातृदत्तम्, अध्यग्न्युपागतम्, आधिवेदनिकं, बन्धुदत्तं, शुल्कम्, अन्वाधेयकं इति स्त्रीधनं । । १७.१८ । ।<ref>Vishnu Smrti, [ Adhyaya 17]</ref>
'What is given to her by the father, the mother, the son, the brother or what is received at the nuptial fire, what is received as a consolation fee for supersation, what is given by the kindreds as well as her perquisite and subsequent gifts - all this is her Stridhana.'
Visņu has mentioned the gift from the son as Stridhana; no one else except Yâjnavalkya has mentioned it.<ref name=":7" />
Speaking of the rules of succession to Stridhana, Manusmrti says that the wealth obtained from the husband's family during marriage and that given by the husband himself as a token of love belongs to her progeny incase the woman dies while her husband is still alive. And if there is no offspring, the wealth belongs either to her husband or father. However, it emphasizes that any wealth given to a woman by her father shall belong to her daughter or the child of her daughter.<ref name=":6" /><ref name=":4" /><blockquote>अन्वाधेयं च यद्दत्तं पत्या प्रीतेन चैव यत् । पत्यौ जीवति वृत्तायाः प्रजायास्तद्धनं भवेत् । । ९.१९५ । ।
Speaking of the rules of succession to Stridhana, Manusmrti says that the wealth obtained from the husband's family during marriage and that given by the husband himself as a token of love belongs to her progeny incase the woman dies while her husband is still alive. And if there is no offspring, the wealth belongs either to her husband or father. However, it emphasizes that any wealth given to a woman by her father shall belong to her daughter or the child of her daughter.<ref name=":6" /><ref name=":4" /><blockquote>अन्वाधेयं च यद्दत्तं पत्या प्रीतेन चैव यत् । पत्यौ जीवति वृत्तायाः प्रजायास्तद्धनं भवेत् । । ९.१९५ । ।

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