While Panchagni Vidya is a part of Creation in Brahmavidya as explained by the Chaandogya Upanishad, [[Nasadiya Suktam (नासदीय सूक्त)|Naasadiya Sukta]] of the Rig veda explains more about the Creation of the Universe.
While Panchagni Vidya is a part of Creation in Brahmavidya as explained by the Chandogya Upanishad, [[Nasadiya Suktam (नासदीय सूक्त)|Nasadiya Sukta]] of the Rig veda explains more about the Creation of the Universe.
Brhdaranyaka Upanishad is more transcendent or aprapancha in its approach and provides meditation techniques that are beyond the comprehension of an ordinary mind, whereas the Chaandogya Upanishad is saprapanchaka and involves the path of ordinary experience, but both the ways lead the sadhaka or seeker to the Absolute Brahman only.
Brhdaranyaka Upanishad is more transcendent or अप्रपञ्चकः ॥ aprapanchaka in its approach and provides meditation techniques that are beyond the comprehension of an ordinary mind, whereas the Chandogya Upanishad is सप्रपञ्चकः ॥ saprapanchaka and involves the path of ordinary experience, but both the ways lead the sadhaka (seeker) to the Absolute Brahman only.