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Manusmrti enforces adherence to certain qualities in the life of a Snataka subsisting through different means of livelihood. Some of the guidelines given in this regard, to help adhere to these good qualities are as follows.

अप्रसक्तिः ॥ Non-attachment

The foremost among the qualities to be fostered is Non attachment. In this regard it is said,

  • Whether one be rich or financially burdened, one should not seek to prosper through popular means, nor by forbidden occupations, nor accept welfare payments or charity. (Manu Smrt. 4.15).[1]

    नेहेतार्थान्प्रसङ्गेन न विरुद्धेन कर्मणा । न विद्यमानेष्वर्थेषु नार्त्यां अपि यतस्ततः || ४.१५ ||[2]

    nehetārthānprasaṅgena na viruddhena karmaṇā । na vidyamāneṣvartheṣu nārtyāṁ api yatastataḥ || 4.15 ||

  • One should avoid developing craving for material objects or developing an attachment to them, by reflecting on their intrinsic worthlessness. (Manu Smrt. 4.16).[1]

    इन्द्रियार्थेषु सर्वेषु न प्रसज्येत कामतः । अतिप्रसक्तिं चैतेषां मनसा संनिवर्तयेत् || ४.१६ ||[2]

    indriyārtheṣu sarveṣu na prasajyeta kāmataḥ । atiprasaktiṁ caiteṣāṁ manasā saṁnivartayet || 4.16 ||

  • Though (by your learning and experience as a priest) you may be entitled to accept presents, do not be attached (too much) to that (habit); for through accepting (many) presents the inner divine radiance is soon extinguished. (Manu Smrt. 4.186).[1] An ignorant brahmana who wishes to accept donations, sinks to the hell along with the donor like how those seated in a boat made of stone submerge in water. (Manu Smrt. 4.190).[3]

    प्रतिग्रहसमर्थोऽपि प्रसङ्गं तत्र वर्जयेत् । प्रतिग्रहेण ह्यस्याशु ब्राह्मं तेजः प्रशाम्यति || ४.१८६ ||

    अतपास्त्वनधीयानः प्रतिग्रहरुचिर्द्विजः । अम्भस्यश्मप्लवेनेव सह तेनैव मज्जति || ४.१९० ||[2]

    pratigrahasamartho'pi prasaṅgaṁ tatra varjayet । pratigraheṇa hyasyāśu brāhmaṁ tejaḥ praśāmyati || 4.186 ||

    atapāstvanadhīyānaḥ pratigraharucirdvijaḥ । ambhasyaśmaplaveneva saha tenaiva majjati || 4.190 ||

अहिंसा ॥ Non-violence

  • Never offend the teacher who initiated you, nor one who taught you anything, nor your father and mother, nor (any other) Guru, nor cows, nor priests, nor any people who are engaged in spiritual practices. (Manu Smrt. 4.162).[1]

    आचार्यं च प्रवक्तारं पितरं मातरं गुरुम् । न हिंस्याद्ब्राह्मणान्गाश्च सर्वांश्चैव तपस्विनः || ४.१६२ ||[2]

    ācāryaṁ ca pravaktāraṁ pitaraṁ mātaraṁ gurum । na hiṁsyādbrāhmaṇāngāśca sarvāṁścaiva tapasvinaḥ || 4.162 ||

  • Avoid non-belief in the Vedas, criticising the Vedas, contempt of the gods, hatred, lack of modesty, pride, anger, and harshness. (Manu Smrt. 4.163).[1]

    नास्तिक्यं वेदनिन्दां च देवतानां च कुत्सनम् । द्वेषं दम्भं च मानं च क्रोधं तैक्ष्ण्यं च वर्जयेत् || ४.१६३ ||[2]

    nāstikyaṁ vedanindāṁ ca devatānāṁ ca kutsanam । dveṣaṁ dambhaṁ ca mānaṁ ca krodhaṁ taikṣṇyaṁ ca varjayet || 4.163 ||

  • Even when angry, do not raise a stick against another person, nor strike (anybody) except a son or a pupil; those two may be beaten in order to correct them. (Manu Smrt. 4.164).[1]

    परस्य दण्डं नोद्यच्छेत्क्रुद्धो नैनं निपातयेत् । अन्यत्र पुत्राच्छिष्याद्वा शिष्ट्यर्थं ताडयेत्तु तौ || ४.१६४ ||[2]

    parasya daṇḍaṁ nodyacchetkruddho nainaṁ nipātayet । anyatra putrācchiṣyādvā śiṣṭyarthaṁ tāḍayettu tau || 4.164 ||

  • If a Grhastha picks up a stick with the intention of beating a brahmana, then he wanders for about a hundred years in the Tamisra hell. If a brahmana is struck intentionally, even with a blade of grass, in a fit of rage, then one will be born in the wombs of sinful people for twenty-one lifetimes. (Manu Smrt. 4.165 and 166).[3]

    ब्राह्मणायावगुर्यैव द्विजातिर्वधकाम्यया । शतं वर्षाणि तामिस्रे नरके परिवर्तते || ४.१६५ ||

    ताडयित्वा तृणेनापि संरम्भान्मतिपूर्वकम् । एकविंशतीं आजातीः पापयोनिषु जायते || ४.१६६ ||[2]

    brāhmaṇāyāvaguryaiva dvijātirvadhakāmyayā । śataṁ varṣāṇi tāmisre narake parivartate || 4.165 ||

    tāḍayitvā tr̥ṇenāpi saṁrambhānmatipūrvakam । ekaviṁśatīṁ ājātīḥ pāpayoniṣu jāyate || 4.166 ||

  • The man who does not engage a fight but still blood oozes out of his body; such a person obtains, after death, exceedingly great pain due to his own fault. (Manu Smrt. 4.167)[3]

    अयुध्यमानस्योत्पाद्य ब्राह्मणस्यासृगङ्गतः । दुःखं सुमहदाप्नोति प्रेत्याप्राज्ञतया नरः || ४.१६७ ||[2]

    ayudhyamānasyotpādya brāhmaṇasyāsr̥gaṅgataḥ । duḥkhaṁ sumahadāpnoti pretyāprājñatayā naraḥ || 4.167 ||

  • Talking of the fruit of violence, it is said that, as many particles of dust absorb droplets of blood from a brahmana's body, for so many years the person responsible for it is said to be troubled by the stings of blood sucking insects in the other world. And therefore, a wise man is advised to never threaten a Brahmana, nor strike him even with a blade of grass, causing his blood to flow. (Manu Smrt. 4.168 and 169).[3]

    शोणितं यावतः पांसून्संगृह्णाति महीतलात् । तावतोऽब्दानमुत्रान्यैः शोणितोत्पादकोऽद्यते || ४.१६८ ||

    न कदा चिद्द्विजे तस्माद्विद्वानवगुरेदपि । न ताडयेत्तृणेनापि न गात्रात्स्रावयेदसृक् || ४.१६९ ||[2]

    śoṇitaṁ yāvataḥ pāṁsūnsaṁgr̥hṇāti mahītalāt । tāvato'bdānamutrānyaiḥ śoṇitotpādako'dyate || 4.168 ||

    na kadā ciddvije tasmādvidvānavaguredapi । na tāḍayettr̥ṇenāpi na gātrātsrāvayedasr̥k || 4.169 ||

सत्यवादित्वम् ॥ Righteousness, truthfulness

  • One should always delight in truthfulness, obedience to Dharma, worthy conduct, and purity; pupils should be disciplined according to Dharma; always keeping the speech, actions, and belly under control. (Manu Smrt. 4.175).[1]

    सत्यधर्मार्यवृत्तेषु शौचे चैवारमेत्सदा । शिष्यांश्च शिष्याद्धर्मेण वाग्बाहूदरसंयतः || ४.१७५ ||[2]

    satyadharmāryavr̥tteṣu śauce caivārametsadā । śiṣyāṁśca śiṣyāddharmeṇa vāgbāhūdarasaṁyataḥ || 4.175 ||

  • Avoid all earnings and enjoyable pursuits, if they are opposed to Dharma, and even lawful acts which may cause pain in the future or are offensive to others. (Manu Smrt. 4.176).[1]

    परित्यजेदर्थकामौ यौ स्यातां धर्मवर्जितौ । धर्मं चाप्यसुखोदर्कं लोकसंक्रुष्टं एव च || ४.१७६ ||[2]

    parityajedarthakāmau yau syātāṁ dharmavarjitau । dharmaṁ cāpyasukhodarkaṁ lokasaṁkruṣṭaṁ eva ca || 4.176 ||

  • Neither a person who (lives) unrighteously, nor one who acquires wealth through verbal deception, nor one who always delights in doing injury, ever attain happiness in this world. (Manu Smrt. 4.170).[1]

    अधार्मिको नरो यो हि यस्य चाप्यनृतं धनम् । हिंसारतश्च यो नित्यं नेहासौ सुखम् एधते || ४.१७० ||[2]

    adhārmiko naro yo hi yasya cāpyanr̥taṁ dhanam । hiṁsārataśca yo nityaṁ nehāsau sukhaṁ edhate || 4.170 ||

  • Even though suffering in consequence of following the path of right action, never think of deviating; for one will see the speedy overthrow of unrighteous and the wicked. (Manu Smrt. 4.171).[1]

    न सीदन्नपि धर्मेण मनोऽधर्मे निवेशयेत् । अधार्मिकानां पापानां आशु पश्यन्विपर्ययम् || ४.१७१ ||[2]

    na sīdannapi dharmeṇa mano'dharme niveśayet । adhārmikānāṁ pāpānāṁ āśu paśyanviparyayam || 4.171 ||

  • Adharma, practised in this world, does not immediately produce its fruit, like a cow; but, through slow progression, it cuts off the roots of one who committed it. (Manu Smrt. 4.172).[1]

    नाधर्मश्चरितो लोके सद्यः फलति गौरिव । शनैरावर्त्यमानस्तु कर्तुर्मूलानि कृन्तति || ४.१७२ ||[2]

    nādharmaścarito loke sadyaḥ phalati gauriva । śanairāvartyamānastu karturmūlāni kr̥ntati || 4.172 ||

  • If the fruit of Adharma doesnt fall on the doer himself, it falls on his sons, if not on the sons then surely on his grandsons; but one does not get free without having to experience the fruit of one's actions. (Manu Smrt. 4.173).[3]

    यदि नात्मनि पुत्रेषु न चेत्पुत्रेषु नप्तृषु । न त्वेव तु कृतोऽधर्मः कर्तुर्भवति निष्फलः || ४.१७३ ||[2]

    yadi nātmani putreṣu na cetputreṣu naptr̥ṣu । na tveva tu kr̥to'dharmaḥ karturbhavati niṣphalaḥ || 4.173 ||

  • A person on the path of Adharma, prospers at first, through wealth, experiences happiness and conquers his enemies, but at last, he is destroyed from the roots. (Manu Smrt. 4.174).[3]

    अधर्मेणैधते तावत्ततो भद्राणि पश्यति । ततः सपत्नान्जयति समूलस्तु विनश्यति || ४.१७४ ||[2]

    adharmeṇaidhate tāvattato bhadrāṇi paśyati । tataḥ sapatnānjayati samūlastu vinaśyati || 4.174 ||

  • In short, always speak the truth, and say what is pleasing, dont utter a disagreeable truth, nor an agreeable falsehood; that is the eternal Dharma. Always give positive feedback, or just say ‘well done’ only; do not engage in a useless enmity or dispute with anybody. (Manu Smrt. 4.138 and 139).[1]

    भद्रं भद्रं इति ब्रूयाद्भद्रं इत्येव वा वदेत् । शुष्कवैरं विवादं च न कुर्यात्केन चित्सह || ४.१३९ ||[2]

    bhadraṁ bhadraṁ iti brūyādbhadraṁ ityeva vā vadet । śuṣkavairaṁ vivādaṁ ca na kuryātkena citsaha || 4.139 ||

आत्माश्रयः ॥ Self-reliance

  • One should carefully avoid all undertakings (the success of) which depends on others; but eagerly pursue that - the accomplishment of which depends on one's own effort. Everything that depends on others (gives) grief, everything that depends on oneself (gives) pleasure; know that this is the short definition of pleasure and grief. (Manu Smrt. 4.159 and 160).[1]

    यद्यत्परवशं कर्म तत्तद्यत्नेन वर्जयेत् । यद्यदात्मवशं तु स्यात्तत्तत्सेवेत यत्नतः || ४.१५९ ||

    सर्वं परवशं दुःखं सर्वं आत्मवशं सुखम् । एतद्विद्यात्समासेन लक्षणं सुखदुःखयोः || ४.१६० ||[2]

    yadyatparavaśaṁ karma tattadyatnena varjayet । yadyadātmavaśaṁ tu syāttattatseveta yatnataḥ || 4.159 ||

    sarvaṁ paravaśaṁ duḥkhaṁ sarvaṁ ātmavaśaṁ sukham । etadvidyātsamāsena lakṣaṇaṁ sukhaduḥkhayoḥ || 4.160 ||

  • Similarly, when the performance of an act gives happiness, one should continue to perform it with diligence; but avoid that which causes unhappiness. (Manu Smrt. 4.161).[1]

    यत्कर्म कुर्वतोऽस्य स्यात्परितोषोऽन्तरात्मनः । तत्प्रयत्नेन कुर्वीत विपरीतं तु वर्जयेत् || ४.१६१ ||[2]

    yatkarma kurvato'sya syātparitoṣo'ntarātmanaḥ । tatprayatnena kurvīta viparītaṁ tu varjayet || 4.161 ||

औदार्यता ॥ Generosity

  • It is said that a grhastha should do charity to the worthy during the time of sacrifices. (Manu Smrt. 4.226)[3].

    श्रद्धयेष्टं च पूर्तं च नित्यं कुर्यादतन्द्रितः । श्रद्धाकृते ह्यक्षये ते भवतः स्वागतैर्धनैः || ४.२२६ ||[2]

    śraddhayeṣṭaṁ ca pūrtaṁ ca nityaṁ kuryādatandritaḥ । śraddhākr̥te hyakṣaye te bhavataḥ svāgatairdhanaiḥ || 4.226 ||

  • In fact, one should always practise, according to one's ability, and cheerfully, the duty of generosity, both through personal sacrifice and by charitable works, if one finds a worthy recipient. (Manu Smrt. 4.227).[1]

    दानधर्मं निषेवेत नित्यं ऐष्टिकपौर्तिकम् । परितुष्टेन भावेन पात्रं आसाद्य शक्तितः || ४.२२७ ||[2]

    dānadharmaṁ niṣeveta nityaṁ aiṣṭikapaurtikam । parituṣṭena bhāvena pātraṁ āsādya śaktitaḥ || 4.227 ||

  • Whenever you are asked, always give something, no matter how little it may be, without grudging; for a worthy recipient will (perhaps) be found who will justify your donation. (Manu Smrt. 4.228).[1] It is said that, the one who gives water obtains satisfaction, giving food provides unending happiness, giving sesame endows one with desirable offspring, while donation of a lamp gives one an excellent eyesight. A donation of land endows land, that of gold a long life, a house endows a house in return and silver endows one with exquisite beauty. A giver of a garment secures a place in the Chandra loka, giving a horse one secures a place in the loka of the Asvina kumaras, a donation of an Ox brings all wealth and a cow secures the giver the loka of the Sun. One who helps in transport and provides a shelter obtains all wealth, a giver of grains attains eternal bliss and the teacher of the Veda attains the world of Brahma. (Manu Smrt. 4.229, 230, 231 and 232).[3]

    यत्किं चिदपि दातव्यं याचितेनानसूयया । उत्पत्स्यते हि तत्पात्रं यत्तारयति सर्वतः || ४.२२८ ||

    वारिदस्तृप्तिं आप्नोति सुखं अक्षय्यं अन्नदः । तिलप्रदः प्रजां इष्टां दीपदश्चक्षुरुत्तमम् || ४.२२९ ||

    भूमिदो भूमिं आप्नोति दीर्घं आयुर्हिरण्यदः । गृहदोऽग्र्याणि वेश्मानि रूप्यदो रूपं उत्तमम् || ४.२३० ||

    वासोदश्चन्द्रसालोक्यं अश्विसालोक्यं अश्वदः । अनडुहः श्रियं पुष्टां गोदो ब्रध्नस्य विष्टपम् || ४.२३१ ||

    यानशय्याप्रदो भार्यां ऐश्वर्यं अभयप्रदः । धान्यदः शाश्वतं सौख्यं ब्रह्मदो ब्रह्मसार्ष्टिताम् || ४.२३२ ||[2]

    yatkiṁ cidapi dātavyaṁ yācitenānasūyayā । utpatsyate hi tatpātraṁ yattārayati sarvataḥ || 4.228 ||

    vāridastr̥ptiṁ āpnoti sukhaṁ akṣayyaṁ annadaḥ । tilapradaḥ prajāṁ iṣṭāṁ dīpadaścakṣuruttamam || 4.229 ||

    bhūmido bhūmiṁ āpnoti dīrghaṁ āyurhiraṇyadaḥ । gr̥hado'gryāṇi veśmāni rūpyado rūpaṁ uttamam || 4.230 ||

    vāsodaścandrasālokyaṁ aśvisālokyaṁ aśvadaḥ । anaḍuhaḥ śriyaṁ puṣṭāṁ godo bradhnasya viṣṭapam || 4.231 ||

    yānaśayyāprado bhāryāṁ aiśvaryaṁ abhayapradaḥ । dhānyadaḥ śāśvataṁ saukhyaṁ brahmado brahmasārṣṭitām || 4.232 ||

  • The gift of knowledge surpasses all other gifts, water, food, cows, land, clothes, sesame, gold, and clarified butter. (Manu Smrt. 4.233).[1]

    सर्वेषां एव दानानां ब्रह्मदानं विशिष्यते । वार्यन्नगोमहीवासस् तिलकाञ्चनसर्पिषाम् || ४.२३३ ||[2]

    sarveṣāṁ eva dānānāṁ brahmadānaṁ viśiṣyate । vāryannagomahīvāsas tilakāñcanasarpiṣām || 4.233 ||

  • It is also to be noted that the Satvik or Rajasic sentiment with which a donation is made, the fruit of that sentiment is also borne by the giver. (Manu Smrt. 4.234).[3]

    येन येन तु भावेन यद्यद्दानं प्रयच्छति । तत्तत्तेनैव भावेन प्राप्नोति प्रतिपूजितः || ४.२३४ ||[2]

    yena yena tu bhāvena yadyaddānaṁ prayacchati । tattattenaiva bhāvena prāpnoti pratipūjitaḥ || 4.234 ||

  • Both, the one who respectfully receives a donation, and one who respectfully bestows it, obtain the fruit of heaven; if not, they both reach the hell. (Manu Smrt. 4.235).[3]

    योऽर्चितं प्रतिगृह्णाति ददात्यर्चितं एव वा । तावुभौ गच्छतः स्वर्गं नरकं तु विपर्यये || ४.२३५ ||[2]

    yo'rcitaṁ pratigr̥hṇāti dadātyarcitaṁ eva vā । tāvubhau gacchataḥ svargaṁ narakaṁ tu viparyaye || 4.235 ||

  • Not boasting of accomplishing tapas, not lying having performed a sacrifice, not insulting even if pained by behaviour and not boasting of one's donation - these are the qualities of a good person. (Manu Smrt. 4.237).[3]

    यज्ञोऽनृतेन क्षरति तपः क्षरति विस्मयात् । आयुर्विप्रापवादेन दानं च परिकीर्तनात् || ४.२३७ ||[2]

    yajño'nr̥tena kṣarati tapaḥ kṣarati vismayāt । āyurviprāpavādena dānaṁ ca parikīrtanāt || 4.237 ||

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 Pt. Sri Rama Ramanuja Acharya, The Laws of Manu for the 21st Century, srimatham.com
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 Manusmrti, Adhyaya 4.
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 Pt. Girija Prasad Dvivedi (1917), The Manusmriti, Lucknow: Naval Kishore Press.