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प्रकृतिः ॥

प्रकृति is the root. It is of two types

  1. प्रातिपदिक
  2. धातु

प्रातिपदिकम् ॥

Name or label of any entity. The meaning of the प्रातिपदिक is the entity. The meaning of a प्रातिपदिक will be context independent. We can find the meaning of प्रातिपदिक in the dictionary.

Eg: राम कृष्ण पुस्तक नगर संस्कृत


Definition in अष्टाध्यायी - अर्थवदधातुरप्रत्ययः प्रातिपदिकम् (१/२/४५) - प्रातिपदिक as the group of वर्णs which has a meaning, is not a धातु and also is not a प्रत्यय.


Two types of meaning of a प्रातिपदिक -

  • रूढि - Meaning is based on the usage in the language. The meaning of the प्रातिपदिक, does not need to be derived from its etymology.

Eg : बाल means boy, कूप means well

  • योग - Meaning derived from its etymology.

Eg: 1. नर्तक - dancer,

धातु - नृत् (to dance) + प्रत्यय - ष्वुन् (doer).

2. दाशरथि - Son of दशरथ,

प्रातिपदिक - दशरथ ( King Dasharatha) + प्रत्यय - इञ् (son of)

Gender of प्रातिपदिक

प्रातिपदिक will have a gender either नियतलिङ्ग or विशेष्यनिघ्न.

  • नियतलिङ्ग - Intrinsically fixed (not based on the gender of its meaning)

पुंल्लिङ्ग - Masculine, Eg: घट, धातु, प्रत्यय

स्त्रीलिङ्ग - Feminine, Eg: अजा, बुद्धि, नदी, लेखनी

नपुंसकलिङ्ग - Neuter, Eg: फल, पुस्तक, प्रातिपदिक

  • विशेष्यनिघ्न - The gender of this type of प्रातिपदिक (विशेषण, qualifier) will follow the gender of another प्रातिपदिक (qualified, विशेष्य) that it is referring to in the given context.

Eg: नीलः मेघः , नीला पेटिका , नीलम् कमलम्

धातुः ॥

the action. The meaning of a धातु is context independent. We can find the meaning of धातु in the धातु-कोश. General meaning is always mentioned along with the धातु.

Eg : भू सत्तायाम, डु कृञ् करणे, डु कृञ् करणे, पठँ व्यक्तायां वाचि, गम्लँ गतौ


Definition in अष्टाध्यायी - भूवादयो धातवः (१/३/१) - any element of the list (गण) starting from भू सत्तायां is called a धातु.

classifications of धातु

Different classifications of धातु -

  • सकर्मक-अकर्मक - Dependent on क्रिया (meaning of धातु).

Eg : सकर्मक - गमॣँ गतौ - to go, अकर्मक - शीङ् स्वप्ने - to sleep

  • परस्मैपदी-आत्मनेपदि-उभयपदी - There are two sets of प्रत्ययs called परस्मैपद and आत्मनेपद. Classified based on which set of प्रत्यय the धातु can take.

परस्मैपदी - The धातुs that take only परस्मैपद-प्रत्ययs.(गमॣँ)

आत्मनेपदि - The धातुs that take only आत्मनेपद-प्रत्ययs.(वदिँ)

उभयपदी - The धातुs that take both. (डु पचष्)

  • दश-गण - Classified into ten groups called गणs, based on the kind of transformation not based on the meaning.

प्रत्ययः ॥

There are two sets of प्रत्ययs

  • सुप्, a set of 21 प्रत्ययs that can be added to प्रातिपदिकs only
  • तिङ्, a set of 18 प्रत्ययs that can be added to धातुs only.

The result of these will be a पद, which are used in the sentences .

पदम् ॥

  • कथा/प्रकरण/काव्य/ग्रन्थ - Set of related वाक्यs (sentences) in form of गद्य (prose) or पद्य (poem)
  • वाक्य - Set of related पदs (words), no necessity of word order (english needs word order). This is the basic unit of communication .
  • पद - It is a combination of प्रकृति (roots) and प्रत्यय (suffix) and sometimes उपसर्ग (prefix). These are the ones that are found in the sentences and indicates क्रियाs, कारकs and other relations.
  • पद (सुप्तिङन्तं पदम् १-४-१४)

प्रातिपदिक + सुप्-प्रत्यय => सुबन्त-पद

धातु + तिङ्-प्रत्यय => तिङन्त-पद (तिङ्गत-क्रियापद)