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According to Varaahapuranam<ref>[ Varahapuranam from ''The Puranas'' by Dharmic Scriptures Team (English Translation Pages 404 to 407)]</ref>, Nachiketa's father regrets cursing his son and after his anger subsides tries to convince him against going to the abode of Yama. सत्येन वेदा गायन्ति सत्ये लोकाः प्रतिष्ठिताः ।। ३९ ।। (Vara. Pura. 193.39) He convinces his father that one should truthfully abide by his word for Satya is the base for the existence of the worlds.
*नचिकेतसो आगमनवर्णनम् (Vara. Pura. 194) After his return from Yamapuri, Nachiketa is welcomed by his delighted father and people throng to see him and seek his experiences of his stay there.
*यमलोकस्थपापिवर्णनम् (Vara. Pura. 195) where he describes the people पापिनः who go to Naraka to taste the पापकर्मफलं || fruits of his bad actions.
*धर्मराजपुरवर्णनं (Vara. Pura. 196) where he describes the spanning golden abode of Yama filled with great rishis and divine grandeur. Dharmarajapuri is the seat of the devi who is worshiped by Yama and also seen there is Kaala, ferocious and ever youthful.
*संसारचक्रे कृतान्तकालमृत्युकिङ्करवर्णनं (Vara. Pura. 197) He describes a few Narakas (Tapta, mahatapta, raourava among others) and what deeds make a person go there (karma vipaka) and that it is Chitragupta who maintains the record of all deeds, good or bad, of every person.
*संसारचक्रयातनास्वरूपवर्णनम् || the cycle of man's sorrows in the world (Vara. Pura. 198 and 199). Again the description of bad unworthy deeds and different punishments meted out are explained. Nachiketa's praise of Yama is given in a stuti.
*नरकयातनास्वरूपवर्णनम् || Narakayatana swaroopam (Vara. Pura. 198 199, 200) As the name indicates this adhyaya gives a full description of the Narakas (Maharourava, Rourava, Kumbhipaaka) kinds of punishments including the details of the instruments (suffering caused by piercing of sharp objects, fires, heated oils etc) and time the punishments are given. What fate one experiences in these narakas, are vividly described.
*नारकिदण्डनकर्मविपाकवर्णनम् (Vara. Pura. 201 to 204) The details of various bad deeds (sins) such as one who abandons his parents, stealing (gold, salt, food), conniving, giving false witness, liars and the corresponding punishments are they obtain are described here. After suffering for the sins, they take birth in various lower life forms (trees, donkeys, pigs). Souls of virtuous people were sent to the heaven. People who attain martyrdom in wars and battles were sent to Indrapuri,while those engaged in virtuous deeds all their lives are rewarded.
*शुभकर्मफलोदय प्रकरणम् (Vara. Pura 206) The rewards for good deeds are described here.
*पापनाशोपायवर्णनम् (Vara. Pura 211) Here the description of prayaschitta for different bad deeds are given by Yama. पंचगव्यं तु यः पिबेत् - one who drinks the Panchagavya, does go-seva are relieved from sins.
Thus Nachiketa shares his experiences in Yamapuri.

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