The mere knowledge of the rules of Dharma, however does not make a man 'Dharmishta' i.e., a man acting always in conformity with Dharma. Therefore, Dharma has to be ingrained in the mind of every individual from child hood. Just as triple antigen for giving immunity to the body against dreaded disease has to be administered to a young child for giving immunity to the mind against sinful thoughts Dharma- the sextuple antigen has to be administered to the mind of an individual as part of education. It is a slow but a sure process. This process was called 'Samskara'. | The mere knowledge of the rules of Dharma, however does not make a man 'Dharmishta' i.e., a man acting always in conformity with Dharma. Therefore, Dharma has to be ingrained in the mind of every individual from child hood. Just as triple antigen for giving immunity to the body against dreaded disease has to be administered to a young child for giving immunity to the mind against sinful thoughts Dharma- the sextuple antigen has to be administered to the mind of an individual as part of education. It is a slow but a sure process. This process was called 'Samskara'. |