While there may be doubts from the very fact as to how his name should be spelt (as Kautalya or Kautilya) to even whether he truly scripted the Arthashastram , the world still believes with evidences provided by exponents that he is the architect of this monumental work. He was called Kautila because he belonged to Kautalyagotra. Born at 'Canaka' in Punjab as it is believed, he was called Canakya but later baptized to Visnugupts by his parents. Hence the names Kautalya, Canakya and Visnugupta are the resounding names in literature. The Chanakya Neeti is nothing but a political strategy suggesting ways and means to combat any administrative and political eventuality Single and brahmin, simple yet bold and scheming Chanakya was known to achieve his ultimate purpose regardless of the means (referred also as Indian Machiavelli) employed as he never admitted defeat of purpose due to means unsuited to the end. | While there may be doubts from the very fact as to how his name should be spelt (as Kautalya or Kautilya) to even whether he truly scripted the Arthashastram , the world still believes with evidences provided by exponents that he is the architect of this monumental work. He was called Kautila because he belonged to Kautalyagotra. Born at 'Canaka' in Punjab as it is believed, he was called Canakya but later baptized to Visnugupts by his parents. Hence the names Kautalya, Canakya and Visnugupta are the resounding names in literature. The Chanakya Neeti is nothing but a political strategy suggesting ways and means to combat any administrative and political eventuality Single and brahmin, simple yet bold and scheming Chanakya was known to achieve his ultimate purpose regardless of the means (referred also as Indian Machiavelli) employed as he never admitted defeat of purpose due to means unsuited to the end. |