[[Pramana (प्रमाणम्)|Pramana]], the instrument of valid cognition is one of the most unique concepts that have originated on Bharatavarsha. As we see in the table<ref>Paper Presentation by Prof. K. Subrahmanayam titled ''[https://groups.google.com/d/msg/bvparishat/xY1Y-wdPeSo/CKzUaFPABwAJ Pramāṇas in Indian Philosophy]''</ref>, all Astika darshanas admit at least three of the [[ShadPramanas (षड्प्रमाणाः)|Shad Pramanas]] accepted namely, Pratyaksha, Anumana and Shabda. | [[Pramana (प्रमाणम्)|Pramana]], the instrument of valid cognition is one of the most unique concepts that have originated on Bharatavarsha. As we see in the table<ref>Paper Presentation by Prof. K. Subrahmanayam titled ''[https://groups.google.com/d/msg/bvparishat/xY1Y-wdPeSo/CKzUaFPABwAJ Pramāṇas in Indian Philosophy]''</ref>, all Astika darshanas admit at least three of the [[ShadPramanas (षड्प्रमाणाः)|Shad Pramanas]] accepted namely, Pratyaksha, Anumana and Shabda. |