When the householder notices his wrinkles and greyness, and sees his child's child, then he should retire to the forest.<ref name=":2">Ganganath Jha (1920-39), Manusmrti ([https://archive.org/details/manusmritiwithmedhatithisbhashyaenggnjhavol5_202003_709_l/page/962/mode/2up?view=theater Vol.5]), Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited.</ref> | When the householder notices his wrinkles and greyness, and sees his child's child, then he should retire to the forest.<ref name=":2">Ganganath Jha (1920-39), Manusmrti ([https://archive.org/details/manusmritiwithmedhatithisbhashyaenggnjhavol5_202003_709_l/page/962/mode/2up?view=theater Vol.5]), Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited.</ref> |