Indian psychology involves the study of the Jiva (जीवः) referred to in Vedanta (sometimes as Jivatma), as a composite human being. As per Vedanta, a jiva is conceived as a multilayered living entity, consisting of body ([[Sharira (शरीरम्)|Sharira]]), mind ([[Manas (मनः)|Manas]]), and consciousness ([[Atman (आत्मन्)|Atman]]). A summary of the features of Jiva is as follows | Indian psychology involves the study of the Jiva (जीवः) referred to in Vedanta (sometimes as Jivatma), as a composite human being. As per Vedanta, a jiva is conceived as a multilayered living entity, consisting of body ([[Sharira (शरीरम्)|Sharira]]), mind ([[Manas (मनः)|Manas]]), and consciousness ([[Atman (आत्मन्)|Atman]]). A summary of the features of Jiva is as follows |