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After studying this lesson, you will be able to :

• explain the terms Asana and Pranayama;

• list the types of Asana and Pranayama;

• describe the objectives and benefits of Asana and Pranayama;


• adopt the correct procedure for undertaking Asana and


== 3.4 PRANAYAMA ==
Prana means ‘energy’ and Ayama is ‘to regulate’. Pranayama is

the practice by which one can regulates the vital energy.

Pranayama helps to make the breath slow and rhythmic. When

the breath slows down, mind becomes calm. It is the practice of

using the breath to soothe the fluctuations of ‘chitta’ or the active

thinking mind.

Benefits of Pranayama

• It improves blood circulation

• It relaxes the body and mind

• It improves your concentration skills

• It releases anxiety

• It improves the lung capacity

There are four types of Pranayama:

I. Vitalizing Pranayama: Kapalabhati is one of the yoga

vitalizing prnayama. 'Kapalbhati' means 'shining forehead' in



• It removes carbon-dioxide from your body,

• Makes you feel fresh, oxygenated and vitalized.

II. Balancing Pranayama: Nadi Shuddhi pranayama is a

blancing pranayama using alternate nostril breathing. Shuddhi means ‘to purify’. The practice balances the flow of breath

through both the right and left nostrils.


• The deeper breathing enriches the blood with oxygen.

• This pranayama strengthens the respiratory system and

balances the nervous system.

• It helps to relieve nervousness and headaches.

III. Cooling Pranayama: Chandra Anluloma Viloma Pranayama

is a cooling Prnayama. It is done in which both inhalation

and exhalation is done through left nostril adopting Nasika



• It helps in cooling down the body

• It is beneficial for anxiety and mental tension

• It will help to calm down the mind

• It is not advisable to practice in winter

IV. Laya or Silencing Pranayama - Bhramari is a Laya or

Silencing Pranayama. This Pranyama helps to reduce stress and

anger and brings calmness and silence within you. Bhramari is derived from

Bhramara which means a

'black humming bee'. In this

pranayama, the practitioner

makes the sound which

resembles the buzzing sound of

a black bee which brings

calmness and silencing of



• It helps to reduce anger.

• It helps in improving concentration

and memory.

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