Srotas or srotosharera is a significant and distinct topic in Ayurveda anatomy which in literal means a pathway or channel or a bodily transport system. They carry dhatus and are completely different structures from arteries, veins, lymphatics etc. Each srotas has its own moolasthana or seat or origin, which mostly is organ specific. Srotas are innumerable but most important functional aspects appear in 13 internal srotas mentioned by Acharyas. Even though srotas in literal definition mean channels, but their purpose is far more than just being a transport system. They secrete or ooze as well and have the properties of the dhatu they carry. | Srotas or srotosharera is a significant and distinct topic in Ayurveda anatomy which in literal means a pathway or channel or a bodily transport system. They carry dhatus and are completely different structures from arteries, veins, lymphatics etc. Each srotas has its own moolasthana or seat or origin, which mostly is organ specific. Srotas are innumerable but most important functional aspects appear in 13 internal srotas mentioned by Acharyas. Even though srotas in literal definition mean channels, but their purpose is far more than just being a transport system. They secrete or ooze as well and have the properties of the dhatu they carry. |