In the Rigveda we find Suktas of different kinds based on the subject matter. They include topics such as manovijnana (science of the mind or psychology) and bhashavijnana (science of language) along with srsthi-utpatti (the origin of creation), ayurveda (science of health), darshanika tattva (philosophy), adhyatmika tattva (spirituality) etc. Apart from topic based suktas, we have samvada suktas based on conversation between two characters (deities, rshis etc).<ref name=":6" />
In the Rigveda we find Suktas of different kinds based on the subject matter. They include topics such as manovijnana (science of the mind or psychology) and bhashavijnana (science of language) along with srsthi-utpatti (the origin of creation), ayurveda (science of health), darshanika tattva (philosophy), adhyatmika tattva (spirituality) etc. Apart from topic based suktas, we have samvada suktas based on conversation between two characters (deities, rshis etc).<ref name=":6" /> The suktas are placed under the following heads.
(1) देवस्तुतिपरकसूक्त - Suktas primarily in praise and worship of devatas, example - Agni Sukta
(2) दार्शनिक सूक्त - Suktas describing the philosophical tattvas, example - Purusha Sukta
(3) लौकिक सूक्त - Suktas describing the worldy affairs, example - Vivaha Sukta
(4) संवाद सूक्त - Suktas where there is a conversation between two beings may or may not have an associated legend, example - Sarama Pani Samvada Sukta
(5) आख्यान सूक्त - Suktas which narrate a legend, example - Shyavashva Sukta
Important suktas found in the Rigveda include<ref name=":6" />
Important suktas found in the Rigveda include<ref name=":6" />