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== तैत्तिरीयसंहितायाः भाष्यकाराः ॥ Commentators of Taittiriya Samhita ==
Taittiriya Samhita is an important Samhita belonging to the Krishna Yajurveda. Sayanacharya, known for his scholarly commentaries on 5 vedic samhitas, 11 brahmana texts and 2 aranyaka texts, wrote his first bhashya text on the Taittiriya Samhita. However, there have been commentaries on the Taittiriya Samhita even before that of Sayanacharya's. And this is known to us from the mention of these commentators in the works of later writers. Of the various commentaries on the Taittiriya Samhita, the one by Bhatta Bhaskara Mishra is available in entirety.

=== कुण्डिनः ॥ Kundina ===
Kundina wrote a vrtti on Taittiriya Samhita. This is known from the following shloka from the Kandanukramani

यस्याः पदकृदात्रेयो वृत्तिकारस्तु कुण्डिनः ।

Atreya is the author of the padapatha of Taittiriya Samhita. The mention of Kundina, as the author of a vrtti on Taittiriya Samhita, along with Atreya suggests his antiquity. However, neither the work nor any other details is available about Kundina.

=== भवस्वामी ॥ Bhavasvami ===
That Acharya Bhavasvami has written a bhashya on Taittiriya Samhita is known from the following statement of Keshavasvami in his Baudhayana Prayogasara.

भवस्वामिमतानुसारिणा मया तु उभयमप्यंगीकृत्य प्रयोगसारः क्रियते ।

Bhaskara Bhatta also mentions Bhavasvami at the beginning of his bhashya reiterating that Bhavasvami was a commentator on the Taittiriya Samhita.

=== गुहदेवः ॥ Guhadeva ===
Devaraja Yajva in his Nighantu bhashya has mentioned the explanation given by Guhadeva for the word ’गरगिरः’ occuring in the Taittiriya Aranyaka mantra ’रश्मयश्च देवा गरगिरः’ | which is as follows:

तथा च ’रश्मयश्च देवा गरगिरः’ इत्यत्र गुहदेवः ’गरमुदकं गिरन्ति पिबन्तीति गरगिरः इति भाष्यं कृतवान् ।

This shows that Guhadeva was a commentator of the Taittiriya Samhita.

Moreover, Ramanujacharya also mentions the name of Guhadeva in his Vedartha Samgraha as follows:

यथोदितक्रमपरिणतभक्त्येकलभ्य एव भगवद्बोधायनटंकगुहदेवकपर्दिभारुचिप्रभृत्यविगीतशिष्टपरिगृहीतपुरातनवेदवेदान्तव्याख्यानसुव्यतार्थश्रुतिनिकरनिदर्शितोऽयं पन्थाः ।<ref>Baldev Upadhyay (1955), [ Vaidik Sahitya], Kashi</ref>

== References ==

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