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== भक्तः || Bhakta ==
== भक्तः || Bhakta ==
* उत्तमभक्ता यथा, “ज्ञात्वाज्ञात्वाथ ये वै मां यावान् यश्चास्मि यादृशः । भजन्त्यनेन भावेन ते मे भक्ततमा मताः ॥”
In the Bhagavata Purana 11th Skandha 11th Adhyaya, Shri Krishna says, <blockquote>ज्ञात्वाज्ञात्वाथ ये वै मां यावान्यश्चास्मि यादृशः | भजन्त्यनन्यभावेन ते मे भक्ततमा मताः ||११.११.३३॥<ref name=":3">Bhagavata Purana, Skandha 11, [ Adhyaya 11]</ref></blockquote><blockquote>''jñātvājñātvātha ye vai māṁ yāvānyaścāsmi yādr̥śaḥ | bhajantyananyabhāvena te me bhaktatamā matāḥ ||11.11.33॥''</blockquote>Meaning: Knowing who I am, what is my extent and what is my nature or even without knowing these, those who worship me exclusively, they are definitely regarded by me as the best of devotees.<ref name=":4">Bhagavata Purana, [ Skandha 11], Gorakhpur: Gita Press.</ref>
* मध्यमभक्तो यथा, -- “ईश्वरे तदधीने वा वालिशेषु द्बिषत्सु च । प्रेममैत्रीकृपोपेक्षा यः करोति स मध्यमः ॥”
* प्राकृतभक्तो यथा, -- “अर्च्चायामेव हरये पूजां यः श्रद्धयेहते । न तद्भक्तेषु चान्येषु स भक्तः प्राकृतः स्मृतः ॥” इति श्रीहरिभक्तिविलासः ॥
Moreover, expressions such as 'He is devoted to him', 'He is attached to him', are not applicable to one who worships through fear or force though there be the knowledge that one is adorable, etc.
अपि च बलाद्भयाद् वा नमस्कार्यत्वादिज्ञानवत्यपि भक्तोऽयमनुरक्तोऽयमिति व्यवहारापत्तेः ।
In fact, speaking to Uddhava, he further enumerates the marks of a great devotee as follows: <blockquote>मल्लिङ्गमद्भक्तजन दर्शनस्पर्शनार्चनम् | परिचर्या स्तुतिः प्रह्व गुणकर्मानुकीर्तनम् ॥ ३४ ॥</blockquote><blockquote>मत्कथाश्रवणे श्रद्धा मदनुध्यानमुद्धव । सर्वलाभोपहरणं दास्येनात्मनिवेदनम् ॥ ३५ ॥</blockquote><blockquote>मज्जन्मकर्मकथनं मम पर्वानुमोदनम् । गीतताण्डववादित्र गोष्ठीभिर्मद्गृहोत्सवः ॥ ३६ ॥</blockquote><blockquote>यात्रा बलिविधानं च सर्ववार्षिकपर्वसु । वैदिकी तान्त्रिकी दीक्षा मदीयव्रतधारणम् ॥ ३७ ॥</blockquote><blockquote>ममार्चास्थापने श्रद्धा स्वतः संहत्य चोद्यमः । उद्यानोपवनाक्रीड पुरमन्दिरकर्मणि ॥ ३८ ॥</blockquote><blockquote>सम्मार्जनोपलेपाभ्यां सेकमण्डलवर्तनैः । गृहशुश्रूषणं मह्यं दासवद्यदमायया ॥ ३९ ॥</blockquote><blockquote>अमानित्वमदम्भित्वं कृतस्यापरिकीर्तनम् । अपि दीपावलोकं मे नोपयुञ्ज्यान्निवेदितम् ॥ ४० ॥<ref name=":3" /></blockquote><blockquote>''malliṅgamadbhaktajana darśanasparśanārcanam | paricaryā stutiḥ prahva guṇakarmānukīrtanam ॥ 34 ॥''</blockquote><blockquote>''matkathāśravaṇe śraddhā madanudhyānamuddhava । sarvalābhopaharaṇaṁ dāsyenātmanivedanam ॥ 35 ॥''</blockquote><blockquote>''majjanmakarmakathanaṁ mama parvānumodanam । gītatāṇḍavavāditra goṣṭhībhirmadgr̥hotsavaḥ ॥ 36 ॥''</blockquote><blockquote>''yātrā balividhānaṁ ca sarvavārṣikaparvasu । vaidikī tāntrikī dīkṣā madīyavratadhāraṇam ॥ 37 ॥''</blockquote><blockquote>''mamārcāsthāpane śraddhā svataḥ saṁhatya codyamaḥ । udyānopavanākrīḍa puramandirakarmaṇi ॥ 38 ॥''</blockquote><blockquote>''sammārjanopalepābhyāṁ sekamaṇḍalavartanaiḥ । gr̥haśuśrūṣaṇaṁ mahyaṁ dāsavadyadamāyayā ॥ 39 ॥''</blockquote><blockquote>''amānitvamadambhitvaṁ kr̥tasyāparikīrtanam । api dīpāvalokaṁ me nopayuñjyānniveditam ॥ 40 ॥''</blockquote>That is,
* To behold, feel and worship my representations (like Saligrama, etc.) and my devotees; render service, eulogise, extol and sing the glory of my excellences and deeds with utmost humbleness.
* Listening to my stories with deep belief, constantly meditating upon me, offering to me all that one acquires, surrendering oneself to me entirely with an intent to serve me.
* Retelling (stories of) my birth (avatara) and deeds, participating joyously in my festivities (like Janmashtami), celebrating my festivals in my temples by singing, playing musical instrumentals and dancing.
* Undertaking a pilgrimage (to places sacred to me) on all annual festivals along with appropriate offerings, to get initiated into the Vedic and Tantric tradition of worshipping me and observing vratas sacred to me (like fasting on Ekadashi day).
* Devout enthusiasm in instilling my image (in temples), endevouring individually or collectively in laying out gardens, orchards, playgrounds and construction of temples.
* Rendering service in places of my residence (temple) like a sincere servant by sweeping and washing, plastering the floor with cow-dung and decorating it with ornamental drawings/figures without expecting anything in return for this service.
* Being free from arrogance and not priding, especially in the display of service rendered by oneself.
* Not bringing to personal use anything that is offered to me like the lamp.<ref name=":4" />
While Svapneshvara, in his commentary on the Shandilya Bhakti Sutras, quotes the Mahabharata where Maharshi Vyasa explains what are the qualities that are never to be found in a devotee of Purushottama. He says,<blockquote>न क्रोधो न च मात्सर्यं न लोभो नाशुभा मतिः । भवन्ति कृतपुण्यानां भक्तानां पुरुषोत्तमे ||</blockquote><blockquote>''na krodho na ca mātsaryaṁ na lobho nāśubhā matiḥ । bhavanti kr̥tapuṇyānāṁ bhaktānāṁ puruṣottame ||''</blockquote>Meaning: Neither anger nor envy, neither greed nor any other impure thought has any influence over the righteous ones, who are devoted to Purushottama.
In the Mahabharata, Maharshi Vyasa also explains what are the qualities that are never to be found in a devotee of Purushottama. He says,<blockquote>न क्रोधो न च मात्सर्यं न लोभो नाशुभा मतिः । भवन्ति कृतपुण्यानां भक्तानां पुरुषोत्तमे ||</blockquote><blockquote>''na krodho na ca mātsaryaṁ na lobho nāśubhā matiḥ । bhavanti kr̥tapuṇyānāṁ bhaktānāṁ puruṣottame ||''</blockquote>Meaning: Neither anger nor envy, neither greed nor any other impure thought has any influence over the righteous ones, who are devoted to Purushottama.<ref name=":0" /><ref name=":1" /><blockquote>ज्ञात्वाज्ञात्वाथ ये वै मां यावान्यश्चास्मि यादृशः | भजन्त्यनन्यभावेन ते मे भक्ततमा मताः ||११.११.३३॥<ref name=":3">Bhagavata Purana, Skandha 11, [ Adhyaya 11]</ref></blockquote><blockquote>''jñātvājñātvātha ye vai māṁ yāvānyaścāsmi yādr̥śaḥ | bhajantyananyabhāvena te me bhaktatamā matāḥ ||11.11.33॥''</blockquote>Meaning: Knowing who I am, what is my extent and what is my nature or even without knowing these, those who worship me exclusively, they are definitely regarded by me as the best of devotees.<ref name=":4">Bhagavata Purana, [ Skandha 11], Gorakhpur: Gita Press.</ref><blockquote>मल्लिङ्गमद्भक्तजन दर्शनस्पर्शनार्चनम् | परिचर्या स्तुतिः प्रह्व गुणकर्मानुकीर्तनम् ॥ ३४ ॥</blockquote><blockquote>मत्कथाश्रवणे श्रद्धा मदनुध्यानमुद्धव । सर्वलाभोपहरणं दास्येनात्मनिवेदनम् ॥ ३५ ॥</blockquote><blockquote>मज्जन्मकर्मकथनं मम पर्वानुमोदनम् । गीतताण्डववादित्र गोष्ठीभिर्मद्गृहोत्सवः ॥ ३६ ॥</blockquote><blockquote>यात्रा बलिविधानं च सर्ववार्षिकपर्वसु । वैदिकी तान्त्रिकी दीक्षा मदीयव्रतधारणम् ॥ ३७ ॥</blockquote><blockquote>ममार्चास्थापने श्रद्धा स्वतः संहत्य चोद्यमः । उद्यानोपवनाक्रीड पुरमन्दिरकर्मणि ॥ ३८ ॥</blockquote><blockquote>सम्मार्जनोपलेपाभ्यां सेकमण्डलवर्तनैः । गृहशुश्रूषणं मह्यं दासवद्यदमायया ॥ ३९ ॥</blockquote><blockquote>अमानित्वमदम्भित्वं कृतस्यापरिकीर्तनम् । अपि दीपावलोकं मे नोपयुञ्ज्यान्निवेदितम् ॥ ४० ॥<ref name=":3" /></blockquote><blockquote>''malliṅgamadbhaktajana darśanasparśanārcanam | paricaryā stutiḥ prahva guṇakarmānukīrtanam ॥ 34 ॥''</blockquote><blockquote>''matkathāśravaṇe śraddhā madanudhyānamuddhava । sarvalābhopaharaṇaṁ dāsyenātmanivedanam ॥ 35 ॥''</blockquote><blockquote>''majjanmakarmakathanaṁ mama parvānumodanam । gītatāṇḍavavāditra goṣṭhībhirmadgr̥hotsavaḥ ॥ 36 ॥''</blockquote><blockquote>''yātrā balividhānaṁ ca sarvavārṣikaparvasu । vaidikī tāntrikī dīkṣā madīyavratadhāraṇam ॥ 37 ॥''</blockquote><blockquote>''mamārcāsthāpane śraddhā svataḥ saṁhatya codyamaḥ । udyānopavanākrīḍa puramandirakarmaṇi ॥ 38 ॥''</blockquote><blockquote>''sammārjanopalepābhyāṁ sekamaṇḍalavartanaiḥ । gr̥haśuśrūṣaṇaṁ mahyaṁ dāsavadyadamāyayā ॥ 39 ॥''</blockquote><blockquote>''amānitvamadambhitvaṁ kr̥tasyāparikīrtanam । api dīpāvalokaṁ me nopayuñjyānniveditam ॥ 40 ॥''</blockquote>Meaning: To behold, feel and worship my representations (like Saligrama, etc.) and my devotees, render service, eulogise, extol and sing the glory of my excellences and deeds with utmost humbleness.
The commentary further mentions that expressions such as 'He is devoted to him', 'He is attached to him', are not applicable to one who worships through fear or force though there be the knowledge that one is adorable, etc.<blockquote>अपि च बलाद्भयाद् वा नमस्कार्यत्वादिज्ञानवत्यपि भक्तोऽयमनुरक्तोऽयमिति व्यवहारापत्तेः ।<ref name=":0" /><ref name=":1" /></blockquote><blockquote>''api ca balādbhayād vā namaskāryatvādijñānavatyapi bhakto'yamanurakto'yamiti vyavahārāpatteḥ ।''</blockquote>
Listening to my stories with deep belief, constantly meditating upon me, offering to me all that one acquires, surrendering oneself to me entirely with an intent to serve me, O Uddhava.
Retellling (stories of) my birth (avatara) and deeds, participating joyously in my festivities (like Janmashtami), celebrating my festivals in my temples by singing, playing musical instrumentals and dancing.
Undertaking a pilgrimage (to places sacred to me) on all annual festivals along with appropriate offerings, to get initiated into the Vedic and Tantric tradition of worshipping me and observing vratas sacred to me (like fasting on Ekadashi day).
Devout enthusiasm in instilling my image (in temples), endevouring individually or collectively in laying out gardens, orchards, playgrounds and construction of temples.
Rendering service in places of my residence (temple) like a sincere servant by sweeping and washing, plastering the floor with cowdung and decorating it with ornamental drawings/figures without expecting anything in return for this service.
Being free from arrogance and not priding, especially in the display of service rendered by oneself, O Uddhava, these are the marks of my great devotees.
Apart from this, my bhaktas should not bring to personal use anything that is offered to me like the lamp.<ref name=":4" />
== भक्तिफलम् ॥ Fruit of Bhakti<ref name=":1" /><ref name=":0" /> ==
== भक्तिफलम् ॥ Fruit of Bhakti<ref name=":1" /><ref name=":0" /> ==