The time at which Sun enters into an new rashi is termed Sankranti. <blockquote>भचक्रनाभौ विषुवद्द्वितीयं समसूत्रगम् । अयनद्वितयं चैव चतस्रः प्रथितास्तु ताः॥ bhacakranābhau viṣuvaddvitīyaṁ samasūtragam । ayanadvitayaṁ caiva catasraḥ prathitāstu tāḥ॥(Sury. Siddh. 14.7)</blockquote>In the middle of the nakshatra chakra (sphere of stars) the two equinoxes (Vishuvats in Mesha and Tula rashis) are diametrically opposed and so are the two solistices (Ayanas in Karkataka and Makara) in the ecliptic path. | The time at which Sun enters into an new rashi is termed Sankranti. <blockquote>भचक्रनाभौ विषुवद्द्वितीयं समसूत्रगम् । अयनद्वितयं चैव चतस्रः प्रथितास्तु ताः॥ bhacakranābhau viṣuvaddvitīyaṁ samasūtragam । ayanadvitayaṁ caiva catasraḥ prathitāstu tāḥ॥(Sury. Siddh. 14.7)</blockquote>In the middle of the nakshatra chakra (sphere of stars) the two equinoxes (Vishuvats in Mesha and Tula rashis) are diametrically opposed and so are the two solistices (Ayanas in Karkataka and Makara) in the ecliptic path. |