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Svasthavrtta refers to the code of conduct to be followed by a healthy individual so as to preserve and promote his health and well-being. It is the widely discussed topic under Ayurveda. Various aspects of preventive healthcare and public health are discussed under Svasthvrtta in Ayurveda classics.

== Introduction ==
The aim of Ayurveda knowledge is to preserve and promote the health of healthy individual and cure the disorders of diseased individuals. It is clear that, the knowledge offered in Ayurveda focuses not only on the treatment of various diseases but equal importance is given to preservation of health by preventing diseases in the healthy individual. Since Ayurveda considers any individual as a union of Shariram, Manas, Atman and Indriyas; health of an individual refers to the health of all these components of life. Thus, Svasthavrtta is discussed with reference to the health and well-being of Shariram, Manas and Atman with Indriyas.

== आयुर्वेदस्य प्रयोजनम्॥ Prayojana of Ayurveda ==
प्रयोजन । Prayojana of Ayurveda means the aim of Ayurveda. It is described as below.

=== व्याधिपरिमोक्षः स्वस्थस्य रक्षणं च ॥ Curative and Preventive Medicine ===
Acharya Sushruta opines that, the aim of Ayurveda is व्याधिपरिमोक्षः । Vyadhiparimoksha i.e. to alleviate the suffering of a diseased individual by eradicating the disease and स्वास्थ्यरक्षणम् । Svasthyarakshan i.e to preserve the health of a healthy individual by preventing the diseases. Hence, it is clear that Ayurveda focuses on both the aspects of health namely, curative and preventive. The methods of achieving health and longevity by not just treating the diseases but also by prevention of the diseases, have been described in Ayurveda indicating supremacy and the wisdom of ancient Rushis.

Acharya Charaka has frequently used the term Prakrti, Swasthya, Sukha, Arogya, Dhatusamya as synonyms of health. He stresses that disorder is disequilibrium of Dhatus and their equilibrium is health. Health is known as happiness while disorder is unhappiness. (Cha su 9.4)

== Etymology ==
The term Svasthvrtta is composed of two parts viz. 'Svastha' and 'Vrttam'.

=== Svastha ===
Swa means - One's own, belonging to one self, innate, natural

Stha means -To stand and live.

In total it means "Living one's own inherent life". Therefore, one who stands strong without any diseases and disequilibrium of Dhatus iscalled as svastha.

=== Vrtta ===
Vrtta (वृत्तम्) means practice, action, mode of life, conduct, behavior. Therefore, mode of life or conduct to be followed by a healthy individual to remain healthy is discussed under Svasthavrtta.

== Definition of word 'Svastha' ==
Ancient Ayurveda acharyas have defined the term Svastha in their treatises. They had recognized the importance of equilibrium of functional units like Doshas, Dhatus, Malas and Agni in maintaining the health. Thus, Acharya Sushruta has define the term Svastha as below,

समदोषः समाग्निश्च समधातुमलक्रियः। प्रसन्नात्मेन्द्रियमनः स्वस्थ इति अभिधीयते।। (Sushrut Samhita Sutrasthanam 15.48)

(TBE) In the above definition, physical, mental and spiritual health has been explained. Health does not mean only the absence of disease but it means that mind and spirit should also be Prasanna (happy). Complete psycho-somatic equilibrium is the key to Svāsthya (health).

=== Prashasta Purush characteristics ===
सममांसप्रमाणस्तु समसंहननो नरः| दृढेन्द्रियो विकाराणां न बलेनाभिभूयते||१८||

क्षुत्पिपासातपसहः शीतव्यायामसंसहः| समपक्ता समजरः सममांसचयो मतः||१९|| (Charaka Samhita Sutrasthanam Adhyaya 21 Sutra 18-19)

== Svasthya Chatushka of Charaka Samhita ==
Acharya Charaka has named group of 4 adhayays as 'Swasthya chatushka'. All these 4 adhyayas are predominantly dedicated for describing the measures to prevent diseases, preserve and promote health of an healthy individual.

Adhyayas in Swastha chatushka are as follows,

== Contents of Svasthvrtta ==
Daily regimen (Dincharya)

Seasonal Regimen (Ritucharya)

Non suppression of natural urges

Occasional Occupational duties

Precautionary Observances in sexual activity

General rules of conduct for the well being of society: Ethical Regimen

Precautionary measures against untimely old age

Conduct and Practices realization



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