Rasashastra (रसशास्त्रम्)

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Rasashastra (Samskrit रसशास्त्रम्) deals with Indian alchemy. The term literally means the “Science of Mercury”. Apart from its primary domain of alchemy, it is also one of the most popular sections of Ayurveda medicine which offers knowledge regarding use of mineral and animal sourced medicinal substances. Rasashstra provides knowledge about methods required to purify and modify these substances to make them bio-compatible, safe and efficient as medicines. Various herbs, substances like milk, urine, oils are used in specifically designed processing techniques in order to carry out these changes in raw drugs. The medicinal substances obtained in this way have extensive therapeutic utility, instantaneous efficacy with smaller dosage.


Medicines used in Ayurveda are sourced from plants, metals, minerals or animals. As per the principles of Ayurveda, there is not a single substance in the Universe which does not have a potential to be used as a drug, provided it is used judiciously by the learned vaidya at right place. The most valued classical treatises of Ayurveda the Brihatrayee and Laghutrayee mainly focus on use of plant derived medicines. However, some instances of use of medicinal substances derived from metals and animals are found at places. Development of Rasashstra took place in later times and use of metal, mineral and animal derived substances then became popular part in Ayurveda's pharmacotherapeutics.

Medicines used in Ayurveda

Ayurveda acharyas have described 3 types of medicinal substances on the basis of their source. [1]

  1. Audbhid : Plant derived substances e.g. leaves, barks, roots, stems, fruits, seeds, shoots etc. of herbs
  2. Jangama : Animal derived substances e.g. milk, meat, blood, urine
  3. Parthiva : Metals and minerals derived substances e.g. Mercury, Sulfur, Iron, gold, silver, Arsenic etc.

Although the raw material from preparation of various medicinal formulations is obtained from these varied resources, it is used in medicines only after these undergo rigorous processing methods known as 'Samskaras' to remove their undesired and hazardous effects and enhance the organic nature to make them bio-compatible. [2]

History of Rasashstra

Emergence of Ayurveda, its descent to earth and transfer of this knowledge through oral tradition are known to be the events from 'Vaidika era'. This was the time when all other classical treatises and mainly Vedas were developing. During this time, emphasis was given on strengthening and maintenance of the health by eliminating the harmful components from lifestyle to regain the original state of health and well-being. The objective of this system was to facilitate smooth passage of an individual towards ‘Moksha’. This was followed by the era of ‘Samhitas’, recognized by the works of great scholars of ‘Ayurveda’ like ‘Maharshi Punarvasu Atreya’ and his disciples ‘Agnivesha’, ‘Bhela’, 'Jatukarna', 'Parashara', 'Harita' etc. These ancient scholars although stressed the importance of maintenance of health like their predecessors, also expanded their vision to pharmaco-therapeutics. The therapeutic use of herbs, animal products and metals was extensively described in their works. However, more emphasis was given on the use of herbs and their variety of formulations while describing treatment for illness. Use of herbs as medicine was more popular since herbs being more familiar and assimilable in the human body. Animal products like milk and urine were primarily used while making formulations and also as an adjuvants for the medicine. Minerals and metals were also used but their use was not as extensive as herbs. Metals and minerals were considered difficult for absorption and assimilation and thus, they were purified, processed and their formulations were prepared along-with the the herbs. Intensive processing of metals and minerals ensured safety, bio-compatibility and efficacy.[1]

It was from the time of the great Buddhist Sage Nagarjuna that, Rasashastra evolved as the specialized branch of Ayurveda medicine. Nagarjuna is considered as ‘Father of Rasashaastra’. He is known for his extraordinary efforts in experimenting with Mercury for its alchemic as well as therapeutic use. Ancient scholars, sages and seers in Bharatavarsha were not merely interested in using Mercury for alchemy but the main objective was to attain stability of the physical body. In order to attain Moksha one needs to follow the strenuous path of proposed by dharma. Having healthy and strong physical body free from diseases is the preliminary requirement for this. In an attempt to achieve this ancient scholars started experimenting with metals and minerals after realizing their stability on earth which was the desired outcome on their use. In today’s scientific parlance ‘Rasashastra’ can be equated with ‘Iatrochemistry’. Mercury is that miraculous mineral which attracted the attention of scholars even in the ancient times. Experimenting with this most unstable mineral was started to make it stable and keep it under control. Numerous processing techniques were developed to make it suitable for use in alchemy and also in medicine. In this way, with the advent of Mercury, known as 'Rasa' in samskrit, a new class of drugs termed as ‘Rasaushadhi’ (Rasa-aushadhi) with a new shastram termed as ‘Rasashastra’ appeared on the horizon of ‘Ayurvedic system of medicine’.[1]

Development of branch of Rasashastra

‘Rasashastra’ comprises study of minerals and metals with reference to their identification, processing and formulations methods for their use as medicinal substances. This segment of Ayurveda is termed after name of 'Rasa' i.e. mercury since it is the most extensively discussed substance among all the mineral and metallic substances used in Rasashastra. Other substances studied under Rasashstra include sulfur, mica, arsenic, gems like pearls, metals like gold, silver, copper and many other substances. Treatment of minerals with herbs, animal products and other minerals or metals was carried out to make them suitable for use in alchemy and pharmaco-therapeutics. In ancient times, this knowledge was predominantly practiced by 'Tantra' sampradaya (community) who were the followers and devotees of 'Shiva'.[citation needed] Later the physicians started use of ‘Rasaushadhi’ in the management of disease and such physicians were became popular as ‘Rasa-vaidya’ (Vaidyas using chiefly Rasa-aushadhis). [1]

Medicinal substances used in Rasashastra

The mineral and metallic substances used in Rasashastra as medicinal substances are classified in different ways. Generally they are grouped in to four distinct classes as below,

  1. Rasa : The class of ‘Rasa’ is predominantly possessing ‘Rasayana’ (adaptogenic effect) effect.
  2. Dhaatu : Dhatus are grouped together on account of their capacity to provide structural strength to the body.
  3. Ratna : The minerals possessing gem quality are grouped as Ratna
  4. Visha : Inherently highly poisonous plants are grouped as Visha.

Metals and Minerals

Following are the metallic and mineral substances used in Rasashstra medicines.[1] Ancient Rasavaidyas and Ayurveda scholars were successful in purifying and transforming all these substances into safe derivatives which could be administered easily in an oral dosage form. All of these are subjected to specific sanskaras before using them in medicinal formulations.

Sr No Class of drugs Metals or minerals included in class
1 Rasa The chief substance used in Rasashastra medicines. Rasa means Mercury. It is subjected to step-wise 8 different sanskaras before using in the medicinal formulation.
2 Maharasa This groups consists of Abhraka (Mica), Vaikranta (Tourmaline), Makshika (Copper Pyrite), Vimala (Iron Pyrite), Shilajit (Asphalt), Sasyaka (Blue Vitriol), Chapala (Bismuth), Rasaka (Calamine - Zinc ore)
3 Uparasa Gandhaka (Sulphur), Gairika (Haematite), Kaasis (Green Vitriol), Kankshi (Alum), Haritala (Orpiment), Manasila (Realgar), Anjana (Stibnite's), Kamkusta (Gum exudates of Garcinia cambogia (Gaertn.) Desr)
4 Sadharana Rasa Kampillaka (Glands and hairs of Mallotus philippinensis), Somala (Arsenic), Navasagara (Ammonium Chloride), Kapardika (Cowri), Agnijara (Amber), Girisindoora (Red Oxide of Mercury), Hingula (Cinnabar), Muddarashringa (Litharge)
5 Dhatu Suvarna (Gold), Raupya (Silver), Tamra (Copper), Loha (Iron), Naga (Lead), Vanga (Tin), Yashada (Zinc)
6 Upadhatu Suvarna Makshika (Copper Pyrite), Raupya Makshika (Iron Pyrite), Sasyaka (Blue Vitriol), Mandura (Iron Slag), Sindura (Red Lead Oxide), Rasaka (Calamine), Kamkusta (Gum exudates of Gambose tree)
7 Ratna Manikya (Ruby), Mukta (Pearl), Prawala (Coral), Tarkshya (Emerald), Pusparaga (Topaz), Hiraka (Diamond), Neela (Sapphire), Gomeda (Zircon), Waidurya (Cat's Eye).
8 Uparatna Vaikrant (Tourmaline), Suryakant (Sun stone), Candrakant (Moon stone), Rajawarta (Lapis Lazuli), Peroja (Turquoise) etc.
9 Vishas and Upavishas Vatsanabha (Aconite or Aconitum ferox), Arka (Calatropis procera), Snuhi (Euphorbia neriifolia) , Dhatura (Datura stramonium), Langali (Gloriosa superba), Karaveera (Neerium indicum), Gunja (Abrus precatorioius), Ahiphena (Papaver somniferum) etc.

Animal origin substances

Sudha Varga- Shankha, shouktik, kapardik, praval etc

Samskaras in Rasashastra

In the context of pharmacology in Ayurveda, Samskaras refer to the processing methods employed to transform the properties of the substances. Such sanskaras are performed specifically to remove undesired properties and enhance desirable qualities of the raw drugs used in formulations. Thus, sanskaras represent one of the extremely important aspects in pharmacology of Ayurveda since this step facilitates safe and simple administration, metabolism, absorption and assimilation of even those inorganic metals, minerals or poisonous substances in the body which work as medicines.

In treatises on Rasashastra, various samskaras are described for purification of Mercury and other metals or minerals. It is believed that, metals have natural impurities called as ‘ Doshas’. Here, doshas literally mean fault/defect/harmful elements in the substance. Therefore, it becomes necessary to remove doshas of metals and minerals before their oral administration. In order to address these concerns most of the Rasashastra advise 2 common sanskaras (processes) to be conducted on all these inorganic substances use din medicines. These are Shodhana and Marana. Shodhana sanskara is primarily employed for purification or cleansing of the material while Marana sanskara is carried out using heat or fire after shodhana to make the purified substances suitable for oral consumption.

  1. Shodhana- Purification/cleansing and
  2. Marana- process by which metals and minerals are grinded with liquids and then dried and made into fine ash using heat/ Incineration process

Dehavada and Dhatuvada

Mercury is utilized in Medicine and Alchemy.

Method of putting Mercury to medicinal use is known as ‘Deha vaada’ (Deha- Body, Vaada- science/knowledge).

Use of mercury in Alchemy is termed as ‘Dhaatu vaada’ (Dhatu-metals and minerals).

In medicine mercury is used (a) as a general medicine in diseased states and (b) as a ‘Rasayana’ (Rejuvenator) drug.

Parada Sanskaras

Purification procedure of mercury depends on its intended use.

Simple procedures such as washing and grinding with plant juices like betel leaf juice, garlic paste and lime water are prescribed when mercury is to be used as a drug in diseased state. However intensive and complex processing is required when mercury is to be used as a ‘Rasayana’ (Rejuvenator medicinal substance) or it is to be used for the purpose of ‘Alchemy’.

Eight and eighteen independent procedures have to be carried out respectively for ‘Rasayana’ and ‘Alchemy’.

These procedures are grouped as ‘Ashtasanskara’ comprising eight and ‘Ashtaadasha sanskara’ comprising eighteen independent procedures.

Ashtasanskara : Ashta – 8

Ashtaadasha sanskara : Ashtadasha- 18

Safety of Rasa-aushasdhi (Rasashastra medicines)


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Savrikar SS, Ravishankar B. Introduction to 'Rasashaastra' the Iatrochemistry of Ayurveda. Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. ;8(5 Suppl):66–82. doi:10.4314/ajtcam.v8i5S.1
  2. Gandhi, Piyush. (2014). Marana-As a Bio-nanotechnology of Ayurveda. Research and Reviews: Journal of Ayurvedic Science, Yoga and Naturopathy. 1. 12-18.