Raja Shveta and Anannadana (अनन्नदानम्)

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Anannadana (Samskrit : अनन्नदानम्) or not performing annadana to the needy and emaciated people, leads to dire consequences even in the heavens, is exemplified by the story of King Sveta.

Srikrishna's advice to Yudhisthira to give food and to keep giving, appears at the beginning of the discourse on annadanamahatmya, the greatness of giving food, in the Bhavisyapurana.

अनन्नदानस्य फलं त्वयेदमुपभुज्यते । तर्ह्यन्नदानतो नान्यच्छरीरारोग्यकारकम् ।। (Bhav. Pura. 4.169.22)
नान्यदन्नादृते पुंसां किञ्चित्सञ्जीवनौषधम् । महीं गत्वा महाराज कुरुष्व वचनं मम ।। (Bhav. Pura. 4.169.23)

O Sveta, you are reaping the fruit of anannadana, of not having performed annadana. Except for annadana there is nothing that can keep the body healthy. And except for anna, there is no other sanjivanaushadha— life restoring medicine — amongst men.