Integral Unity of Sanatana Dharma (मूलसिद्धान्तसमैक्यता)

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Unity of Mula Siddhantas of Sanatana Dharma (Samskrit : मूलसिद्धान्तसमैक्यता) stems only from Vedas and rests entirely on the Vedas.  Over thousands of years, over millennia, countless number or rshis have rested upon just this one point - Unity of Goal Amidst Diversity of Paths.

Rshis may be many, but their vision is just One. RigVeda (1.164.46) says

एकम् सत् विप्रह् बहुध वदन्ति || ekam sat viprah bahudha vadanti || (Rig. Veda. 1.164.46)[1]

Ekam sat, that which IS, that which Will Be, that which never gets corrupted that is One, but the rshis, speak of Him, the wise people speak of Him, in many ways.[2]

If this was not true, truths would have been varied from Rigveda to Yajurveda and from there to Samaveda and to Mahabharata to Puranas. It is this mula siddhanta which is the binding factor holding us (the followers of Sanatana Dharma) to this day with Aikyata (एैक्यता | Unity).

Unfortunately during the recent centuries, in the what western people call the medieval age, Vedanta came to be interpreted in diverse ways giving room for fictions, misunderstandings and some amount of negativism was introduced into that mula siddhanta, through non Vedic religions.[2]

Dharmawiki aims to revitalize the society bringing back these mula siddhantas into mainstream thought and action of every person, so that Shanti (Peace) is achieved not just in communities but within the innermost Self of every person. Articles are to presented highlighting the integrity of the vedic principles, the shastras and the concepts therein. The points of agreement is our mainstay and points of differences are only strengthened by the points of agreement.

Shanti Patha

All the shanti pathas of the four vedas summarize the concept of welfare of not just humanity but every element of this brahmanda. Shanti patha for Atharvaveda says

ॐ भद्रं कर्णेभिः श्रुणुयाम देवा भद्रं पश्येमाक्षभिर्यजत्राः । स्थिरैरङ्गैस्तुष्टुवाँसस्तनूभिर्व्यशेम देवहितं यदायुः ।स्वस्ति न इन्द्रो वृद्धश्रवाः स्वस्ति नः पूषा विश्ववेदाः ।स्वस्ति नस्तार्क्ष्यो अरिष्टनेमिः स्वस्ति नो बृहस्पतिर्दधातु ।

"Let us have sound bodies, strong minds, let us pray for the welfare of the gods, let us hear good things, through our ears, let us share our knowledge, sharing our thoughts collectively. Similarly Shanti patha mentioned in Yajurveda says

ॐ सहनाववतु । सह नौ भुनक्तु । सह वीर्यं करवावहै । तेजस्वि नावधीतमस्तु मा विद्विषावहै ॥ ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

May he protect us both together. May we share the results of knowledge. May we attain vigour. Let what we study be powerful, without negative thoughts.[3]

Sanatana Dharma gives the single rootedness of Shareera (Body) Manas (Mind) and Atma (Soul). Everything is integral here, all inclusive, without discrimination among people in terms of caste or community therefore this unity of vision stems and stands firmly on vedic vision.

Video Courtesy RG Media, Mumbai


  1. Rig Veda (Mandala 1 Sukta 164)
  2. 2.0 2.1 Personal Communication of Dr. K. S. Narayanacharya
  3. N. S. Ananta Rangacharya (2003) Principal Upanishads (Isa, Kena, Katha, Prasna, Mundaka, Mandookya, Taittiriya, Mahanarayana, Svetasvatara) Volume 1. Bangalore : Sri Rama Printers