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Kapha people usually have slow digestion and low metabolism. To stimulate the digestive capacity, procedures having an action on the navel region (where agni is situated) are very useful (like nauli). The bow pose is the one of most beneficial of yoga postures for them because of this. The plow pose is one of the best for opening the lungs for kapha. Kaphas should come away from as ana practice feeling invigorated, warm and light, with their circulation energized, their chest and lungs open. Their mind and senses should be sharp and clear, with emotional heaviness released and forgotten.<ref name=":3" />
Kapha people usually have slow digestion and low metabolism. To stimulate the digestive capacity, procedures having an action on the navel region (where agni is situated) are very useful (like nauli). The bow pose is the one of most beneficial of yoga postures for them because of this. The plow pose is one of the best for opening the lungs for kapha. Kaphas should come away from as ana practice feeling invigorated, warm and light, with their circulation energized, their chest and lungs open. Their mind and senses should be sharp and clear, with emotional heaviness released and forgotten.<ref name=":3" />
{| class="wikitable"
|+Asanas for different Dosha types
!Type of Asana
|Sitting Poses
|Siddhasana (Lotus pose), Vajrasana (Diamond pose), Virasana, Lion pose, Navasana (Boat Pose)
|Standing Poses
|Vrkshasana (Tree Pose), Trikonasana (Triangle Pose), Virabhadrasana (Warrior Poses), Parighasana (Gate Pose) and all standing forward bends.
|Inverted Poses
|Headstand, Viparitakarani (a relaxing version).
|Bhujangasana (Cobra) and Locusts.
|Janu Sirasana (head-knee forward bend), Pashchimottanasana (Full forward bend), Kurmasana (Tortoise), Yoga Mudra (Yogic Seal).
|Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana (turning lying twist),  Bharadvajasana II (Sage Twist), Pasasana ( Noose twist)
|Fetal Position
|Final Pose after Asana Practice
|Shavasana (Corpse Pose) for atleast 20 minutes.
|Sun Salutation
== References ==
== References ==

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