Article Structure

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Article structure pertains to the various aspects of article presention in the site. This page introduces a new Author to the different aspects of article structure in the lines of Wikipedia.

Interlinking of Articles

Well inter-linked, or cross-referenced articles are a very important feature to enable easy navigation and enhances userfriendliness. Text highlighted in blue color as seen in an article indicates that there is a link to another relevant article being built with further in-depth of information. Holding the mouse over the link will often show to where the link will lead. On clicking over it, it will lead the reader to the relevant full article.

Hierarchy and Categories

Hierarchy of articles is built through the Category structure. This helps the Authors and Readers to easily navigate through the site and add relevant pages under appropriate headings. One main article leads to important topics and from there articles on sub-topics are created. By adding categories in the article we can place it under different headings.

Hierarchy of Articles

Page Layout

Articles have a page layout which is simple, highly organized and powerful in design. Page aspects include

  1. Table of contents
  2. Sections (lead section) and Subsections following the lead section or Introduction
  3. Reference Section
  4. Images
  5. Tables
  6. Flowcharts
  7. Formatting tools (such as bullet points and numbered lists)
  8. Templates (such as To Be Edited) to point any author to the further requirements of the article
  9. Use of Devanagari characters from the Special Characters list.

Reference Section

At the end of most articles, there is a relevant References section where the references cited in the article are automatically placed as a built-in feature of the software. Links to external websites and webpages, reference material (archives, repositories) and organized categories of knowledge which can be searched and traversed in a loose hierarchy are listed at the end of the article under Notes section. Links within the articles may be given to other repositories such as Shodhganga theses, Dictionaries such as Shabdakalpadruma and Vachaspatyam.