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== व्युत्पत्तिः ==
== व्युत्पत्तिः ==
पुं, (आङ् + हृ + घञ् ।) द्रव्यगलाधःकरणं । तत्पर्य्यायः । जग्धिः २ भोजनं ३ जेमनं ४लेपः ५ निघषः ६ न्यादः ७ । इत्यमरः ॥ जमनं ८ विघषः ९ इति तट्टीका ॥ प्रत्यवसानं १० भक्षणं ११ अशनं १२ ॥ इति रत्नमाला ॥ अभ्यवहारः १३ स्वदनं १४ निगरः १५ । इति राजनिर्घण्टः ॥ अस्य गुणाः । सद्यस्तृप्तिजनकत्वं । बलकारित्वं । देहधारकत्वञ्च । इति राजवल्लभः ॥
In Samkskrit, Ahara is the term made of 3 roots, आङ् + हृ + घञ्.
In Samkskrit, Ahara is the term made of 3 roots, आङ् + हृ + घञ्. This altogether indicates that Ahara means to ingest/take inside something through mouth and throat. thus ahara means eating food. Bhojana, Jemana, Bhakshana. Ashana, Swadana are some common synonyms for Ahara.   
पुं, (आङ् + हृ + घञ् ।) द्रव्यगलाधःकरणं । (Shabdakalpadruma) 
This altogether indicates that Ahara means to ingest/take inside something through mouth and throat. Thus ahara refers to food.  
Bhojana, Jemana, Bhakshana. Ashana, Swadana are some common synonyms for Ahara. (तत्पर्य्यायः । जग्धिः २ भोजनं ३ जेमनं ४लेपः ५ निघषः ६ न्यादः ७ । इत्यमरः ॥ जमनं ८ विघषः ९ इति तट्टीका ॥ प्रत्यवसानं १० भक्षणं ११ अशनं १२ ॥ इति रत्नमाला ॥ अभ्यवहारः १३ स्वदनं १४ निगरः १५ । इति राजनिर्घण्टः ॥ अस्य गुणाः । सद्यस्तृप्तिजनकत्वं । बलकारित्वं । देहधारकत्वञ्च । इति राजवल्लभः ॥) Shabdakalpadruma  
== Importance of Ahara ==
== Importance of Ahara ==
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== Ahara types ==
== Ahara types ==
4- bhakshya, bhojya, lehya, peya (?ref)
Various properties of Ahara have been mentioned in Ayurveda classics. These properties are described in terms of Panchamahabhutas, [[Rasa (रसः)|rasa]] and [[Veeryam (वीर्यम्)|veerya]] of Ahara. While describing the properties, some types of Ahara have also been mentioned. Ahara is divided into 4 categories based on its form and method of consumption.<ref>Dalhana Commentary On Sushruta Samhita (Sutrasthanam Adhyaya 14 Sutram 3)</ref> These types of ahara are as follows,
# Bhakshya : Food that can be eaten with mastication i.e. Hard and solid food
तत्र [] पाञ्चभौतिकस्य चतुर्विधस्य षड्रसस्य [२] द्विविधवीर्यस्याष्टविधवीर्यस्य वाऽनेकगुणस्योपयुक्तस्याहारस्य सम्यक्परिणतस्य यस्तेजोभूतः सारः परमसूक्ष्मः स `रसः’ इत्युच्यते, (Su.Su.14.3)
# Bhojya : What may be eaten without masticaiton i.e. Solid food
# Lehya : What can be licked i.e. Semisolid food
Dalhana- पाञ्चभौतिकस्येति पृथिव्यादिभूतद्रव्यभेदेन, चतुर्विधस्येति पेयलेह्यभोज्यभक्ष्यभेदेन, षड्रसस्येति मधुरादिरसभेदेन, द्विविधवीर्यस्येति शीतोष्णवीर्यभेदेन, पक्षान्तरमाह- अष्टविधवीर्यस्य वेति शीतोष्णस्निग्धरूक्षविशदपिच्छिलमृदुतीक्ष्णभेदेन, अनेकगुणस्येति शीतादिद्रवादिगुणभेदेन विंशतिगुणस्य, उपयुक्तस्येति सम्यक्परिणतस्येत्यनेनैवोपयुक्तपदार्थस्य लब्धत्वाद्यदुपयुक्तग्रहणं करोति तत् सम्यग्योगं स्वास्थ्यवृत्तीयद्वादशविधाशनप्रविचारमपेक्ष्योपयोगं प्रापयति|
# Peya : What can be drunk i.e. Liquids
In this way, food articles on the basis of their physical nature have been divided into 4 types. Along with that, Ahara can also be categorized on the basis of its dominant properties e.g dominant mahabhuta or dominant rasa etc. These types have significance from the point of view of digestion, transformation and end effects of it in the person who consumes it.
=== Types of aharadravyas ===
=== Types of aharadravyas ===
Although the ahara is categorised in 4 types based on its physical form, it can be divided in 2 groups depending on the properties of it core ingredients. These properties of ingredients are important because those decide the fate of this ahara and its effect on person's body after consumption. Also, this understanding helps to decide the appropriate quantity or portion of this ahara to be taken at a time in a person. Guru and Laghu are these 2 chief properties.
==== Laghu ====
==== Laghu ====
तत्र शालिषष्टिकमुद्गलावकपिञ्जलैणशशशरभशम्बरादीन्याहारद्रव्याणि प्रकृतिलघून्यपि मात्रापेक्षीणि भवन्ति| (Cha Su 5.5)
The term Laghu means light or small. The ingredients which are easy for digestion and help to create the feeling of lightness, buoyancy in a body are identified as Laghu. Examples of such food articles are Rice, Green gram etc.<ref name=":1">Charaka Samhita (Sutrasthanam Adhyaya 5 Sutram 5)</ref> Even if one consumes excess quantity of Laghu food articles, it does not cause as much trouble as the guru ahara can.
==== Guru ====
==== Guru ====
तथा पिष्टेक्षुक्षीरविकृतितिलमाषानूपौदकपिशितादीन्याहारद्रव्याणि प्रकृतिगुरूण्यपि मात्रामेवापेक्षन्ते||५|| (Cha.Su 5.5)
Guru indicates that food article having this property will take more time to get completely digested. The agni (digestive fire) has to process it with more efforts than Laghu food. Such food articles should be consumed in less quantity for better digestion and avoid untoward side effects. Various milk products, starch rich food articles,black grams, meat etc fall under Guru category. Therefore it is necessary to control the portion of such food stuffs. <ref name=":1" />
  − 25.36
आहारत्वमाहारस्यैकविधमर्थाभेदात्; स पुनर्द्वियोनिः, स्थावरजङ्गमात्मकत्वात्; द्विविधप्रभावः, हिताहितोदर्कविशेषात्; चतुर्विधोपयोगः, पानाशनभक्ष्यलेह्योपयोगात्; षडास्वादः, रसभेदतः षड्विधत्वात्; विंशतिगुणः, गुरुलघुशीतोष्णस्निग्धरूक्षमन्दतीक्ष्णस्थिरसरमृदुकठिन- विशदपिच्छिलश्लक्ष्णखरसूक्ष्मस्थूलसान्द्रद्रवानुगमात्; अपरिसङ्ख्येयविकल्पः, द्रव्यसंयोगकरणबाहुल्यात्||३६||
== Best quality of ahara ==
== Various properties and types of Ahara considered by Ayurveda ==
तृप्तिराहारगुणानां, Cha.Su 25.40
Ayurveda classics thoroughly discuss about Ahara and its effects on person. Ahara has been studied in multiple aspects by Ayurveda scholars. As a result, Ahara is classified into various types which actually describe its nature and help to understand its probable effect on body.<ref>Charaka Samhita (Sutrasthanam Adhyaya 25 Sutra 36)</ref> Ayurveda vaidyas consider all these points while assessing patinets' current diet, health and then  recommending a specific diet plan for an individual.
# 2 types- based on origin-Sthavara (Vegetarian), Jangama (Non-vegetarian)
# 6 types- based on Rasa- Madhura (Sweet), Amla (Sour), Lavana (Salty), Katu (Pungent), Titkta (Bitter), Kashaya (Astringent)
# 20 types- Based on properties like Hot, Cold, Unctuous, Dry, Soft, Hard etc
# Infinite types - Based on combinations, processing techniques etc.
=== Agrya related to ahara ===
=== Best Quality of Ahara ===
अन्नं वृत्तिकराणां श्रेष्ठम्,  
Ahara can have different qualities depending on its ingredients, processing method, taste and texture etc. However, among all other qualities the best quality of Ahara is believed to be its capability to provide satisfaction i.e. satiety. Satiety is also defined as absence of hunger. <blockquote>तृप्तिराहारगुणानां <ref name=":2">Charaka Samhita (Sutrasthanam Adhyaya 25 Sutram 40)</ref></blockquote>Thus the food or ahara that fulfills one's hunger completely so that after eating that food no more feeling of hunger is experienced and the person is satisfied completely is said to be the best quality of Ahara. The ahara which is capable of fulfilling the nutritional needs as well as is desirable for that person can possess this quality.
अतिमात्राशनमामप्रदोषहेतूनां, यथाग्न्यभ्यवहारोऽग्निसन्धुक्षणानां, यथासात्म्यं चेष्टाभ्यवहारौ सेव्यानां, कालभोजनमारोग्यकराणां, तृप्तिराहारगुणानां,गुरुभोजनं दुर्विपाककराणाम्, एकाशनभोजनं सुखपरिणामकराणां,अनशनमायुषो ह्रासकराणां, प्रमिताशनं कर्शनीयानाम्, अजीर्णाध्यशनं ग्रहणीदूषणानां, विषमाशनमग्निवैषम्यकराणां, विरुद्धवीर्याशनं निन्दितव्याधिकराणां,  
== Ahara related basic guidelines and their effects on Body ==
Ahara is believed to be the best among those things which are essential for maintenance of livelihood. Since it is such an extremely important lifestyle factors, there are some rules related to its consumption and some basic guidelines.<ref name=":2" /> Some of those are listed below,  
# Eating in excess quantity of Ahara is the chief cause of Ama generation (Foundational stone for disease development)
# Eating in quantity as per one's Agni's strength is the best way to kindle the digestive fire i.e. Agni
# Eating food that is compatible for one's body type and suitable or habitual to one is the best practice one can adopt
# Eating on right time (timely eating) is the best method to stay healthy
# Eating once a day is best for smooth digestive functioning 
# Staying food deprived or empty stomach is life threatening or reduces life span
# Guru Ahara eating is the chief cause for indigestion
# Eating unbalanced food (Only one rasa dominant or only one type of food) is the prime cause of malnourishment
# Overeating (taking next food before the previous one is digested) is the primary cause of dysfunction of grahani (chief digestive organ)
# Untimely eating is the leading cause of agni disturbances/ irregularities
# Eating Viruddha ahara (incompatible food) is the primary cause of developing nindita rogas e.g. Obesity, gigantism, dwarfism, pigmentation disorders etc
== Ahara varga ==
== Ahara vargas ==
Ayurveda samhitas have categorized food items into various groups. Primarily the food is divided into liquid foods (Drava dravya) and solid foods (ahara dravya).<ref name=":0">Ashtanga Hrudayam (Sutrasthanam Adhyaya 5, 6)</ref> Ahara dravyas (solid food) is further categorised into 8 groups and Drava drvyas (liquid food) divided into 4 groups. Altogether 12 groups of food items have been listed in Ayurveda and those are as follows.<ref name=":0" /><ref>Charaka Samhita (Sutrasthanam Adhyaya 26 Sutras 6-7)</ref>
Ayurveda samhitas have categorized food items into various groups. Primarily the food is divided into liquid foods (Drava dravya) and solid foods (ahara dravya).<ref name=":0">Ashtanga Hrudayam (Sutrasthanam Adhyaya 5, 6)</ref> Ahara dravyas (solid food) is further categorised into 8 groups and Drava drvyas (liquid food) divided into 4 groups. Altogether 12 groups of food items have been listed in Ayurveda and those are as follows.<ref name=":0" /><ref>Charaka Samhita (Sutrasthanam Adhyaya 26 Sutras 6-7)</ref>
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Various food articles have been grouped under these 12 categories. Their properties, effect on health and well-being have been critically studied and described in Ayurveda treatises.  
Various food articles have been grouped under these 12 categories. Their properties, effect on health and well-being have been critically studied and described in Ayurveda treatises.  
=== Factors to be considered to select food articles ===
=== Factors to be considered while selecting food articles ===
The food articles should be selected on the basis of certain factors so that they do not disturb the equilibrium of body components. These factors are Desha, Kala and one's body (physical constitution of individual). Desha refers to the geographical condition/land while Kala means season. The food article that possess qualities which will balance the disturbances created by external factors like desha, kala and also which are suitable to maintain balance of bodily components should be selected. This helps in maintaining health and well-being. <blockquote>देशकालात्मगुणविपरीतानां हि कर्मणामाहारविकाराणां च क्रियोपयोगः [१] सम्यक्, सर्वातियोगसन्धारणम्, असन्धारणमुदीर्णानां च गतिमतां, साहसानां च वर्जनं, स्वस्थवृत्तमेतावद्धातूनां साम्यानुग्रहार्थमुपदिश्यते||८|| (Cha.Sha.6.8)</blockquote>
The food articles should be selected on the basis of certain factors so that they do not disturb the equilibrium of body components. These factors are Desha, Kala and one's body (physical constitution of individual). Desha refers to the geographical condition/land while Kala means season. The food article that possess qualities which will balance the disturbances created by external factors like desha, kala and also which are suitable to maintain balance of bodily components should be selected. This helps in maintaining health and well-being. <blockquote>देशकालात्मगुणविपरीतानां हि कर्मणामाहारविकाराणां च क्रियोपयोगः [१] सम्यक्, सर्वातियोगसन्धारणम्, असन्धारणमुदीर्णानां च गतिमतां, साहसानां च वर्जनं, स्वस्थवृत्तमेतावद्धातूनां साम्यानुग्रहार्थमुपदिश्यते||८|| (Cha.Sha.6.8)</blockquote>


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