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=== Legends about Gandhak ===
=== Legends about Gandhak ===
In Samudra manthan the menstruate of Goddess Parvati came out then its strong smell hypnotized all demons, so named as Gandhaka.<ref>Sharma Dharmanand (1999) ''Rasa Ratna Samuchhaya'' New Delhi: Motilal Banarasidas Publications (pp.39-41).</ref> According to Āyurveda Prakāśa when Devī Pārvatī was playing near Kṣīrābdhi,<ref>Shankarlal Harishankar, (2019) ed. ''[ Rasaratna Sammuchhaya by Acharya Vagbhata]'' Bombay: Khemraj Srikrishnadas Prakashan</ref> she menstruated. The Raja was very fragrant and beautiful. The cloth which was wet with Raja was then washed in the ocean. That Raja when mixed with the water converted into Gandhaka. When Deva and Dānava started churning of ocean at that time Gandhaka came out along with nector and that Gandhaka having characteristic smell pleased Deva and Dānava. Hence Deva’s gave the name Gandhaka to it.<ref name=":4" />
In Samudra manthan the menstruate of Goddess Parvati came out then its strong smell hypnotized all demons, so named as Gandhaka.<ref>Sharma Dharmanand (1999) ''Rasa Ratna Samuchhaya'' New Delhi: Motilal Banarasidas Publications (pp.39-41).</ref> According to Āyurveda Prakāśa when Devī Pārvatī was playing near Kṣīrābdhi,<ref name=":6">Shankarlal Harishankar, (2019) ed. ''[ Rasaratna Sammuchhaya by Acharya Vagbhata]'' Bombay: Khemraj Srikrishnadas Prakashan</ref> she menstruated. The Raja was very fragrant and beautiful. The cloth which was wet with Raja was then washed in the ocean. That Raja when mixed with the water converted into Gandhaka. When Deva and Dānava started churning of ocean at that time Gandhaka came out along with nector and that Gandhaka having characteristic smell pleased Deva and Dānava. Hence Deva’s gave the name Gandhaka to it.<ref name=":4" />
In other version, during Samudra manthana, on every pulling by Vasuki-naga exhaled poisonous and inflammable air, which caused the melting of demon King Bali’s fat. The fat was having peculiar smell, called as Gandhaka and also called Bali Vasa.<ref name=":3" />
In other version, during Samudra manthana, on every pulling by Vasuki-naga exhaled poisonous and inflammable air, which caused the melting of demon King Bali’s vasa or fat. The fat was having peculiar smell, called as Gandhaka and hence called Bali Vasa. Due to the poisonous flames coming out of Vasuki serpent, Gandhaka became poisonous.<ref name=":3" /><ref name=":7">Sekhar Reddy, P. A textbook of Rasashastra. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Orientalia (pp.219)</ref>
Mercury is considered an element of Shiva, whereas sulphur, an element of Parvati and the product that was created from their union in asafoetida was called ras sindur, which was considered the essence for longevity.<ref>Soni, Suresh. India's Glorious Scientific Tradition. </ref>
Mercury is considered an element of Shiva, whereas sulphur, an element of Parvati and the product that was created from their union in asafoetida was called ras sindur, which was considered the essence for longevity.<ref>Soni, Suresh. India's Glorious Scientific Tradition. </ref>
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== Doshas / Impurities in Sulphur ==
== Doshas / Impurities in Sulphur ==
According to Rasajalanidhi
Ayurveda advocates use of any mineral or metal only after its thorough purification known as Shodhana. It is applicable for Gandhaka as well. Rasashastra branch of Ayurveda provides various methods to purify and process Gandhaka before using it in the medicinal formulations. If the appropriate methods of processing Gandhaka are not used or they are skipped and such Gandhaka/Sulphur is used in the medicinal formulations then it can certainly cause some ill effects. Ayurveda acharyas have deeply studied these effects and described those to make people aware and cautious. According to Rasajalanidhi
गन्धे मलद्वयं दृष्टं शिलाचूर्णं विषं तथा । शोधितव्यस्ततो यत्नादभिज्ञेन यथाविधि॥ (Rasa. Jala. 2.8)<ref name=":2" />
गन्धे मलद्वयं दृष्टं शिलाचूर्णं विषं तथा । शोधितव्यस्ततो यत्नादभिज्ञेन यथाविधि॥ (Rasa. Jala. 2.8)<ref name=":2" />
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# विषम् ॥ Visha Dosha (chemical impurities like arsenic, lead etc)
# विषम् ॥ Visha Dosha (chemical impurities like arsenic, lead etc)
Therefore, it should be purified by a skilled physician with care. Impure sulphur gives rise to leprosy, giddiness, diseases due to an excess of pitta, loss of beauty, happiness, strength and semen.<ref name=":1" /><blockquote>अशोधितः सुगन्धिकस्तनौ तनोति तापकम्‌ | भ्रुशञ्च चित्तविभ्रमं करोति रक्तजान्‌ गदान्‌ ।।५।। (Rasa. Tara.8.5)<ref name=":5" /> </blockquote>If these impurities are not removed before use Gandhaka is likely to produce following diseases - Tāpa (fever), Raktajanya Vikṛti (blood related disorders), Cittavibhrama (vertigo), Kuṣṭha (leprosy), Pittaja vyādhi (Pitta associated disorders), Śukrahāni (seminal loss), Kāmalā (jaundice) so must be purified before use.<ref name=":3" />
Therefore, it should be subjected to shodhana or purification by a skilled physician with care.
=== Harmful effects of consuming impure Sulphur ===
=== Harmful effects of consuming impure Sulphur ===
Ayurveda advocates use of any mineral or metal only after its thorough purification known as Shodhana. It is applicable for Gandhaka as well. Rasashastra branch of Ayurveda provides various methods to purify and process Gandhaka before using it in the medicinal formulations. If the appropriate methods of processing Gandhaka are not used or they are skipped and such Gandhaka/Sulphur is used in the medicinal formulations then it can certainly cause some ill effects. Ayurveda acharyas have deeply studied these effects and described those to make people aware and cautious. 
Leprosy by consuming impure sulphur- Anger
Impure Gandhaka produces many disorders such as Jwara, Bhrama, Twak-vikar, Rakta-vikar, vitiate Roop, Virya, Bala and Sukra.<ref name=":3" /> Consuming impure sulphur gives rise to leprosy, giddiness, diseases due to an excess of pitta, loss of beauty, happiness, strength and semen.<ref name=":1" /><blockquote>अशोधितः सुगन्धिकस्तनौ तनोति तापकम्‌ | भ्रुशञ्च चित्तविभ्रमं करोति रक्तजान्‌ गदान्‌ ।।५।।
And produces gall disease. Destroys form, semen, strength and happiness. Pure sulfur should always be used.
प्रसन्नतां सरूपतां शरीरबन्धचारुताम्‌ | प्रभां  बलञ्च  नाशयत्यतो विशोधयेत्तु  तम्‌ ॥६॥ (Rasa. Tara.8.5-6)<ref name=":5" />
If sulfur is not purified properly while consuming it, etc. Halahal kills a person like using poison. Because sulfur originated at the time of Gandhak Utpa time (according to the context of earlier reading, sulfur was generated at the time of churning of the ocean; had been found in sulfur. Therefore, improper use works like poison.
aśōdhitaḥ sugandhikastanau tanōti tāpakam‌ | bhruśañca cittavibhramaṁ karōti raktajān‌ gadān‌ ||5||
By looking at Amlasar Gandhak, its toxicity etc. defects are not visible, these defects are visible in the form of poison on the person's body after use. That's why it is known as poisoning. which is experiential. Sulfur
prasannatāṁ sarūpatāṁ śarīrabandhacārutām‌ | prabhāṁ balañca nāśayatyatō viśōdhayēttu tam‌ ||6||</blockquote>If these impurities are not removed before use Gandhaka is likely to produce following diseases - Tāpa (fever), Raktajanya Vikṛti (blood related disorders), Cittavibhrama (vertigo), Kuṣṭha (leprosy), Pittaja vyādhi (Pitta associated disorders), Śukrahāni (seminal loss), Kāmalā (jaundice) so must be purified before use.<ref name=":3" /> It promotes anger and produces gall disease. It destroys the form, semen, strength and happiness. Impure sulphur is said to kill a person as it works like poison. By visual inspection of Amlasara Gandhaka, its toxicity etc. defects are not perceived, these defects are visible in the form of poison on the person's body after use, i.e., experiential. <blockquote>अशुद्धगन्धः कुरुते च कुष्ठं तापं भ्रमं पित्तरुजं तथैव । रूपं सुखं वीर्यबलं निहन्ति तस्माद्विशुद्धो विनियोजनीयः ॥ (Ayur. Prak. 2.18)
== Properties of pure sulfur ==
aśuddhagandhaḥ kurutē ca kuṣṭhaṁ tāpaṁ bhramaṁ pittarujaṁ tathaiva | rūpaṁ sukhaṁ vīryabalaṁ nihanti tasmādviśuddhō viniyōjanīyaḥ ||</blockquote>By consuming ashuddha gandhaka, a person gets kustha (leprosy), shareera tapa (fever), bhrama (giddiness/vertigo), pittarogas (pitta associated diseases) etc.<ref name=":7" />
Gandhaka stands next to Pārada (mercury) in the field of Rasa-śāstra. It is considered as Rasāyana, Rakta Śodhaka and Twaka-roganāśaka. Here, the term Rasāyana stands for longevity. Blood is always a symbol of life and being Rakta Śodhaka, definitely Gandhaka and its properties give fortune. It is a unique concept of Āyurveda, which promotes the defense mechanism of the body and helps in the prevention of disease as well as their earlier cure. Gandhaka has also Guṇa-dharma like Kṛmighna, Kuṣṭhaghna, Kaṇḍughna.<ref name=":4" />
Ancient classics mention the therapeutic use of Gandhaka in treating various disorders in different therapeutic dosage forms like Rasāyana, Druti, and Taila for both internal and external uses especially in skin diseases like Kaṇḍu, Visarpa and Dadru. It is indicated in all types of Kuṣṭha (skin diseases), Nadivrana (sinuses) and Koṣṭhagata Roga (GIT disorders). It reduces and dries up the undigested food in GIT and so reduces the chance of poisoning.<ref name=":4" />
Antidote for consuming Ashuddha Gandhaka: Goghruta and Godugdha sevana.<ref name=":7" />
Pure sulfur is leprosy killer. Makes immortal. Yet old age and death are destroyers. There is a fire lamp, it is very hot. increase in body semen
=== Shodhana Process ===
Shodhana or the purification process removes the physical as well as chemical impurities. <ref name=":3" />
[[File:Different procedures of purification of Sulphur.png|thumb|394x394px|Different procedures of purification of Sulphur]]
Following is a methods of purification
It is Rata. ,
# Swedana with milk for1/2 hr then melted in Ghrit and filtered with a cloth.
# Melted in Mustard/Til/Kausumbh oil, poured in milk and allowed to cool, then wash with hot water and dried well.
# Melted in Ghrit and poured in milk and allow to cool then wash with hot water. Repeat this for three times.
# Melted and poured in to Bhringraaja Swarasa. Repeat for seven times.
# In Swedani yantra, Gandhaka purified in first time.
# Urdhawapatana of Gandhaka makes it best and pure.
# Heated with limewater, then after cooling, Lavanadravaka is added drop by drop then whole Gandhaka precipitate in the bottom.
# Gandhaka and ¼ Tankana, pasted with Bijpurak swarasa and bhawana with Erand oil, then dried in excessive sun light.
Pure sulfur is very chemical, it is sweet but it is bitter and hot in cooking. Kandu, Leprosy, Visarp, Dadru killer and Jathragni is illuminating, digestive, common killer and absorbent, antidote, gives power to mercury, anthelmintic. Kimdhikan-Rasoparsa There is no other substance greater than sulfur in ordinary juices. ,
== Properties of Pure Sulfur ==
Gandhaka stands next to Pārada (mercury) in the field of Rasa-śāstra. It is considered as Rasāyana, Rakta Śodhaka and Twaka-roganāśaka. Here, the term Rasāyana stands for longevity. Blood is always a symbol of life and being Rakta Śodhaka, definitely Gandhaka and its properties give fortune. It is a unique concept of Ayurveda, which promotes the defense mechanism of the body and helps in the prevention of disease as well as their earlier cure. Gandhaka has also Guṇa-dharma like Kṛmighna, Kuṣṭhaghna, Kaṇḍughna.<ref name=":4" />
== Dosage of pure gandhak for internal use ==
Ancient classics mention the therapeutic use of Gandhaka in treating various disorders in different therapeutic dosage forms like Rasāyana, Druti, and Taila for both internal and external uses especially in skin diseases like Kaṇḍu, Visarpa and Dadru. It is indicated in all types of Kuṣṭha (skin diseases), Nadivrana (sinuses) and Koṣṭhagata Roga (GIT disorders). It reduces and dries up the undigested food in GIT and so reduces the chance of poisoning.<ref name=":4" />
Pure sulfur should be given from 1 Ratti to 8 Ratti. ,
== Remedy for Sulfur disorder ==
If any disorder arises in the body after consuming Sulphur, then drinking 100 grams of Ghoghrit and Mishri in 1 liter of milk for 2 weeks calms down the pain caused by Sulfur disorder.
== At the time of consumption of gandhak, one should eat diet ==
Pure sulfur is very chemical, it is sweet but it is bitter and hot in cooking. Gandhaka is known to have the property of killing Kandu, Leprosy, Visarp, Dadru and Jathragni is illuminating, digestive, common killer and absorbent, antidote, gives power to mercury, and anthelmintic.<ref name=":1" />
wild animals-birds and Chaag meat. Cow's milk, cow's ghee, wheat, rice, sandhav, sugar candy, clean and pure cool water are the diet.
== Unhealthy ==
=== Pharmacological Properties ===
Excessive salt, acid, bitter, diarrhea, vegetable, (leaf vegetable) bidal (pulse)
According to Rasaratna Samucchaya,<ref name=":6" /> Gandhaka gunas are as follows
Kshar and Kanji should not be consumed. One should not board a fast-moving vehicle and consume women.
== Dosage and Diet ==
Pure sulfur should be given from 1 Ratti to 8 Ratti. If any disorder arises in the body after consuming Sulphur, then drinking 100 grams of Ghoghrit and Mishri in 1 liter of milk for 2 weeks calms down the pain caused by Sulfur disorder. At the time of consumption of gandhak, one should eat diet consisting of wild animals-birds and Chaag meat. Cow's milk, cow's ghee, wheat, rice, sandhava, sugar candy, clean and pure cool water should be included in the diet. Excessive salt, acid, bitter foods, vegetable, (leaf vegetable) and pulses are unhealthy. Kshar and Kanji should not be consumed. One should not board a fast-moving vehicle and be with women.<ref name=":1" />
== Some of the main formulations of Ayurvedic medicine made from pure sulfur- ==
== Ayurvedic formulations from pure sulfur ==
# Arshakuthar ras
# Arshakuthar ras

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