* अनात्मन्यात्मख्यातिर् इति। Considering Anatma (non-self) as Atman (self). बाह्योपकरणेषु चेतनाचेतनेषु भोगाधिष्ठाने वा शरीरे पुरुषोपकरणे वा मनस्य् अनात्मन्य् आत्मख्यातिर् इति। Believing that external worldly animate and inanimate objects are the seat of Bhoga (pleasure experiences) or the senses, manas buddhi of a person, a physical body, which is not the Atman (non-self) as Atman is a kind of Avidya or incorrect knowledge. | * अनात्मन्यात्मख्यातिर् इति। Considering Anatma (non-self) as Atman (self). बाह्योपकरणेषु चेतनाचेतनेषु भोगाधिष्ठाने वा शरीरे पुरुषोपकरणे वा मनस्य् अनात्मन्य् आत्मख्यातिर् इति। Believing that external worldly animate and inanimate objects are the seat of Bhoga (pleasure experiences) or the senses, manas buddhi of a person, a physical body, which is not the Atman (non-self) as Atman is a kind of Avidya or incorrect knowledge. |