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चिच्छेद समरे वीरस्तत उच्चुक्रुशुर्जनाः ।।<ref>[ Vol 3]</ref>
चिच्छेद समरे वीरस्तत उच्चुक्रुशुर्जनाः ।।<ref>[ Vol 3]</ref>
After that he assisted his father Arjuna in the fight against Bhishma. Verses 8-13 of Chapter 55 of Bhishma Parva of the Mahabharata describe Abhimanyu's fight with Lakshmana in the second day's battle. Then he took his place in the Ardha Chandra Vyuha formed by Arjuna. He fought fiercely with the Gandharas. He attacked Shalya and killed Jayatsena (King of Magadha) along with his elephant. We find Abhimanyu assisting Bhimasena in Mahabharata Bhishma Parva Chapters 63, 64, 69 and 94. After that abhimanyu defeated Lakshmana in battle. Then he defeated Vikarna, Chitrasena and others also. Later, he took his position in the Shrngataka Vyuha created by Dhrshtadyumna. He started fighting with Bhagadatta. He defeated Ambastha and Alambusha. Next he fought a duel with Sudishna. After that, he encountered Duryodhana, Brhatbala and others. Mahabharata Drona Parva, Chapter 10, Verses 47-52 are a description of Abhimanyu's heroism by Dhrtarashtra. He snatched Paurava's weapon and threw it on the ground. Next he fought with Jayadratha and Shalya. Then he was caught in the Chakravyuha of the enemies. There he inflicted great losses upon the enemy forces. Shalya was stunned and his brother was killed by Abhimanyu. Mahabharata Drona Parva Chapter 38 Verses 23 and 24 describe the flight of the Kauravas in fear. At that stage, even Dronacharya praised Abhimanyu's valour. Dushshasana fainted during his fight with Abhimanyu. Karna was defeated. Vrshasena, Satyashravas and Shalya's son Rugmaratha were slain. Duryodhana fled. Lakshmana was killed. Vrndaraka, Ashvatthama, Karna and others were amazed by this terrible valour of Abhimanyu. Six ministers of Karna were slain. Next Ashvaketu (son of the King of Magadha) was killed. King Bhoja was also killed. Shalya was again defeated. Shatrunjaya, Chandraketu, Meghavega, Suvarcas, Suryabhasa, who were all kings were beheaded by Abhimanyu. Shakuni was wounded by Abhimanyu's arrow. Kalakeya (son of Subala) was slain. Mahabharata Drona Parva Chapter 40 Verses 13 and 14 say that at this stage, Prince Dushshasana beat Abhimanyu to death with his mace.<ref name=":2" />                                                                 
Verses 8-13 of Chapter 55 of Bhishma Parva of the Mahabharata describe Abhimanyu's fight with Lakshmana in the second day's battle.  
धृष्टद्युम्नं तु संयुक्तं द्रौणिना वीक्ष्य भारत।
सौभद्रोऽभ्यपतत्तूर्णं विकिरन्निशिताञ्शरान् ।।
स शल्यं प़ञ्चविंशत्या कृपं च नवभिः शरैः ।
अश्वत्थामानमष्टाभिर्विव्याध पुरुषर्षभः ।।
आर्जुनिं तु ततस्तूर्णं द्रौणिर्विव्याध पत्रिणा।
शल्योऽथ दशभिश्चैव कृपश्च निशितैस्त्रिभिः ।।
लक्ष्मणस्तव पौत्रस्तु सौभद्रं समवस्थितम् ।
अभ्यवर्तत संहृष्टस्ततो युद्धमवर्तत ।।
दौर्योधनिः सुसंक्रुद्धः सौभद्रं परवीरहा ।
विव्याध समरे राजंस्तदद्भुतमिवाभवत् ।।
अभिमन्युः सुसंक्रुद्धो भ्रातरं भरतर्षभ ।
शरैः पञ्चाशतै राजन्क्षिप्रहस्तोऽभ्यविध्यत ।।
लक्ष्मणोऽपि पुनस्तस्य धनुश्चिच्छेद पत्रिणा।
मुष्टिदेशे महाराज ततस्ते चुक्रुशुर्जनाः ।।
तद्विहाय धनुश्छिन्नं सौभद्रं परवीरहा।
अन्यदादत्तवांश्चित्रं कार्मुकं वेगवत्तरम् ।।
तौ तत्र समरे युक्तौ कृतप्रतिकृतैषिणौ ।
अन्योन्यं विशिस्वैस्तीक्ष्णैर्जघ्नतुः पुरुषर्षभौ ।।
ततो दुर्योधनो राज दृष्ट्वा पुत्रं महारथम्।
पीडितं तव पौत्रेण प्रायात्तत्र प्रजेश्वरः ।।
सन्निवृत्ते तव सुते सर्व एव जनाधिपाः ।
आर्जुनिं रथवंशेन समन्तात्पर्यवारयन् ।।
स तैः परिवृतः शूरैः शूरो युधि सुदुर्जयैः ।
न स्म प्रव्यथते राजन्कृष्णतुल्यपराक्रमः ।।
सौभद्रमथ संसक्तं दृष्ट्वा तत्र धनंजयः ।
अभिदुद्राव वेगेन त्रातुकामः स्वमात्मजम् ।।
Then he took his place in the Ardha Chandra Vyuha formed by Arjuna.  
He fought fiercely with the Gandharas. He attacked Shalya and killed Jayatsena (King of Magadha) along with his elephant - Chapter 58
सात्यकिश्चाभिमन्युश्च महत्या सेकनया वृतौ ।
गान्धारान्समरे शूराञ्जग्मतुः सहसौबलान् ।।
तत्र सौबलकाः क्रुद्धा वार्ष्णेयस्य रथोत्तमम् ।
तिशलश्चिच्छिदुः क्रोधाच्छस्त्रैर्नानाविधैर्युधि ।।
सात्यकिस्तु रथं त्यक्त्वा वर्तमाने भयावहे ।
अभिमन्यो रथं तूर्णमारुरोह परंतपः ।।
तावेकरथसंयुक्तौ सौबलेयस्य वाहिनीम् ।
व्यधमेतां शितैस्तूर्णं शरैःक सन्नतपर्वभिः ।।
ततो रथसहस्रेषु विद्रवत्सु ततस्ततःक ।।
तावास्थितावेकरथं सौभद्रशिनिपुङ्गवौ ।
सौबलीं समरे सेनां शातयेतां समन्ततः ।।
तावास्थितावेकरथं सौभद्रशिनिपुङ्गवौ ।
After that he assisted his father Arjuna in the fight against Bhishma - Chapter 60
तथैव शक्रप्रतिमप्रभाव-
मिन्द्रात्मजं द्रोणमुखा विसस्नुः ।।
कृपश्च शल्यश्च विविंशतिश्च
दुर्योधनः सौमदत्तिश्च राजन्।
ततो रथानां प्रमुखादुपेत्य
सर्वास्त्रिवित्काञ्चनचित्रवर्मा ।।
तेषां महास्त्राणि महारथाना-
मसह्यकर्मा विनिहत्य कार्ष्णिः ।।
Valour of Abhimanyu - Chapter 61
द्रौणिर्भूरिश्रवाः शत्यश्चित्रसेनश्च मारिषः।
पुत्रः सांयमनेश्चैव सौभद्रं पर्यवारयन् ।।
संसक्तमतितेजोभिस्तमेकं ददृशुर्जनाः।
पञ्चभिर्मनुजव्याघ्रैर्गजैः सिंहशिशुं यथा ।।
नातिलक्ष्यतया कश्चिन्न शौर्ये न पराक्रमे ।
बभूव सदृशः कार्ष्णेर्नास्त्रे नापि च लाघवे ।।
तथा तमात्मजं युद्धे विक्रमन्तमरिन्दमम्।
दृष्ट्वा पार्थः सुसंयत्तं सिंहनादमथानदत् ।।
पीडयानं तु तत्सैन्यं पौत्रं तव विशांपते।
दृष्ट्वा त्वदीया राजेन्द्र समन्तात्पर्यवारयन् ।।
ध्वजिनीं धार्तराष्ट्राणां दीनशत्रुरदीनवत् ।
प्रत्युद्ययौ स सौभद्रस्तेजसा च बलेन च ।।
तस्य लाघवमार्गस्थमादित्यसदृशप्रभम् ।
व्यदृश्यत महच्चापं समरे युध्यतः परैः ।
स द्रौणिमिषुणैकेन विद्ध्वा शल्यं च पञ्चभिः ।
ध्वजं सांयमनेश्वैव सोऽष्टाभिश्चिच्छिदे ततः ।।
रुक्मदण्डां महाशक्तिं प्रेषितां सौमदत्तिन ।
शितेनोरगसंकाशां पत्रिणाभिजघान ताम् ।।
शल्यस्य च महावेगानस्यतः समरे शरान्।
`धनुश्चिच्छेद भल्लेन तीव्रवेगन फाल्गुनिः'
जघानार्जुनदायादश्चतुर्भिश्चतुरो हयान् ।।
भूरिश्रवाश्च शल्यश्च द्रौणिः सांयमनिः शलः।
नाभ्यवर्तन्तं संरब्धाः कार्ष्णेर्बाहुबलोदयात् ।।
Abhimanyu helps Dhrshtadyumna - Chapter 62
ततः शल्यो महाराज धृष्टद्युम्नस्य संयुगे।
धनुश्चिच्छेद भल्लेन पीतेन निशितेन च ।।
अथैनं शरवर्षेण च्छादयामास संयुगे।
गिरिं जलागमे यद्वञ्जलदा जलवृष्टिभिः ।।
अभिमन्युस्ततः क्रुद्धो धृष्टद्युम्ने च पीडिते ।
अभिदुद्राव वेगेन मद्रराजरथं प्रति ।।
ततो मद्राधिपस्थं कार्ष्णिः प्राप्यातिकोपनः ।
आर्तायनिममेयात्मा विव्याध निशितैः शरैः ।।
ततस्तु तावका राजन्परीप्सन्तोऽर्जुनं रणे।
मद्रराजरथं तूर्णं परिवार्यावतस्थिरे।।
दुर्योधनो विकर्णश्च दुःशासनविविंशती।
दुर्मर्षणो दुःसहश्च चित्रसेनोऽथ दुर्मुखः ।।
सत्यव्रतश्च भद्रं ते पुरुमित्रश्च भारत।
एते मद्राधिपरथं पालयन्तः स्थिता रणे ।।
तान्भीमसेनः संक्रुद्धो धृष्टद्युम्नश्च पार्षतः ।
द्रौपदेयाभिमन्युश्च माद्रीपुत्रौ च पाण्डवौ ।।
धार्तराष्ट्रान्दश रथान्दशैव प्रत्यवारयन् ।
नानारूपाणि शस्त्राणि विसृजन्तो विशांपते ।।
सत्यव्रतं च समरे पुरुमित्रं च भारत ।।
अभिमन्युरविध्यत्तु दशभिर्दशभिः शरैः।
मागधोऽथ महीपालो गजमैरावणोपमम्।
प्रेषयामास समरे सौभद्रस्य रथं प्रति।।
तमापतन्तं संप्रेक्ष्य मागधस्य महागजम् ।
जघानैकेषुणा वीरःत सौभद्रः परवीरहा ।।
तस्यावर्जितनागस्य कार्ष्णिः परपुरंजयः।
राज्ञो रजतपुङ्खेन भल्लेनापाहरच्छिरः।।
We find Abhimanyu assisting Bhimasena in Mahabharata Bhishma Parva Chapters 63, 64, 69 and 94.  
Completed till Chapter 64
After that abhimanyu defeated Lakshmana in battle. Then he defeated Vikarna, Chitrasena and others also. Later, he took his position in the Shrngataka Vyuha created by Dhrshtadyumna. He started fighting with Bhagadatta. He defeated Ambastha and Alambusha. Next he fought a duel with Sudishna. After that, he encountered Duryodhana, Brhatbala and others. Mahabharata Drona Parva, Chapter 10, Verses 47-52 are a description of Abhimanyu's heroism by Dhrtarashtra. He snatched Paurava's weapon and threw it on the ground. Next he fought with Jayadratha and Shalya. Then he was caught in the Chakravyuha of the enemies. There he inflicted great losses upon the enemy forces. Shalya was stunned and his brother was killed by Abhimanyu. Mahabharata Drona Parva Chapter 38 Verses 23 and 24 describe the flight of the Kauravas in fear. At that stage, even Dronacharya praised Abhimanyu's valour. Dushshasana fainted during his fight with Abhimanyu. Karna was defeated. Vrshasena, Satyashravas and Shalya's son Rugmaratha were slain. Duryodhana fled. Lakshmana was killed. Vrndaraka, Ashvatthama, Karna and others were amazed by this terrible valour of Abhimanyu. Six ministers of Karna were slain. Next Ashvaketu (son of the King of Magadha) was killed. King Bhoja was also killed. Shalya was again defeated. Shatrunjaya, Chandraketu, Meghavega, Suvarcas, Suryabhasa, who were all kings were beheaded by Abhimanyu. Shakuni was wounded by Abhimanyu's arrow. Kalakeya (son of Subala) was slain. Mahabharata Drona Parva Chapter 40 Verses 13 and 14 say that at this stage, Prince Dushshasana beat Abhimanyu to death with his mace.<ref name=":2" />                                                                 
== References ==
== References ==

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