Dharma Point of View
DharmaWiki portal is a platform for like-minded people, to read, discuss and contribute to the knowledge base of the subjects based on Sanatana Dharma and Shastras. Generally speaking it is a public source of narratives for widely accepted knowledge base of Vaidika Dharma or Sanatana Dharma.
Content Policies of Dharmawiki
The article and topic contributions on this portal are built keeping in mind the following must have aspects.
मूलसिद्धान्तसमैक्यता ॥ Integral Unity of Sanatana Dharma | |
अनुवाद-अनीयता ॥ Non-translatability | |
परीक्षणम् ॥ Verifiability | |
रचनासौष्ठवम् ॥ Towards Diligence | |
- मूलसिद्धान्तसमैक्यता ॥ Integral Unity of Sanatana Dharma : Narratives highlight the rich diversity of various traditions with emphasis on the integral unity of core principles of Sanatana Dharma.
- अनुवाद-अनीयता ॥ Non-translatability : English or any language is grossly insufficient to explain the numerous nuances of the divine language Samskrit. Hence words such as Moksha translated as 'liberation' or 'release from bondage' do not exactly stand for Moksha. Hence such words, viz., atma, karma, moksha, sat, chit, etc are used as is in the narratives. We keep adding to the list of such words here.
- परीक्षणम् ॥ Verifiability : Articles should contain references to primary sources which are properly cited at appropriate places to ensure verifiability of reference given.
- रचनासौष्ठवम् ॥ Towards Diligence : The quality goals of narratives compiled here include : good research (after svadhaya) maintaining depth of the subject, towards comprehensiveness and consistency. It is to be noted that the articles are foundational to provide a discussion platform and they are gradually refined over time with more scholarly inputs. Interdisciplinary extrapolations, and psychoanalysis are strongly discouraged here.
Scope of DharmaWiki
The article and topic contributions on this portal have the following additional views with an aim to include more insights in future.
- संप्रदायसिद्धविषयः ॥ Sampradayasiddha Vishya: Handed down from generations this dharmika tradition belonged to the people of Bharatavarsha and it is our right as well as duty to protect and proliferate it.
- व्यासादि ऋषिपरंपरा ॥ Vysadi Rshi Parampara: Articles adhere to the concepts propounded in texts given by our Rshi Parampara including Maharshi Vedavyasa's Vedas and Vedanta along with other allied traditional literature (such as Vedangas and Smrtis).
- पुरुषार्थदृष्टिः ॥ Purushartha Drshti : Revitalize the society to perform activities for achieving welfare of one and all employing the Purushartha views and not for Svartha (selfishness) or individual goals.
- कालानुक्रमणिका न ॥ No Dating or Chronology of Texts : The subject of establishing timeframes of Vedas, vedic texts, or any other allied literature will not be attempted here. Concept of Sanatanata (timelessness) of the vedic literature is adopted.
- भारतीय विद्वत्समीक्षा ॥ Bharat's Scholarly Views : The field of "Indology", which developed in the past 300 years and is largely controlled till date by western academia, is now presented here with perspectives of traditional Bharat's academia to dispel myths created by western indoctrination. Narratives include prose quotations, slokas, and mantras available in samskrit texts along with basic translation to place the perspective before the reader. Research work done by students, academic paper presentations, poster presentations, and conference proceedings of revered scholars are explored and used for references.
- संस्कृतमूलम् ॥ Original Samskrit Sources : Articles contain the original samskrit references from traditional texts (Vedas, Vaidika Vangmaya, Puranas, Itihasas etc) with their sources cited to enable anyone with knowledge of Samskrit to personally make their interpretations.
Authors on this portal are essentially like-minded registered users with a passion to contribute their role in maintaining Sanatana Dharma for the generations to come. Narratives on DharmaWiki are built by an ever growing team of qualified authors and editors coming from diverse educational, spiritual and cultural backgrounds yet each of them have sound technical knowledge. Authors should have the following principles at heart
- Dedication to the core ideas and concepts of this project
- Engage in active research of subject matter
- Engage in consultation with scholars and peers
- Content verification
The following are the different people associated with the site.
- DharmaWiki Author is one who is engaged with the core team in building the site contents and plays an active role in decision making working along with the other team and core scholarly members. They have administrative rights and have approval powers to make significant changes both technically and content wise. They moderate and channel the other users on the site.
- Guest Author is one who is engaged with DharmaWiki in content related aspects. Their inputs and suggestions are received by the moderators who discuss them with the core team and incorporate them as required. They are the primary resourcers of articles on various subject matters and should adhere to the Content Policies while generating their articles.
Disclaimer : All the information on this website is published in good faith and for general information purpose only.