Dana (दानम्)

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Dana (Samskrit : दानम्) is the tradition of 'giving away' or 'donation' without expecting any return' is practiced widely in the world as 'philanthropy', largely been driven by traditional faith-based motivation while the practice of purpose-based or secular giving is slowly gaining ground in the present day society. Traditionally the act of 'giving' involved a complex and variegated thought process of people who 'gave' in many forms (water, food, money) following rituals (shraddha, yajnas), themes (annadana, vratas, digging of wells for public welfare), ways (gupt dana : unknown to anyone, visible to everyone), times (kartika masa) and methods (scriptural procedures).


The word Dana is derived from the dhatu 'दा' दाने with the following synonyms given in Nighantu meaning 'giving' 'distribution' 'bestowing' ' presentation' 'generous' etc.

दाति दाशति दासति राति रासति पृणक्षि पृणाति शिक्षति तुञ्जत मंहते इति [ दश ] दानकर्माणः। २० । (Nighantu 3.20) [1]

dāti dāśati dāsati rāti rāsati pr̥ṇakṣi pr̥ṇāti śikṣati tuñjata maṁhatē iti [ daśa ] dānakarmāṇaḥ। 20 । (Nighantu 3.20)

Amarakosa defines Dana as the dravya (material) given away to devatas, brahmanas and others and is summarized as : Tyaga (त्यागः । giving up), Vihapitam (विहापितम् a gift) Utsarjana (उत्सर्गः donation), Visarjana (विसर्जनम् giving away) Visrananam (विश्राणनम् donation) Vitarana (वितरणम् giving up), Sparshana (स्पर्शनम् a gift)

देवब्राह्मणादिसम्प्रदानकद्रव्यमोचनम् . तत्पर्य्यायः . त्यागः २ विहापितम् ३ उत्सर्जनम् ४ विसर्जनम् ५ विश्राणनम् ६ वितरणम् ७ स्पर्शनम् ८ प्रतिपादनम् ९ प्रादेशनम् १०निर्व्वपणम् ११ अपवर्जनम् १२ अंहतिः इत्यमरः

dēvabrāhmaṇādisampradānakadravyamōcanam . tatparyyāyaḥ . tyāgaḥ 2 vihāpitam 3 utsarjanam 4 visarjanam 5 viśrāṇanam 6 vitaraṇam 7 sparśanam 8 pratipādanam 9 prādēśanam 10nirvvapaṇam 11 apavarjanam 12 aṁhatiḥ ityamaraḥ

Origin of Practice of Dana

The practice of 'giving', as we see dates back to the days of Rigveda. Gifts of various kinds and donors have been highly eulogised in the Rigveda. There are 'danastutis' in many Rigveda mantras.Example : In suktas 1.125 and 1.126 the gifts made by king Svanaya to Kakshivat are praised and dana in general is eulogised.[2]

नाकस्य पृष्ठे अधि तिष्ठति श्रितो यः पृणाति स ह देवेषु गच्छति । तस्मा आपो घृतमर्षन्ति सिन्धवस्तस्मा इयं दक्षिणा पिन्वते सदा ॥५॥ (Rig. Veda. 1.125.5)[3]

nākasya pṛṣṭhe adhi tiṣṭhati śrito yaḥ pṛṇāti sa ha deveṣu gacchati । tasmā āpo ghṛtamarṣanti sindhavastasmā iyaṃ dakṣiṇā pinvate sadā ॥5॥ (Rig. Veda. 1.125.5)

Meaning: He who supports those who are dependent on him by liberally giving them money (wealth) and food enjoys all heavenly happiness. He attains the heavenly worlds and becomes one among the devatas. The streams of water flow widely to provide him the life sustaining water and the earth provides him with abundance of food etc.[4] The subject of dana is of utmost importance in the present yuga as mentioned by Manu while propounding the kaliyuga dharmas in Manusmriti. Manu and others (Parashara Smriti) state that in the four yugas namely Krita (कृत), Treta (त्रेता), Dvapara (द्वापर) and Kali (कलि), the principal aspects of religious life were respectively Tapas (तपः), metaphysical knowledge (ज्ञानं ), sacrifices (यज्ञं) and danam (दानम्)

तपः परं कृतयुगे त्रेतायां ज्ञानं उच्यते । द्वापरे यज्ञं एवाहुर्दानं एकं कलौ युगे । । १.८६ । । (Manu. Smri. 1.86)[5]

tapaḥ paraṃ kṛtayuge tretāyāṃ jñānaṃ ucyate । dvāpare yajñaṃ evāhurdānaṃ ekaṃ kalau yuge । । 1.86 । । (Manu. Smri. 1.86)

दानलक्षणानि ॥ Characteristics of Dana

Traditional literature on dana is very large and varied, abounding with many nuances, and shades of opinion. Therefore, only a very simplistic presentation is given here.[6]

  1. For Your Own Sake : Dana is not given for the benefit of the recipient. Any benefit which the recipient may derive is secondary. It is fundamentally given for one's own benefit. This is based on the basic concept that the world is a binding factor, and wealth is one of the anchors that binds us to this earth (in cycles of birth and death). Therefore, practice of tyaga or 'sacrifice' or 'giving up' one's wealth helps corrode this anchor.
  2. A Suitable Recipient : His/her connection with a dana must end when they part with the property. They are mostly not concerned with how the item is eventually utilised. However, at the time of identifying the recipient, they must find a suitable candidate, patra (पात्रः). It is generally recognised that while most dana is directed towards Brahmins dana to non-Brahmins is not prohibited or insignificant. This is broadly in line with the pauranik directives. However, there are three important caveats:
    • Only dana is generally directed towards Brahmins. Utsarg is for the benefit of the community as a whole.
    • There is a clear preference for learned or yajnakarta Brahmins. There are also strong prohibitions against giving to a Brahmin who is Brahmin only by birth, and is neither learned nor cultured. Giving to an incapable Brahmin will result in both the donor and the recipient sinking.
    • At several places, the Puranas advise Kshatriyas (क्षत्रियः) and Vaishyas (वैश्यः) not to accept dana. However, Agni Purana (अग्निपुराणम्) clearly says that you get punya by giving to non-Brahmins, including Shudra (शूद्रः) and Varna-sankar (वर्णसंकरः). It also specifies the proportion of benefit depending on the recipient.
  3. Giving Respectfully : Puranas emphasise that the punya of a dana is lost if the donation is made with disrespect or made regretfully. Such a dana may be classified as tamasik. Therefore, the donor should welcome the recipient, and offer the dana with respect. The recipient should also be given dakshina, possibly to defray the expenses / time spent in participating in the dana ritual. This protects the value of the main dana, so far as the donor is concerned. Dana for attaining prestige or fame in society is of the lowest kind,
  4. Irreversible : If a sankalpa (संकल्पम्) has been made, and the intended recipient does not show up to accept the donation, the donor is required to release the item in a pond or a river. The donated item cannot revert to the donor or be reallocated to another person.

दानाङ्गानि ॥ Elements of Dana

The literature on dana is of enormous extent.

Defining Dana, Shri. Sanjay Agarwal[6] says dana is a sub-set of giving. It is only the last item - 'giving - as per scriptural directions' that qualifies as proper dana. According to his findings the most comprehensive definition of Dana appears to have seven essential elements:

  1. Donor (दाता)
  2. Acceptor (प्रतिग्रहीता) or Patra (पात्रः)
  3. Respectful Transaction (श्रद्धा)
  4. Appropriate object for donation, Danavastu (देयम्)
  5. Right place (देशः)
  6. Right time (कालः)
  7. Right procedure (शास्त्रविधिः)

दानतत्त्वम् ॥ Essence of Dana

The story of King Dharmvarma is narrated in the Skand Purana. The King was curious about the essential elements of dana. He therefore performed penance for a long time. At the end, he was rewarded with a puzzling shloka:

स तु दानस्य तत्त्वार्थी तेपे वर्षगणान्बहून्॥ ४.१६ ॥ sa tu dānasya tattvārthī tēpē varṣagaṇānbahūn॥ 4.16 ॥

ततस्तं प्राह खे वाणी श्लोकमेकं नृप श्रृणु॥ द्विहेतु षडधिष्ठानं षडंगं च द्विपाकयुक्॥ ४.१७ ॥ चतुःप्रकारं त्रिविधं त्रिनाशं दानमुच्यते॥ (Skan. Pura. Mahe. Khan. 4.16 - 17) [7]

tatastaṁ prāha khē vāṇī ślōkamēkaṁ nr̥pa śrr̥ṇu॥ dvihētu ṣaḍadhiṣṭhānaṁ ṣaḍaṁgaṁ ca dvipākayuk॥ 4.17 ॥ catuḥprakāraṁ trividhaṁ trināśaṁ dānamucyatē॥

Meaning : ‘Dana has two hetu, six adhishthan, six ang, two paak, four prakar, three vidh and three ways of naash.

द्विहेतु ॥ Two Enhancers

The two hetus (drivers, push factors) of dana, which help increase or decrease it, are shraddha (श्रद्धा) and shakti (शक्ति).

श्रद्धा शक्तिश्च दानानां वृद्ध्यक्षयकरेहि ते॥ ४.४१ ॥ śraddhā śaktiśca dānānāṁ vr̥ddhyakṣayakarēhi tē॥ 4.41 ॥ (Skan. Pura. Mahe. Khan. 4.41)[7]

1. If you give away your entire property without shraddha, you will not get any benefit. However, if you give even a little of your justly earned money, you will be able to please Shri Shiv, provided you give with shraddha.

2. The second hetu is shakti (capacity). You should only give out of what is left after meeting needs of the family. If money is given to a rich and capable person, while the family is living in penury, then all benefit is lost. This causes dharma to transform into adharma. Similarly, if someone performs shradha for a dead person, while the living dependents suffer, then this will result in misery for the donor in this life and thereafter.

षडधिष्ठाननि ॥ Six Motives

The six adhisthanas (base, pedestal, foundation) of dana are dharma, artha, kama, lajja, harsha and bhaya.

धर्ममर्थं च कामं च व्रीडाहर्षभयानि च॥ अधिष्ठानानि दानानां षडेतानि प्रचक्षते॥ ४.५५ ॥ (Skan. Pura. Mahe. Khan. 4.55) [7]

dharmamarthaṁ ca kāmaṁ ca vrīḍāharṣabhayāni ca॥ adhiṣṭhānāni dānānāṁ ṣaḍētāni pracakṣatē॥ 4.55 ॥

1. When dana is made to a suitable person, without any objective, and only out of a sense of duty, it is known as dharm dana (धर्मदानम्).

2. When dana is made with an objective in mind, it is known as arth dana (अर्थदानम्).

3. When dana is given during drinking, gambling, womanizing, hunting etc., it is known as kaam dana (कामदानम्).

4. When dana is given out of embarrassment on being accosted by seekers in public, it is known as lajja dana (लज्जादानम्).

5. When dana is made out of joy on hearing good news or on successful completion of a desired project, it is known as harsh dana (हर्षदानम्).

6. When dana is given out of fear to avoid infamy, damage, violence, etc., it is known as bhaya dana (भयदानम्).

षडंगानि ॥ Six Components

दाता प्रतिग्रहीता च शुद्धिर्देयं च धर्मयुक्॥ ४.६२ ॥ देशकालौ च दानानामंगान्येतानि षड्विदुः॥ ४.६३ ॥ (Skan. Pura. Mahe. Khan. 4.62 and 63) [7]

dātā pratigrahītā ca śuddhirdēyaṁ ca dharmayuk॥ 4.62 ॥ dēśakālau ca dānānāmaṁgānyētāni ṣaḍviduḥ॥ 4.63 ॥

According to Hemadri, these six angas (constituent elements) of dana have been cited by Devala also.[2]The six components of dana are donor (दाता), Accepter (प्रतिग्रहीता), purification (शुद्धिः), legitimate/appropriate object for donating (धर्मयुक्), place (देशः), and time (कालः):

1. Donor should be healthy, virtuous, desirous of giving, devoid of any addiction, holy, and earning a legitimate living.

2. Accepter should have good lineage, learning, character, kindness and control of senses. He should make his living in approved ways.

3. Dana is purified if the donor welcomes the seekers, has genuine affection for them, honours them, and does not find fault in them.

4. Only that money which has been earned with ones’s own effort (but without excessive hardship), and has not been obtained by harassing others is eligible for dana. It does not matter whether such money is less or more.

5. That which is difficult to obtain in a place (e.g. water in a desert), is the right item for donating in that place.

6. That which is difficult to obtain at a particular time (e.g. food during famine, or lamp-light at night), is the right item for donating at that time.

द्विपाकौ ॥Two Results

सद्भ्यो यद्दीयते किंचित्तत्परत्रोपतिष्ठति॥ असत्सु दीयते किंचित्तद्दानमिह भुज्यते॥ ४.७१ ॥ (Skan. Pura. Mahe. Khan. 4.71) [7]

sadbhyō yaddīyatē kiṁcittatparatrōpatiṣṭhati॥ asatsu dīyatē kiṁcittaddānamiha bhujyatē॥ 4.71 ॥

Dana has two kinds of rewards: those which are enjoyed in heaven, and others which are enjoyed in this world itself. Rewards of dana made to a true or noble person are enjoyed in heaven. Rewards of dana made to others are enjoyed on Earth itself.

चतुःप्रकारम् ॥ Four Kinds of Dana

ध्रुवमाहुस्त्रिकं काम्यं नैमित्तिकमिति क्रमात्॥ ४.७२ ॥ वैदिको दानमार्गोऽयं चतुर्धा वर्ण्यते द्विजैः॥ (Skan. Pura. Mahe. Khan. 4.72)[7]

dhruvamāhustrikaṁ kāmyaṁ naimittikamiti kramāt॥ 4.72 ॥ vaidikō dānamārgō'yaṁ caturdhā varṇyatē dvijaiḥ॥

1. Works of public welfare, such as digging of wells and ponds, planting orchards and gardens, etc. are known as dhruv (ध्रुवम्) or eternal.

2. Whatever is given on a daily basis is known as nitya (नित्य) or trik (त्रिकम्).

3. That which is given with a desire for offspring, victory, splendour, woman, power, or for fulfilling one’s wishes, is known as kamya (काम्य).

4. Naimittik (नैमित्तिकम् motivated) dana is of three types:

  1. Kaalapeksh (कालापेक्ष) - that which is motivated by auspicious times or other planetary conjunctions.
  2. Kriyapeksh (क्रियापेक्ष) - that which is motivated by an occasion or activity such as shraddh (श्राद्ध) etc.
  3. Gunapeksh (गुणापेक्ष) - that which is motivated by the recipient's character, knowledge, learning or other virtues.

त्रिविधद्रव्यदानम् ॥Three Ways based on Dana Items

त्रैविध्यमभिधीयते॥ ४.७६ ॥ traividhyamabhidhīyatē॥ 4.76 ॥

अष्टोत्तमानि चत्वारि मध्यमानि विधानतः॥ कानीयसानि शेषाणि त्रिविधत्वमिदं विदुः॥ ४.७७ ॥

aṣṭōttamāni catvāri madhyamāni vidhānataḥ॥ kānīyasāni śēṣāṇi trividhatvamidaṁ viduḥ॥ 4.77 ॥

गृहप्रासादविद्याभूगोकूपप्राणहाटकम्॥ एतान्युत्तमदानानि उत्तमद्रव्यदानतः॥ ४.७८ ॥

gr̥haprāsādavidyābhūgōkūpaprāṇahāṭakam॥ ētānyuttamadānāni uttamadravyadānataḥ॥ 4.78 ॥

अन्नारामं च वासांसि हयप्रभृतिवाहनम्॥ दानानि मध्यमानीति मध्यमद्रव्यदानतः॥ ४.७९ ॥

annārāmaṁ ca vāsāṁsi hayaprabhr̥tivāhanam॥ dānāni madhyamānīti madhyamadravyadānataḥ॥ 4.79 ॥

उपानच्छत्रपात्रादिदधिमध्वासनानि च॥ ४.८० ॥ upānacchatrapātrādidadhimadhvāsanāni ca॥ 4.80 ॥

दीपकाष्ठोपलादीनि चरमं बहुवार्षिकम्॥ इति कानीयसान्याहुर्दाननाशत्रयं श्रृणु॥ ४.८१ ॥

dīpakāṣṭhōpalādīni caramaṁ bahuvārṣikam॥ iti kānīyasānyāhurdānanāśatrayaṁ śrr̥ṇu॥ 4.81 ॥ (Skan. Pura. Mahe. Khan. 4.76 - 81) [7]

The following table summarizes the kinds of items for donation and their level of importance in giving







  • House
  • Temple
  • Knowledge
  • Land
  • Cow
  • Wells
  • Saving life
  • Gold
  • Grain
  • Garden
  • Clothes
  • Horse etc
  • Shoes
  • Umbrella
  • Utensils
  • Curd
  • Honey
  • Seating (asana)
  • Lamps
  • Wood
  • Stone

दाननाशास्त्रयम् ॥ Three Dana Nashakas

यद्दत्त्वा तप्यते पश्चादासुरं तद्धृथा मतम्॥ अश्रद्धया यद्ददाति राक्षसं स्याद्वृथैव तत्॥ ४.८२ ॥

yaddattvā tapyatē paścādāsuraṁ taddhr̥thā matam॥ aśraddhayā yaddadāti rākṣasaṁ syādvr̥thaiva tat॥ 4.82 ॥

यच्चाक्रुश्य ददात्यंग दत्त्वा वाक्रोशति द्विजम्॥ पैशाचं तद्वृथा दानंदाननाशास्त्रयस्त्वमी॥ ४.८३ ॥ (Skan. Pura. Mahe. Khan. 4.82 - 83) [7]

yaccākruśya dadātyaṁga dattvā vākrōśati dvijam॥ paiśācaṁ tadvr̥thā dānaṁdānanāśāstrayastvamī॥ 4.83 ॥

Dana is nullified by three factors: regret, unsuitability of recipient, and ashraddha (अश्रद्धा).

  • Further, if the donor regrets making the dana, then it is known as Asura dana (असुरदानम्).
  • If the dana is given without shraddha, it is known as Rakshasa dana (राक्षसदानम्).
  • When the receiver is scolded or told unpleasant things or is cursed afterwards, then the dana is known as Pishacha dana (पैशाचकदानम).

Hearing this crystal clear explanation of the cryptic shloka, the King was overjoyed. Devarshi Narad then left the money in the King's care, and proceeded on his business.

Types of Dana

Dana has been classified in several overlapping ways, depending on one's perspective: [6]

A simple definition of each kind of Dana is as follows:

Based on Orientation

Ishtapurta (इष्टापूर्त) is a word of high antiquity that deserves consideration in the subject of dana. It occurs in the Rigveda and the sense seems to be 'the cumulative spiritual result of merit due to a man's performance of sacrifices and charitable acts'. The word though employed in the singular consists of two parts, ishta (what is sacrificed) and purta (what is filled).[2]

  • Ishta (इष्टा) : Acts which are primarily religious in nature (yajna, homa, tapas, atithi satkar etc) and are turned inwards, are called Ishta. The rewards of such acts are invisible in this life and will be enjoyed in paradise.[6]
  • Purta (पूर्त) : Acts which are primarily charitable in nature (construction of public utilities, ponds, schools, rest houses, gardens, ann-kshetra, etc.) are called purta. The benefits of purta are visible in this life and include attainment of moksha. Charitable trusts are called purta works in texts.[6]

Based on Beneficiary

  • Dana (दानम्) : When the giving results in transfer of property from one person to another, it is treated as dana. In some cases, the transfer might benefit more than one person. However, so long as the number of beneficiaries is fixed, the giving will be considered dana. Additionally, the donor should no longer derive any benefit from the item donated. Some types of giving are not considered dana. These include gifts to people whom one is otherwise required to support. Similarly, mutual exchange of gifts is treated as a cultural practice, but does not qualify as dana.[6]
  • Utsarga (उत्सर्गः) : If the item or property is dedicated or released for general public use, the giving is treated as utsarga. The property is then owned commonly, and is similar to the concept of common grazing land. In this case, there is no bar on the donor also using the property as a member of the public, without any special privileges.[6]

Based on the Nature of Dana

According to Shrimad Bhagvad Gita, all dana can be classified into three categories: sattvik (associated with purity and spirituality), rajasik (associated with materialism and worldly affairs) and tamasik (associated with lack of intellect and leads to darkness). Shraddha is also defined in Skanda Purana as follows

त्रिविधा भवति श्रद्धा देहिनां सा स्वभावजा॥ सात्त्विकी राजसी चैव तामसी चेति तां श्रृणु॥ ४.४६ ॥ (Skan. Pura. Mahe. Khan. 4.46)[7]

trividhā bhavati śraddhā dehināṃ sā svabhāvajā॥ sāttvikī rājasī caiva tāmasī ceti tāṃ śrṛṇu॥ 4.46 ॥

  • Sattvika Dana (सात्त्विकदानम्) : Sattvik dana is one that is made as a duty. It should be made after considering the time, place and the suitability of the receiver. The receiver should not perform any service or provide any benefit in return (अनुपकारी Anupkar). Swami Ramsukhdas explains that this kind of dana is really tyag, relinquishment, in which nothing is desired in return. This type of dana is not the kind that gives punya (पुण्यम्), merit in return. Seeking such punya will transform the dana into rajasik (राजसिकदानम्).[6] The Bhagavad Geeta expounds the satvika dana as follows:

    दातव्यमिति यद्दानं दीयतेऽनुपकारिणे । देशे काले च पात्रे च तद्दानं सात्विकं स्मृतम् ॥ (भ.गी.१७.२०)[8]

    dātavyamiti yaddānaṃ dīyate'nupakāriṇe । deśe kāle ca pātre ca taddānaṃ sātvikaṃ smṛtam ॥ (Bhag. Gita.17.20)

  • Rajasik (राजसिकदानम्) : Rajasik dana is made for getting some direct or indirect benefit (whether material or spiritual) in return. The parting (of property) causes pain or regret to the donor. Or the dana is given after some persuasion (as in a collection or chanda - चंदा). Rajasik dana gives whatever benefits are sought by the donor.[6] According to the Bhagavad Geeta,

    यत्तु प्रत्युपकारार्थं फलमुद्दिश्य वा पुनः । दीयते च परिक्लिष्टं तद्दानं राजसं स्मृतम् ॥ (भ.गी.१७.२१)[8]

    yattu pratyupakārārthaṃ phalamuddiśya vā punaḥ । dīyate ca parikliṣṭaṃ taddānaṃ rājasaṃ smṛtam ॥ (Bhag. Gita.17.21)

  • Tamasik (तामसिकदानम्) : When dana is made to an unsuitable person or without considering time or place, then it is called tamasik dana. If the dana is made without showing proper respect or in an insulting manner, then also it becomes tamasik. Another example of a tamasik dana would be where it is intended to cause bodily harm to another. In such a case, both the donor and the recipient are to be punished as for theft. The Bhagavad Geeta says,

    अदेशकाले यद्दानमपात्रेभ्यश्च दीयते । असत्कृतमवज्ञातं तत्तामसमुदाहृतम् ॥ (भ.गी.१७.२२)[8]

    adeśakāle yaddānamapātrebhyaśca dīyate । asatkṛtamavajñātaṃ tattāmasamudāhṛtam ॥ (Bhag. Gita.17.22)

Based on the Purpose served

Based on the purpose of dana as mentioned in several puranas, the classification is as given below[6]:

दानं त्रिविधमित्येतत्कनिष्ठज्येष्ठमध्यमम् ।। तत्र नैश्रेयसं ज्येष्ठं कनिष्ठं स्वार्थसिद्धये ।। ३२.५५ ।। कारुण्यात्सर्वभूतेषु संविभागस्तु मध्यमः ।। (Brahmand. Pura. 1.32.55-56)[9]

dānaṁ trividhamityētatkaniṣṭhajyēṣṭhamadhyamam ।। tatra naiśrēyasaṁ jyēṣṭhaṁ kaniṣṭhaṁ svārthasiddhayē ।। 32.55 ।। kāruṇyātsarvabhūtēṣu saṁvibhāgastu madhyamaḥ ।।

  • Jyestha (ज्येष्ठः) : Dana given in order to achieve moksh (nishreyas) is considered the most valuable form.
  • Madhyama (मध्यमम्) : Dana given out of pity or kindness for others or for one's own kith and kin is considered to be of medium value. It is also called as Daya Dana (दयादानम्)
  • Kanishth (कनिष्ठः) : Dana given to achieve one’s own selfish ends is known as the least valued of all.

Based on the Objective for giving

Based the objective of making a dana, it is classified into four categories:

नित्यं नैमित्तिकं काम्यं त्रिविधं दानमुच्यते । चतुर्थं विमलं प्रोक्तं सर्वदानोत्तमोत्तमम् ।। २६.४ (Kurm. Pura. Uttar. 26.4) [10]

nityaṁ naimittikaṁ kāmyaṁ trividhaṁ dānamucyatē । caturthaṁ vimalaṁ prōktaṁ sarvadānōttamōttamam ।। 26.4

  • Nitya (नित्यम्) : When dana is made daily to Brahmins without any expectation of services or return, it is known as nitya dana. The benefits of such dana are eternal.
  • Naimittik (नैमित्तिकम्) : When dana is made to learned people at a particular time to counter the effects of sins, it is known as naimittik.
  • Kamya (काम्यम्) : When a person desirous of children, victory, wealth, heaven etc, makes a dana, it is known as kamya.
  • Vimal (विमलम्) : When dana is made out of a sense of duty, to Brahmins learned in the Veda, in order to please the divine, it is known as vimal or nirmal dana.

निष्फलदानम् ॥ Fruitless Dana

There are instances in the shrutis and smritis that some danas do not yield the desired results or are considered improper actions. Such danas which are not to be performed may again be classified based on the donor, danadravya (material) time, place etc. The important ones find mention here below.

द्रव्यम् ॥ Dravya

Nine types of property should not be given in dana [7] under any circumstances and one who does so should undergo prayaschitta for doing so.

सामान्यं याचितं न्यासमाधिर्दाराश्च दर्शनम्॥ अन्वाहितं च निक्षेपः सर्वस्वं चान्वये सति॥ ४.५२ ॥ आपत्स्वपि न देयानि नववस्तूनि पंडितैः॥ यो ददाति स मूढात्मा प्रायाश्चित्तीयते नरः॥ ४.५३ ॥ (Skan. Pura. 1.4.52)

sāmānyaṃ yācitaṃ nyāsamādhirdārāśca darśanam॥ anvāhitaṃ ca nikṣepaḥ sarvasvaṃ cānvaye sati॥ 4.52 ॥
āpatsvapi na deyāni navavastūni paṃḍitaiḥ॥ yo dadāti sa mūḍhātmā prāyāścittīyate naraḥ॥ 4.53 ॥

  1. Samanya (सामान्यम्) - that which is ordinary or owned by everyone.
  2. Yachit (याचितम्) - that which has been borrowed from someone.
  3. Nyas (न्यासम्) - that which has been deposited with you in trust.
  4. Aadhi (आधि)- that which has been pawned with you.
  5. Dana (दानम्) - that which has already been given once.
  6. Dana dhan (दानधनम्) - that which has been received in dana.
  7. Anvahit (अन्वाहितम्) - that which has been kept in trust with X, who has placed it in safe-keeping with Y.
  8. Nikshipt (निक्षिप्तम्) - that which has been entrusted to someone.
  9. Sanvaya Sarvasv Dana (सन्वय सर्वस्वदानम्) - giving away everything despite availability of descendants.

प्रतिग्रहीता ॥ Receiver

There are sixteen kinds of payments made to donees that does not qualify as dana. A receiver should be assessed for his mental attitudes and physical conditions by the donor for a dana to be made properly.[6]

Dana Associated Terminology

The enormous amount of literature on dana and the accompanying science, wisdom, forms, and stories come with an important caveat: most of this is not known even among practicing Hindus. Most are not able to distinguish between dana, dakshina, bhiksha, and bheekh. Few, if any are aware of the different forms of dana, and their purpose. As a result, the practice of daan has all but disappeared. This is partly due to a disconnect with literary heritage.

Dana : Involves giving of mainly material items with proper respect, following rituals without an expectation of any return.

Dakshina : Often confused with Dana, Dakshina is a type of honorarium for services. The amount given to not an agreed amount and is usually a random amount paid by the donor as covering fees for the dana. It does not qualify as a dana. Any donation is accompanied by dakshina.

Bhiksha : It is the provision of food and other basic necessities mainly to ascetics and brahmacharis living in ashrams.

Bheek : It is the giving of alms to beggars, without recitation of any mantra nor is the receiver is classified as a pratigrihita.[6]

According to shastras, there is a distinction between yaga, homa and dana. A yaga is constituted by abandoning something that belongs to one, intending it for a deity and accompanying it with vedic mantras. Homa is offering into fire something that belongs to oneself over which one abandons one's ownership with an intention to make an offering to the deities. Dana is willful cessation of one's ownership over a thing and creating the ownership of another over that thing. Dana occurs when the other person accepts the thing, which may be mental or vocal or physical.[2]

Procedure of Dana

While there are many procedures to be followed for making a dana on different occasions the general procedure is outlined as follows:[2]

  • The donor and acceptor should have taken their bath and wear two white garments (dhoti and angavastra).
  • Donor should have performed his nityakarma including sandhyavandana (and agnikarya), should wear a pavitra, perform achamana, wear the sacred thread in upavita form, be seated on appropriate seat (made of darbha or kusa grass).
  • Donor should be seated facing east and the receiver is to be seated to his right facing north direction.
  • Donor should utter the name of the subject of the gift, its presiding deity, and purpose for which he makes the gift and chant the prescribed mantras.


  1. Nirukta (Adhyaya 3)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Kane, Pandurang. Vaman. (1941) History of Dharmasastra, Volume Two, Part 2. Poona: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute
  3. Rigveda (Mandala 1 Sukta 125)
  4. Pt. Ramgovind Trivedi. (1954) Hindi Rigveda. Prayaga:Indian Press Ltd
  5. Manusmriti (Adhyaya 1)
  6. 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 6.11 Agarwal, Sanjay. (2010) Daan and Other Giving Traditions in India. New Delhi: AccountAid, India
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 Skanda Purana (Khanda 1 (Mahesvara Khanda) Adhyaya 4)
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (1972), Bhagavad-gita As it is,The Bhakti Vedanta Book Trust
  9. Brahmanda Purana (Purva Bhaga Adhyaya 32)
  10. Kurma Purana (Uttara Bhaga Adhyaya 26)