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Mercury is considered an element of Shiva, whereas sulphur, an element of Parvati and the product that was created from their union in asafoetida was called ras sindur, which was considered the essence for longevity.<ref>Soni, Suresh. India's Glorious Scientific Tradition. </ref>
Mercury is considered an element of Shiva, whereas sulphur, an element of Parvati and the product that was created from their union in asafoetida was called ras sindur, which was considered the essence for longevity.<ref>Soni, Suresh. India's Glorious Scientific Tradition. </ref>
== स्वरूपम् ॥ Appearance ==
== स्वरूपम् ॥ Characteristics ==
Gandhaka is available in both free and bound forms. Sulfur mixed with metals is available in pure form near volcanic mountains and at other places. Sulfur is found in the form of both sulphide and sulphate compounds.<ref name=":1" /> <blockquote>निमेलस्तु रजनीसमप्रभो दीप्तिमांश्च नबनीतकोमलः । कीर्तितो ह्यमलसारसंज्ञको गन्धको रसरसायने वरः ॥|४।।  nimēlastu rajanīsamaprabhō dīptimāṁśca nabanītakōmalaḥ | kīrtitō hyamalasārasaṁjñakō gandhakō rasarasāyanē varaḥ |||4|| (Rasa. Tara. 8.4)<ref>Kashinath Shastri (1986 reprint) ed., ''Ras Tarangini Of Sadananda Sharma With Prasadani Explanation Of Haridatt Shastri And Ras Vigyan Hindi Tika Of Dharmanand Shastri''. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidas (pp. 175)</ref> </blockquote>In Rasatarangini, the qualities of gandhaka are: it should have nirmal (clean without physical impurities), Rajanisamaprabha (yellow colour as Haridra), Deeptimamscha (lustrous) and Navneetkomalah (soft like butter). Only Amalasara Gandhaka has these properties, so used for many medicinal preparations.  
Gandhaka is available in both free and bound forms. Sulfur mixed with metals is available in pure form near volcanic mountains and at other places. Sulfur is found in the form of both sulphide and sulphate compounds.<ref name=":1" /> <blockquote>निमेलस्तु रजनीसमप्रभो दीप्तिमांश्च नबनीतकोमलः । कीर्तितो ह्यमलसारसंज्ञको गन्धको रसरसायने वरः ॥|४।।  nimēlastu rajanīsamaprabhō dīptimāṁśca nabanītakōmalaḥ | kīrtitō hyamalasārasaṁjñakō gandhakō rasarasāyanē varaḥ |||4|| (Rasa. Tara. 8.4)<ref name=":5">Kashinath Shastri (1986 reprint) ed., ''Ras Tarangini Of Sadananda Sharma With Prasadani Explanation Of Haridatt Shastri And Ras Vigyan Hindi Tika Of Dharmanand Shastri''. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidas (pp. 174-177)</ref> </blockquote>In Rasatarangini, the qualities of gandhaka are: it should have nirmal (clean without physical impurities), Rajanisamaprabha (yellow colour as Haridra), Deeptimamscha (lustrous) and Navneetkomalah (soft like butter). Only Amalasara Gandhaka has these properties, so used for many medicinal preparations.<ref name=":3" />
== गन्धकखनिजानि ॥ Sulfur Minerals ==
== गन्धकखनिजानि ॥ Sulfur Minerals ==
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# '''कृष्णवर्णः ॥''' '''Krshna''' - It is said to be the rarest type of Gandhaka. It can ward off senility and death.
# '''कृष्णवर्णः ॥''' '''Krshna''' - It is said to be the rarest type of Gandhaka. It can ward off senility and death.
Form of Gandhaka which is considered best for use in Medicine
Form of Gandhaka, Amlasaara, is considered best for use in Medicine
* Yellowish-green in color like parrot's tail,  
* Yellowish-green in color like parrot's tail,  
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== Doshas / Impurities in Sulphur ==
== Doshas / Impurities in Sulphur ==
गन्धे मलद्वयं दृष्टं शिलाचूर्णं विषं तथा । शोधितव्यस्ततो यत्नादभिज्ञेन यथाविधि॥<ref name=":2" />
According to Rasajalanidhi
गन्धे मलद्वयं दृष्टं शिलाचूर्णं विषं तथा । शोधितव्यस्ततो यत्नादभिज्ञेन यथाविधि॥ (Rasa. Jala. 2.8)<ref name=":2" />
gandhē maladvayaṁ dr̥ṣṭaṁ śilācūrṇaṁ viṣaṁ tathā | śōdhitavyastatō yatnādabhijñēna yathāvidhi||
There are two types of impurities in sulphur
There are two types of impurities in sulphur
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# विषम् ॥ Visha Dosha (chemical impurities like arsenic, lead etc)
# विषम् ॥ Visha Dosha (chemical impurities like arsenic, lead etc)
Therefore, it should be purified by a skilled physician with care. Impure sulphur gives rise to leprosy, giddiness, diseases due to an excess of pitta, loss of beauty, happiness, strength and semen.<ref name=":1" />  
Therefore, it should be purified by a skilled physician with care. Impure sulphur gives rise to leprosy, giddiness, diseases due to an excess of pitta, loss of beauty, happiness, strength and semen.<ref name=":1" /><blockquote>अशोधितः सुगन्धिकस्तनौ तनोति तापकम्‌ | भ्रुशञ्च चित्तविभ्रमं करोति रक्तजान्‌ गदान्‌ ।।५।। (Rasa. Tara.8.5)<ref name=":5" /> </blockquote>If these impurities are not removed before use Gandhaka is likely to produce following diseases - Tāpa (fever), Raktajanya Vikṛti (blood related disorders), Cittavibhrama (vertigo), Kuṣṭha (leprosy), Pittaja vyādhi (Pitta associated disorders), Śukrahāni (seminal loss), Kāmalā (jaundice) so must be purified before use.<ref name=":3" />
If these impurities are not removed before use Gandhaka is likely to produce following diseases - Tāpa (fever), Raktajanya Vikṛti (blood related disorders), Cittavibhrama (vertigo), Kuṣṭha (leprosy), Pittaja vyādhi (Pitta associated disorders), Śukrahāni (seminal loss), Kāmalā (jaundice) so must be purified before use.
=== Harmful effects of consuming impure Sulphur ===
=== Harmful effects of consuming impure Sulphur ===

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