Difference between revisions of "Module:LangSwitch"

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(bit performance improvement, load fallback only if needed (so in the vast majority of cases fast switch is sufficient))
(No difference)

Revision as of 04:56, 3 October 2018


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Authors and maintainers:
  • User:Zolo - original version in Module:Fallback
  • User:Jarekt


local p = {}

--[[ _langSwitch

This function is the core part of the LangSwitch template.

Example usage from Lua: text = _langSwitch({en='text in english', pl='tekst po polsku'}, lang)


 args - table with translations by language
 lang - desired language (often user's native language)

Error Handling:

]] local function defaultCheck(args) if not args.en and not args.default then local err = 'LangSwitch Error: no default' if args.nocat == '1' then return err else return err .. end end return false end

local function quickSwitch(args, arg) local err = defaultCheck(args) if err then return err end if arg == '~' then arg = end return arg end

function p._langSwitch(args, lang) -- args: table of translations -- Return error if there is not default and no english version local err = defaultCheck(args) if err then return err end -- get the list of accepetable language (lang + those in lang's fallback chain) and check their content assert(lang, 'LangSwitch Error: no lang')

--local langList = {lang} --if not args[lang] then local langList = mw.language.getFallbacksFor(lang) table.insert(langList, 1, lang) table.insert(langList, math.max(#langList, 2), 'default') --end

for _, language in ipairs(langList) do lang = args[language] if lang == '~' then return elseif lang and lang ~= then return lang end end end

--[[ langSwitch

This function is the core part of the LangSwitch template.

Example Usage from a template: Script error: The function "langSwitch" does not exist.


 frame.args - table with translations by language
 frame.args.lang - desired language (often user's native language)

Error Handling:

]] function p.langSwitch(frame) -- version to be used from wikitext local args = frame.args -- if no expected args provided than check parent template/module args if args.en == nil and args.default == nil and args.nocat == nil then args = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args end

local lang = args.lang if not lang or not mw.language.isSupportedLanguage(lang) then lang = frame:callParserFunction("int", "lang") -- get user's chosen language end

-- Try quick switch local args1 = args[lang] if args1 and args1 ~= then return quickSwitch(args, args1) end

-- Allow input in format: Green -- with multiple languages mapping to a single value args1 = {} for name, value in pairs(args) do if value ~= and type(name) == 'string' then -- split multi keys for str in string.gmatch(name, "([^/]+)") do args1[str] = value end end end return p._langSwitch(args1, lang) end

return p