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 Story of Dadichi Rishi

Previously Dadichi the son of Atharva putra when he was living simply when he glanced the asuras they were defeated. “jivatho darshanena” after sometime by the power of time factor, when he went back to heavens and earth was filled by many demons and indra got defeated and was not able to fight demons. That time they came looking for this Rishi.They realized that this Rishi has gone to the heavens, then when they inquired with those people who stayed with Rishi, they asked if there is anything that is left over, that is connected to Dadichi Rishi?, Any of his bodily limb? Etc? Indra was thinking that as Dadichi was a great Rishi and every part of his body is affected by tapsasya had the power to restrain the demons. That’s how Indra understood. That time those who have served Dadichi they have told Indra by narrating another story and assisted Indra. Previously to get madhu vidya, Dadichi maharshi who received from Indra and he had also taken shelter of Aswini Devathas. But Dadichi had one restriction: if he shares that vidya to others, then his head will explode. Then Aswini devatas had suggested a good idea to replace the head of Dadichi Rishi with a horse head and then after receiving the madhu vidya then the head will fall off and they could replace his original head back. Therefore they said the head of the horse was unknown to us and when Indra ordered to search, they found that it had fallen in Kurukshetra in a lake called “sharyanavatha” and they found it. And then Indra made Vajrayudha from the skull of the horse that is how Sayana Acarya explains in many places.

The description by Skanda Swami

Skanda Swami in his purport, he narrates this story little differently. Previously kala kanja the demons defeated devatas in the war and they came to Brhama and Brhama sent them to Dadichi maharshi and told them to give ability to defeat demons and devathas came to Dadichi maharshi ashram and Dadichi maharshi sitting in yoga and by the power of yoga he renounced his body and through his bones, Indra created thunderbolt. The story of Dadichi maharshi getting a horse head is described in Rk Samhita 1.117.22 and the head or skull was found in Saryanavathi. This is described in Rk Samhita 1.84.13. Saunaka maharishi in Brihad devatha explains in 3.19.4. Another very significant point here: Ashwini kumuaras, who received the braham svarupa, hayasirasu. That hayasirasu was removed and fell in saryanavathi. But along with that, horse head was offering benediction to all living entities and time to time it would come from the lake and go down again. This is going to happen till yuga. “tad bhath samuthaya bhutebyo vividhan varan pradhaya yuga pariyantham tasmai vasunimajjathi”(3.9.24 Bhr, dev)

The story of Vritrasura in Srimad Bhagavatham

The Srimad Bhagavatham explains this story in 6th canto in chapter 9 in this way: We have heard that Viswarupa’s head was cut off by Indra. And this exact head became: Somapeetha, Surapeethaha and Annaada. They became very famous. In future they will became: Kapinjala, Kalavinka, and Tithiri bird. Indra distributed the consequences of killing Brahmana: Brahmana hatya to earth (prithvi/bhumi devi), water, tree, and women and how that sin is manifested is explained in Srimad Bhagavatham. In the Trashtra’s yajna,which was arranged out of anger against Indra, Vritrasura was born as Indra shatru, Indra’s enemy and he covered all the 3 planetary systems. He aslo became the highest of the sinful person. In this way he came to be known as Vritra, aptly as his name suggests. All the devathas they came together and took shelter of Vasudeva bhagavan. That Vasudeva bhagavan gave message to Indra: “Oh Indra please go and approach the great Rishi Dadyancha, his body which is personification of vidya, vrata and tapasya, ‘vidya vrata tapasaram gatram’ you ask for his body. Please go. He understands brahma swarupa. His body is unbreakable. It has taken me as the antaratma. If you ask from him, he will not say no. and through Viswakarma you can make a thunderbolt from his bones. It will always benefit you.” Here Dadichi’s body is described very significantly. When the devatas approached Dadichi asking for his body, it has a significant import. Ultimately Dadichi was happy to offer his body. Indra explained “munahe shaktibihi utsiktaha bhagavth tejas svamitaha” He said by the power of muni shakti or Rishis Shakti(power) and also by the teja(splendor) of the lord, that vajrayudha/thunderbolt can be used and kill Vritra and his followers such as Namuchi, Sambara, Dvimurdva, Anarva, Puloma, Hayagriva, Sankuchiti, Viprachiti, Ayomuka—all were killed by Indra’s power. We read that vajrayuda or thunderbolt was given by Tvashtra. There is no contradiction between what Bhagavatham says and the Vedas. Trashtra himself is the Vishwakarma. He is the one who made the thunderbolt from the bones. In the Taitreya Samhita because there is not much description of Dadichi, in essence it is said that Trashtra gave the vajrayudha and using the Dadichi’s bones or skull or pack of bone symbolically there is no difference. Dadichi is one of the great rishi among the galaxy of Rishis with great character. The entire Atharva Veda and other corollary scriptures are his greatest gift. His life was full of commitment, sacrifice and the madhu vidya which came from him which is braham swarupa, it appeared first from him. Paramatma tattva was established in that and the Taitreya Sruthi which is compared to bird and it is said “antharvagirasa puchyam pratishta”. Only when Rishis like Dadichi personifies exhibits his dedication and commitment, that tyagashakti(dedication) what makes thunderbolt. Which is able to kill Vrtra, who is all pervading. This is the essence of this story. Indra might be ready to kill Vritra and yes the lord is also ready to destroy the papa Shakti, which is growing in our system. Then why is he not doing? Because wherever there is that symbolical dedication of Dadichi is there and wherever that commitment is there, then that becomes vajrayudha for Indra and Vritra’s death continues to happen and if some reason Vritra’s death doesn’t happen, that is not fault of Indra. Because one may not have the commitment of Dadichi. Therefore this Vritra killing it is the principle of eternal reality. A significant understanding given here.