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Vyasadi-Rshi Parampara refers to the Rshi Parampara on which rests the whole structure of Dharma, which has been the backbone of the society of Bharatavarsha.

It is to this rshi-parampara that maharshis like Vasishtha, Vishwamitra, Chyavana, Jamadagni belong to along with the many others who are enlightened and whose vision has led us through the ages. In their deep mental states they have received the Jnana, the fundamental truths of the Universe, which they have given to us through the Veda and Vedangas. These seers then took up the responsibility of transmitting this information to their children and students alike. They stressed on discipline and education and taking the lineage further thus starting a Parampara (a series) of making new rshis and maharshis. Thus came upon the teachings, which were further refined by their students which built the culture of ancient vedic civilization. From Maharshi came rshis, followed by Gurus who brought along the Guru-shishya parampara. We are the descendents of such great lineage and the need of the hour is to preserve it.

Their teachings taught one the proper way of thinking, moral, social, ethical values and harmony with all living beings. Ashramas and Gurukulas were the highest learning centers as well as the practice centers for all activities.

Some present day writings reveal the spurious myths created by these so called janpada(folk) people stories invented to decry Krishna stories invented to decry there was no mahabharata, stories invented to say that there was no such thing as Mahabharata war we don't accept that, no Hindu will accept and I am sure that this sampradhaya will endure as long as the sun and the moon are there in the sky.