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There is a mountain between Loka and Aloka. This is called Lokalokaparvata and the land beside it is called Lokaloka. The mountain is as long as the distance between Manasottara and Mahameru. This place is golden in colour and as smooth as glass. Not a single being lives there. God has created this as a boundary to the three worlds. All the planets like the Sun get light from the brilliance of this mountain. Brahma has posted four diggajas named Vrsabha, Puspacuda, Vamana and Aparajita in the four corners of this mountain. (8th Skandha, Devi Bhagavata). (Page 457, Puranic Encyclopedia - Vettam Maṇi)

In the history of Bharata the period of Prthu's rule is considered a golden period. When Prthu became the emperor, Brahma divided the universe into several kingdoms and made a separate ruler for each of them. Soma was appointed King of the stars, planets, brahmins, plants, yagas and austerities. He appointed Kubera as the lord of Kings, Varuna as the lord of all waters, Visnu, as the lord of all adityas and Pavaka as the lord of all Vasus. Daksa was given lordship over prajapatis, Indra over maruts, and Prahlada over all daityas and danavas. Yama, the Dharmaraja was made lord of the manes. Airavata was made King of all elephants and Garuda King of all birds. Uccaissravas was made King of all horses and Vrsabha of all cattle. The lion was made King of all beasts and Himavan the lord of all immovable things. Kapila became chief of all sages and the tiger the leader of all beasts with nails and snouts. Plaksa was made the King of all trees. After distributing kingdoms thus, Brahma appointed Dikpalakas (guardians of the zones). In the east he posted Sudhanva, son of Vairajaprajapati, in the south he posted Sankhapada son of Kardamaprajapati, in the west he put Ketuman, son of Rajas and in the north Hiranyaroma. Thus Brahma organised a universe with suitable emperors to control and supervise. (Chapter 22, Am'a 1, Visnu Purana). (Page 609-610, Puranic Encyclopedia - Vettam Maṇi)

VRSABHA I. Son of Subala, the King of Gandhara. He was the brother of Sakuni. In the battle of Bharata, this Vrsabha, with his five brothers, attacked Iravan, who killed the five brothers. Vrsabha alone escaped death. (M.B. Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 90, Stanza 33).

VRSABHA II. An asura. Arista was another name of this asura.

VRSABHA III. A Yadava King who was the son of Anamitra. This Vrsabha married Jayanti, the daughter of the King of Kasi. (Matsya Purana, 45, 25-26) .

VRSABHA IV. A mountain near Girivraja, the capital city of Magadha. (Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 21, Stanza 2).

In this age of the Manu the Devendra was VipaScit. The Saptarsis of that Age of the Manu were Urja, Stamba. Prana, Vata, Vrsabha, Niraya and Parivan. (Visnu Purana, Am'a 3, Chapter 1).

Vrsabha was a son of Kartaviryarjuna.

While the Gopalas were playing once under the shade of a giant peepal tree called Bhandiraka an Asura known as Pralamba joined their games disguised as a Gopala. Krsna and Balabhadra understood the trick. They made all the others take the following pledge, i.e. that all of them would beat one another, and the vanquished should carry about the victor on his head. The beating began, and the Gopa called Sridaman defeated Krsna. Vrsabha defeated Bhadrasena and Balabhadra defeated Pralamba. According to the pledge Sri Krsna carried on his shoulders Sridaman, Bhadrasena carried Vrsabha and Pralamba carried Balabhadra. But, Pralamba rose up to the skies with Balabhadra, who broke the former's head, and Pralamba fell down dead in his actual form as an Asura. (Page 422, Puranic Encyclopedia - Vettam Maṇi)

Candra. (The Moon). Candra exists at one lakh yojanas away from Surya, and it revolves round the earth. A candra month of twentyseven days is divided into twelve rasis (houses) viz. Simha (Leo) , Kanya (Virgo) Tula (Libra) Viicika (Scorpio) Dhanus (Sagittarius) Makara (Capricorn) Kumbha (Aquarius) Mina (Pisces) Mesa (Aries) Vrsabha (Taurus) Mithuna (Gemini) and Karkataka (Cancer) . Every month Candra stays in each of the above houses only for 2 ¼ days. (Page 296, Puranic Encyclopedia - Vettam Maṇi)