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Disease determination is based on the location of the sun and moon in the zodiac.  However, the degree to which they independently influence specific organs or are likely to influence disease can be explained by the following table:<ref>Shri. Nalin Pandey. ''Arogya Ank - Jyotish rog evam upchaar''. Gorakhpur: Gita Press (p283)</ref> -
Disease determination is based on the location of the sun and moon in the zodiac.  However, the degree to which they independently influence specific organs or are likely to influence disease can be explained by the following table:<ref>Shri. Nalin Pandey. ''Arogya Ank - Jyotish rog evam upchaar''. Gorakhpur: Gita Press (p283)</ref> -
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|+Planets, Diseases and Affected Bodyparts
|Surya (सूर्य) Sun
|Head (सिर), Heart (हृदय), Right Eye (ऑंख(दायीं)), Mouth (मुख), Moles (तिल्ली), Throat (गला), Head (मस्तिष्क), Gallbladder (पित्ताशय), Bones (हड्डी), Blood (रक्त),Lungs (फेफडे), Breast (स्तन)।
|Head, heart related diseases, high blood pressure (उच्च रक्तचाप), abdominal disorders (उदरविकार), Meningitis (मेननजाइटिस), epilepsy (मिरगी), headache (सिरदर्द), eye disorders (नेत्रविकार), fever (बुखार)।
|Chandra (चन्द्र) Moon
|Chest (छाती), saliva (लार), uterine (गर्भ), water (जल), blood (रक्त), lymph (लसिका), glands (ग्रन्थियॉं), Phleghm (कफ), Urine (मूत्र), Mind (मन), Left eye (ऑंख(बायीं)), Abdomen (उदर), Ovary (डिम्बग्रन्थि), Reproductive organs in women (जननाङ्ग(महिला))।
|Diseas of eye (नेत्ररोग), Hysteria (हिस्टीरिया), Cold (ठंड), Phleghm (कफ), Abdominal diseases (उदर-रोग), Asthma (अस्थमा), Diarrhoea (डायरिया), Dysentry (दस्त), Mental diseases (मानसिक रोग), Female reproductive system diseases (जननाङ्ग रोग (स्त्रियोचित)), Madness (पागलपन), Cholera (हैजा), Tumors (ट्यूमर), Dropsy (ड्रॉप्सी)।
|Mangal (मंगल) Mars
|Bile (पित्त), मात्रक, Muscle (मांसपेशी), Tongue (स्वादेन्द्रिय), Muscular system (पेशीतन्त्र), Fiber (तन्तु), External reproductive organs (बाह्य-जननाङ्ग), Prostrate (प्रोस्टेट), Kidneys (गुदा), Blood (रक्त), Bones and Bone marrow (अस्थि-मज्जा), Nose (नाक), Veins (नस), Tissues (ऊतक)।
|High fevers (तीव्र ज्वर), headache (सिरदर्द), achne (मुँहासे), Chickenpox (चेचक), Wounds (घाव), Burns (जलन), Cuts (कटना), hemorrhoids (बवासीर), canker (नासूर), Sinus (साइनस), Miscarriage (गर्भपात), Anemia (रक्ताल्पता), Abscess(फोड़ा), Paralysis (लकवा), Paralaysis (पक्षाघात), Polio (पोलियो), Neck diseases (गले-गर्दनके रोग), Hydrocele (हाइड्रोसील), Hernia (हर्निया)।
|स्नायु-तन्त्र, जीभ, ऑंत, वाणी, नाक, कान, गला, फेफडे।
|मस्तिष्क-विकार, स्मृतिहास, पक्षाघात, हकलाहट, दौरे आना, सूँघने, सुनने अथवा बोलनेकी शक्तिका ह्रास।
|यकृत् , नितम्ब, जॉंघ, मांस, चर्बी, कफ, पॉंव।
|पीलिया, यकृत्-सम्बन्धी रोग, अपच, मोतियाबिन्द, रक्तकैंसर, फुफ्फुसावरण, शोथ, वात, बादी, उदर-वायु, तिल्ली-कष्ट, साइटिका, गठिया, कटिवेदना, नाभि-चलना।
|जननाङ्ग, ऑंख, मुख, ठुड्डी, गाल, गुर्दे, ग्लैण्ड, वीर्य।
|काले-नीले धब्बे, चमड़ीके रोग, कोढ़, सफेद दाग, गुप्ताङ्गरोग, मधुमेह, नेत्ररोग, मोतियाबिन्द, रक्ताल्पता, एक्जिमा, मत्ररोग।
|पॉंव, घुटने, श्वास, हड्डी, बाल, नाखून, दॉंत, कान।
|बहरापन, दाँत-दर्द, पायरिया, ब्लडप्रेशर, कठिन उदरशूल, आर्थराइटिस, कैंसर, स्पांडलाइटिस, हाथ-पाँवकी कँपकपाहट, साइटिका, मूर्च्छा, जटिल रोग।
|राहु, केतु
|राहु मुख्यतः शरीरके ऊपरी हिस्से और केतु निचले धडको बतलाते हैं।
|प्रायः ये दोनों ग्रह क्रमश: शनि और मंगलके अनुरूप रोग-व्याधि देते हैं या जिस राशि-भावमें बैठते हैं, उसके अनुरूप रोग-व्याधि देते हैं। राहु, केतुसे सम्बन्धित रोगकी पहचान प्रायः कठिनाईसे हो पाती है।
According to Jyotisha the different planets which influence specific bodily parts are as follows:
According to Jyotisha the different planets which influence specific bodily parts are as follows:
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=== वातजन्य व्याधयः || Vata-janya diseases ===
=== वातजन्य व्याधयः || Vata-janya diseases ===
Vata-janya diseases are caused by the malefic influence of Shani, Rahu, Ketu. In the Charaka Samhita of Ayurveda,  eighty types of these vata diseases are described. There are many classifications and sub-classifications of these eighty types of Vata diseases too, on which medical science is based. In this context, the names of these 80 types of vata diseases are being collected from the Charaka Samhita and given below <ref name=":0">Atridev Gutpa, ''Charak Samhita Hindi tika sahit''. Varanasi: Bhargav Pustakalay. Adhyaya 20 (p240-244)</ref> -
Vata-janya diseases are caused by the malefic influence of Shani, Rahu, Ketu. In the Charaka Samhita of Ayurveda,  eighty types of these vata diseases are described. There are many classifications and sub-classifications of these eighty types of Vata diseases too, on which medical science is based. In this context, the names of these 80 types of vata diseases are being collected from the Charaka Samhita and given below <ref name=":0">Atridev Gutpa, ''Charak Samhita Hindi tika sahit''. Varanasi: Bhargav Pustakalay. Adhyaya 20 (p240-244)</ref> <ref></ref>-
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* १. नखभेद (Cracking of nails)
* २. व्यवाई / विपादिक (Cracking of soles)
* ३. पादशूल (Pain in the foot)
* ४. पाद भ्रंश (Foot drop)
* ५. पाद सुप्तता (Numbness in feet)
* ६. वात खुड्डता (Pain in ankle region)
* ७. गुल्मग्रह (Stiffness in ankle region)
* ८. पिण्डिकोद्वेष्टन (Cramps in calf muscle)
* ९. गृध्रसी (Sciatica)
* १०. जानुभेद (Tearing pain in knee)
* ११. जानुविश्लेष (Dislocation of knee joint)
* १२. उरुस्तम्भ (Stiffness in thigh)
* १३. उरुसाद (Loss of movement in thigh)
* १४. पाङ्गुल्य (Paraplegia)
* १५. गुदभ्रंश (Prolapse of rectum)
* १६. गुदार्ति (Pain in anus)
* १७. वृषणोत्क्षेप (Pain in scrotum)
* १८. शेफस्तम्भ (Stiffness in penis)
* १९. वङ्क्षणानाह (Sprain in groin)
* २०. श्रोणिमेद (Pain in pelvic region)
* २१. विड्भेद (Diarrhoea)
* २२. उदावर्त (Reverse direction of vata)
* २३. खञ्जता (Limping)
* २४. कुब्जता (Kyphosis)
* २५. वामनत्व (Dwarfism)
* २६. त्रिकग्रह (Stiffness in sacral region)
* २७. पुष्टग्रह (Stiffness in back region)
* २८. पार्श्वावमर्द (Compression in sides)
* २९. उदरावेष्ट (Twisting pain in abdomen)
* ३०. हृन्मोह (Cardiac dysfunction)
* ३१. हृदद्रव (Tachycardia)
* ३२. वक्षोघर्ष (Rubbing pain in chest)
* ३३. वक्षोपरोध (Constriction in chest)
* ३४. वक्षस्तोद (Pain in chest)
* ३५. बाहुशोष (Wasting of arm)
* ३६. ग्रीवास्तम्भ (Stiffness in neck)
* ३७. मन्यास्तम्भ (Torticollis)
* ३८. कण्ठोध्वंस (Hoarseness of voice)
* ३९. हनुभेद (Cracking Pain in jaw)
* ४०. ओष्ठभेद (Cracking Pain in lips)
* ४१. अक्षिभेद (Cracking Pain in eyes)
* ४२. दन्तभेद (Cracking Pain in teeth)
* ४३. दन्तशैथिल्य (Loose teeth)
* ४४. मूकत्व (Aphasia)
* ४५. वाक्संग (Stammering speech)
* ४६. काषायस्यता (Astringent taste in mouth)
* ४७. मुख शोष (Dryness in mouth)
* ४८ अरसज्ञता (Loss of taste sensation)
* ४९. घ्राणनाश (Loss of smell sensation)
* ५०. कर्णशूल (Earache)
* ५१. अशब्दश्रवण (Tinnitus)
* ५२. उच्चैश्रुति (Hard of hearing)
* ५३. बहरापन (Deafness)
* ५४. वर्त्मस्तम्भ (Stiffness in eyelids)
* ५५. वर्त्मसंकोच (Entropion)
* ५६. तिमिर (Loss of vision)
* ५७. नेत्रशूल (Pain in eyes)
* ५८. अक्षिब्युदास (Squint eye)
* ५९. ब्रूव्युदास (Twisting in eyebrows)
* ६०. शंखभेद (Pain in temporal region)
* ६१. ललाटभेद (Pain in frontal region)
* ६२. शिरःशूल (Pain in head)
* ६३. केशभूमिस्फुटन (Cracking of scalp)
* ६४. आदिंत  (Fascial paralysis)
* ६५. एकाङ्गरोग (Monoplegia)
* ६६. सर्वाङ्गरोग (Paraplegia)
* ६७. आक्षेपक (Clonic convulsion)
* ६८. दण्डक (Tonic convulsion)
* ६९. तम (Feeling of darkness in front of eyes)
* ७०. भ्रम (Giddiness)
* ७१. वेपथु (Tremor)
* ७२. जम्भाई (Yawning)
* ७३. हिचकी (Hicough)
* ७४. विषाद (Depression or Asthenia)
* ७५. अतिप्रलाप (Excessive delirium)
* ७६. रुक्षता (Roughness)
* ७७. परुषता (Courseness)
* ७८. श्यावारुणावभासता (Reddish black appearance)
* ७९. लाल शरीर (Reddish appearance)
* ८०. अस्वप्न (Insomnia) अनवस्थितचित्तत्वं (Unstable mind)}}
These are mainly diseases caused by Vata (air element). If the planets Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are weak and malefic, the occurrence of the above mentioned diseases is certain.
These are mainly diseases caused by Vata (air element). If the planets Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are weak and malefic, the occurrence of the above mentioned diseases is certain.
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There are 40 types of Pittajanya diseases. According to Jyotisha shastra, when there is an indication of weak potency and malefic influence of Sun, Mars and Jupiter, they are afflicted by the below listed pathologies (diseases), whose nomenclature is as follows <ref name=":0" /> -
There are 40 types of Pittajanya diseases. According to Jyotisha shastra, when there is an indication of weak potency and malefic influence of Sun, Mars and Jupiter, they are afflicted by the below listed pathologies (diseases), whose nomenclature is as follows <ref name=":0" /> -
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* १. ओष (Heating)
* २. प्लोष (Scorching)
* ३. दाह (Burning)
* ४. दवधु (Intense heat)
* ५. धूमक (Fuming)
* ६. अम्लक (Hyperacidity)
* ७. विदाह (Burning in Mahastrotasa)
* ८. अन्तरदाह (Internal Burning)
* ९. अंशदाह (Burning sensation in arm)
* १०. उष्माधिक्य (Hyperthermia)
* ११. अतिश्वेद (Excessive sweating)
* १२. अङ्गगन्ध (Foul smell in body)
* १३. अङ्कावदरण (Tearing of body parts)
* १४. शोणितक्लेद (Retension of metabolites in blood)
* १५. मांस क्लेद (Retension of metabolites in muscles)
* १६. त्वक्टाह (Burning sensation in skin)
* १७. त्वगवदरण (Cracking of skin)
* १८. चरमावदरण (Thickness of skin)
* १९. रक्तकोष्ठ (Urticarial patches)
* २०. रक्तविस्फोट (Pustules)
* २१. रक्तपित्त (Bleeding disorders)
* २२. रक्तमण्डल (Hemorrhagic rounded patches/echymosis)
* २३. हरितत्त्व (Greenishness)
* २४. हारिद्रवत्व (Yellowishness)
* २५. नीलिका (Blue moles)
* २६. कथ्या (Furunculosis)
* २७. कामला (Jaundice)
* २८. तिक्तास्यता (Bitter taste in mouth)
* २९. लोहितगन्धास्यता (Blood-like smell from oral cavity)
* ३०. पूतिमुखता (Foetid smell from oral cavity)
* ३१. तृष्णाधिक्य (Increased thirst/Polydipsia)
* ३२. अतृप्ति (Loss of contentment)
* ३३. आस्यविपाक (Stomatitis)
* ३४. गलपाक (Inflammation of throat)
* ३५. अक्षिपाक (Inflammation of eyes) 
* ३६. गुदपाक (Inflammation of anus)
* ३७. मेढ्रपाक (Inflammation of penis)
* ३८. जीवादानं (Discharge of pure blood)
* ३९. तमः प्रवेश (Darkness in front of eyes)
* ४०. नेत्रमूत्रवर्चस्त्वं हरा वर्ण या पीला वर्ण (Green-yellow discoloration of eyes, urine, stool)}}
Guru (Jupiter), Surya (Sun), and Mangal (Mars) cause these diseases, therefore, it is necessary to diagnose and treat or solve these during the waning effect of these planets.  
Guru (Jupiter), Surya (Sun), and Mangal (Mars) cause these diseases, therefore, it is necessary to diagnose and treat or solve these during the waning effect of these planets.
=== कफजन्य व्याधयः || Kaphajanya Diseases ===
=== कफजन्य व्याधयः || Kaphajanya Diseases ===
Kaphajanya Diseases are caused by the influence of the Moon and Venus. Chandra (Moon) and Shukra (Venus), both of these planets have cooling properties. There are 20 types of Sheetavyaadhi diseases as has been discussed and described in Ayurveda by Maharishi Charaka in the 20th chapter of Charaka Samhita. There are many sub-classifications of these diseases which have been discussed in detail in Ayurveda Shastra. These diseases are given as per context herein below <ref name=":0" />-
Kaphajanya Diseases are caused by the influence of the Moon and Venus. Chandra (Moon) and Shukra (Venus), both of these planets have cooling properties. There are 20 types of Sheetavyaadhi diseases as has been discussed and described in Ayurveda by Maharishi Charaka in the 20th chapter of Charaka Samhita. There are many sub-classifications of these diseases which have been discussed in detail in Ayurveda Shastra. These diseases are given as per context herein below <ref name=":0" />-
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* १. तृप्ति (Contentment)
* २. तन्द्रा (Drowsiness)
* ३. निद्राधिक्य (Excess Sleep)
* ४. स्तैमित्य (Rigidity/Immobility)
* ५. गुरुगात्रता (Heaviness in body)
* ६. आलस्य (Lassitude)
* ७. मुखमाधुर्य (Sweet taste in mouth)
* ८. मुखस्राव (Salivation)
* ९. श्लेष्मोगिरण (Expectoration of mucous)
* १०. मलस्याधिक्य (Excess accumulation of waste products)
* ११. बलासक (Loss of strength)
* १२. अपचन (Indigestion)
* १३. हृदयोपलेप (Adherence of waste surrounding heart)
* १४. कण्ठोपलेप (Adherence of waste surrounding throat)
* १५. धमनीप्रतिचय (Adherence of waste in blood vessels/atherosclerosis)
* १६. गलगण्ड (Goiter)
* १७. अतिस्थौल्य (Morbid obesity)
* १८. शीताग्निता (Decreased agni)
* १९. उदर्द (Urticarial rashes)
* २०. श्वेतावगासता (मूत्र, नेत्र का श्वेत होना)(Pale look, white discolouration of urine, eyes)}}
On the basis of these facts, both Ayurveda and Jyotisha have an identifiable relationship. Therefore, if medical and astronomical sciences are combined  additional benefits can be provided. The planets and zodiacs are all associated with tridoshas. In Sanskrit, the Linga Bheda Prasanga describes three genders -
On the basis of these facts, both Ayurveda and Jyotisha have an identifiable relationship. Therefore, if medical and astronomical sciences are combined  additional benefits can be provided. The planets and zodiacs are all associated with tridoshas. In Sanskrit, the Linga Bheda Prasanga describes three genders -

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