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The term 'Desha' literally means country, site, location, land or region. In Ayurveda, 'Desha' refers to the site, area of residence or location of a person. It also refers to the body of a person which is the location of his mind, atman and senses. Ayurveda scholars have deeply studied the effects of the climate and other environmental factors of the region where a person resides on his/her health. Therefore, Desha has been considered as an important concept in Ayurveda which is taken into accounts while making a diagnosis, assessing strength and planning a treatment.


Disha  is  derived from  ‘Dish  Nirdesh’  which  has been  considered  in  nine ‘Karana Dravyas’ in the Indian philosophy and Ayurveda. Disha (direction) denotes Desha also which is directed or divided from one part to other. In Ayurveda the term Desha has  been  applied  for  both  form  as  Disha (direction)  and Desha (place) directed or divided part. Both are important for  the  maintenance  of  health  prevention  and  cure  of disease  too.  Commonly  Desha  term  is  in  sense  of  site location, land  etc. In reference of site and location Desha has been applied and described in two dimensional way in Ayurvedic classics known as Bhumi Desha (Specific part of land or geographical part) and Atura Desha (the site of disease  body  and  mind).  In  reference  of  architecting, collection of  drugs,  quality  of  river  water property of air etc. are described on  the  basis  of  Bhumi Desha.  The  air, water coming from specific direction has specific property. The  aim  of  this  study  is  collection,  exploration  and interpretation of the subject matter related to Desha and its impact of health and disease in human beings as described in the Ayurveda classics. [1]

Classification of Desha (Area of residence)

Jangala Desha ( Dry land )

Dry land, land surface is characterized  by  rocky,  sandy  with  full  of  stones, appearance  of  mirages  in  summer,  small  ponds,  open spaces,  hot  weather,  thorny  bushes,  scanty    rainfall. Predominance  of  dry  wind  and  arid  desert.  Plants  are mostly  thorny,  trees  like  Khadira  (Acacia  catechu), Aswakarana  (Dipterocarpus  alatus),  Sallaki  (Boswellia serrate),  Aswatha  (Ficus  religosa),  Vata  (Ficus benghalinses),  Amalaki  (Emblica  officinalis),  Sami (Prosopis  cineraria),  Arka  (Calotropis  procera),  Pello (Salvadora persica), etc. are common. Abundant crops like Cotton  (Gossypium  herbaccum),  ground  nut,  Bajra (Pennisetum  glaucum),  etc are  prevalent.  The  people  of Jangala Desha tend more towards Vata and Pitta dominant constitution. They are harsh, strong and rough in nature and are more prone to Vata- Pitta dominant diseases.2-5 Jangala Desha (arid, desert- like land) is that in which the land is like the sky, high, with less water and trees, such as karira (Capparis  decidua),  Bilva  (Aegle marmelos),  Pilu (Salvadora  persica),  karkandhu  trees  (which  have  very little of sap and  are thorny and  rough)  abound,  plenty of antelopes, deer’s, bucks and donkeys, fruits which are very sweet and  with  people suffering from diseases caused  by Vata.    Jangala  has  less  quantity  of  water  and  trees  and people  suffer  from  disease  of  Pitta,  Asruka,  Maruta (Vata). (Mishra Brahmasankara,Vaisya R. (Bha.P.5/5-6) of Bhavamisra:, (Vol.-1) Chaukhamba Sanskrita Sansthan, Varanasi U.P., India 10th edition.2002;107)

Anupa Desha (Marshy land)

Marshy land is moist & humid. Land surface is uneven. Hills, lakes, well, river are found in great numbers and underground water level is not deep,  coastal  areas  and  variety  of  fruits  &  vegetables; Hintal  (Date  palm),  Tamala  (Garcinia  sps.),  Narikela (Coconut tree), Kadali (Banana tree). Sea coasts or river banks  are  full  of  trees.  In  between  the  forests  many flowering climbers  are  found. Paddy, sugarcane,  plantain tree  etc.  The  individuals  of  Anupa  Desha  tend  more towards Kapha and Vata  dominant constitution.  They are usually delicate, beautiful and gentle in nature and are more prone  to  Kaphaj  and  Vataj  diseases.7-10  Anupa Desha (Marshy land) is to be understood by presence of plenty of rivers,  mountains,  reservoirs  of  water  (ponds, lakes  etc.) with abundance of lotus flowers, swan, crane, goose, lark and other such birds, animals, like the rabbit, bear, buffalo, deer,  duck  etc.  Plenty  of  trees  with  more flowers,  green vegetation full of fruits, yield of different kinds of paddy, plantains, sugarcanes etc.11 

Sadharana  Desha  (Dry  and  Marshy  land)

Mixed characteristics of both Jangala and Anup Desha are found .With proper balance of dry land and moist season,  open spaces & forests. The animals and crops have the combined characters of Jangala and Anupa Desha. People are Sama Doshaj prakarti.12- 13 The land which has mixed features (of both) is  called Sadharana Desha. Because cold, rain,  heat and breeze are  in  equal proportion, leading  to  balance in Doshas’ also, hence it is best.14 

Anupa, Sadharana: Anupa Sadharana  is  the  land which has  more  features  of  Anupa Desha.  It  is  the  originating place for Lavana and Amla Rasa. Jangala, Sadharana:- Is the land which has more features of Jangala Desha. Jangala Sadharana  Desha  is  the  originating  place  for  Tikta  and Kasaya Rasa.1

Classification  of  Desha  on  the  basis  of Panchamahabhuta

The  character  of  that  particular Mahabhuta dominates in that particular Deshas. This factor is  most  important  in  classification  of  Trivida  Desha. Acharya Susruta has  given Panchabhautika classification of Bhumi on the basis of overall appearance of that area. 1. Parthiva  Bhumi  Desha-Full  of  heavy  rocks,  greyish  or blackish coloured soil and huge trees are present. 2. Apya Bhumi  Desha-Smooth,  full  of  water  and  grass,  delicate trees and whitish soil are present. 3. Agneya Bhumi Desha-Different  coloured  of  soil,  mixed  with  plenty  of  small stones and smaller  trees  are  present.  4.  Vayaviya Bhumi Desha-Rough and ash coloured stones, with  plenty of dry small trees with holes are found. 5. Akasiya Bhumi Desha- The land is soft, even with holes in it and is having tasteless huge trees and mountains. The colour of the soil is greyish black in colour.

Relation  between  Janpadodhwamsa  (epidemics)  and Desha

In Janpadodhwamsa chapter, Desha is considered as one of the important environmental factor  responsible for the  causation  of  epidemic  diseases which  inflicts  the person having dissimilar constitution, food, body, strength, suitability, mind and age simultaneously.  Therefore when the place is  having normal features then epidemics do not occur but  the place when get polluted  by any means the epidemic diseases are occurred. When an epidemic disease breaks out in a region, it affects a large number of people in the community, who are not similar in all respects. Such diseases are very powerful; their mode of spread very quick and their source is common. Ancient scholars of Ayurveda recognized that such epidemics are due to use of contaminated air, water, land and season because these four factors are common to all in a community.25 The impact on health of incident in Hiroshima and Nagasaki of Japan and Bhopal gas tragedy also in India is known to the entire world. People of these regions are still suffering from various genetic disorders.

The specific Desha has specific type of climate and dietic culture which becomes as specific cause of specific disease as

The people of the eastern side and Chinese use excessively Kshara which produces injurious effect on hair, eyes, heart and virility. People of villages, towns, cities and countries, where this is used in excess, suffer from blindness, impotency, baldness, grey hair and heart disease characterized by sawing pain.30 The people of Balhika, Saurastrika, Saindhava and Sauviraka Desha are in habit of

excessive use of lavana which it produces fatigue, lassitude and weakness in the body. People of villages, towns, cities and countries, where it is used in excess people suffer various health problems. So all these aspect important to understand the cause of disorders according to the Desha in the individual.31This is a unique contribution of Kasyapa Samhita about the treatment of Amlapitta according to Desha. In human beings, this disease (Amlapitta) often develops in Anupa Desha (marshy place) that is why it should be treated with the medicine growing in Jangala Desha (arid zone). If it does not get pacified with this, the person should go to other place, because a particular Desha (region) is known as good where people live with disease free State.32 The diseases are also categorised on the basis of Desha and Disha. In Madhava Nidana it is stated that the Shlipada (filariasis) occurs specially in those places, where there is always a collection of stagnating water and dampness round the year. These types of places are termed as Anupa Desha (marshy place) and the peoples residing in these places are more prone for filariasis.33 Raktapitta (bleeding disorder) as Urdhwa, Adhoga and Tiryaka due to direction of bleeding from the body.

Desha and the principles of management of disease

Acharya Susruta stated that disease originated in Anu Desha (marshy place) and shifted to Jangala Desha (arid zone or Vice versa) they lose their severity also. The Doshas, accumulated in its native place may not aggravate in another. If appropriate regimen is followed, there is no fear of disease caused by place. In spite of innate qualities of the place, one should take precaution in diet, sleep, activities etc. 41 The balance state of Doshas is known as health. The first and foremost principles are avoidance of the cause of diseases. Therefore if someone takes Dravy( Ahara / Aushadh) of similar quality of Desha, Doshas will be alleviated leading to diseases. The scholars of Ayurveda have directed to use Ahara (diet) and Vihara (life style) opposing to Desha. There is a specific concept in Ayurveda entitled Viruddha Ahara which indicates various type of Viruddha Ahara. One of them is Desha Viruddha according to that the Ruksha Ahara in Jangala Desha is Desha Viruddha because if natures of both are similar it will aggravate Doshas. The diet should also be taken against Prakriti (constitution). The similar type of diet in specific Desha will aggravate the Dosha strongly and diseases born by it will be severe and acute. The quality of drugs are also described according to Desha and the collection of the drugs are described keeping the View of different Dishas also.


  1. Meena, Dinesh & Singh, Rani. (2015). CRITICAL REVIEW OF THE CONCEPT OF DESHA WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO HEALTH AND DISEASE. International Journal of Research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy. 6. 563-567. 10.7897/2277-4343.065105.