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In Ayurveda we often find multiple attributes to a single term, in relation with ayurvedic shareera or anatomy, hriday is corelated with Heart. At fundamental level hriday is a sadyopranahara marma(a vital point which if injured leads to sudden death). During fetal development, hriday is formed in the ….. trimester and is a matraja bhava (precisely maternal factor) which is among shad garbhakara bhavas which is a process of embryogenesis according to ayurveda shastras(char.shar.3.6). Acharya charaka in sutrasthana states “artha” as its synonym and it being the abode of six organs (five sensory organs, its objects, atma, and mind). Hriday also is the originating point of the ten important vessels in the body. (char.sutr.30.3-7)


The shape of the heart is similar to the shape of the lotus flower,

प्रतिष्ठार्थं हि भावानामेषां हृदयमिष्यते| गोपानसीनामागारकर्णिकेवार्थचिन्तकैः||५||

तस्योपघातान्मूर्च्छायं भेदान्मरणमृच्छति|६|

यद्धि तत् स्पर्शविज्ञानं धारि तत्तत्र संश्रितम्||६||

तत् परस्यौजसः स्थानं तत्र चैतन्यसङ्ग्रहः| हृदयं महदर्थश्च तस्मादुक्तं चिकित्सकैः ||७||

Hriday has the property of tactile perception

Concept of dauhridini

Development of hriday happens in the month of …. And in fourth month of the pregnancy demarcation of the organs start becoming prominent and so does hriday, and the women is stated as “dauhridini” which means the women is now possessing two hearts. Concept of developing desires in pregnancy is uniquely stated in Ayurveda samhitas in relation with development of foetal heart

Prevention and care methods

तन्महत् ता महामूलास्तच्चोजः परिरक्षता| परिहार्या विशेषेण मनसो दुःखहेतवः||१३||

हृद्यं यत् स्याद्यदौजस्यं स्रोतसां यत् प्रसादनम्| तत्तत् सेव्यं प्रयत्नेन प्रशमो ज्ञानमेव च||१४|| (char.sutr.30.13-14)

Mental suffering, stress should be avoided as a primary method of prevention.

Diet modifications, appropriate dravya medications, behaviour modifications are certain general care methods for preservation of hriday, ojas and ten great vessels originating from hriday.

Precisely and imp of ojas

तेन मूलेन महता महामूला मता दश| ओजोवहाः शरीरेऽस्मिन् विधम्यन्ते समन्ततः||८|| (char.sut.30. 8-12)

Diseases of heart

Char.sutr.kiyantshir 30-40)

Causes of hridroga

(char.chik trimarm 77-)




Causes Symptoms
Excessive exercise Skin discolouration
Strong purgation and basti therapy Dizziness
Excess anxiety Fever
Stress Cough
Suppression of urges Hiccups
Ill treatment protocols Unpleasant taste in mouth
Injury/trauma Shortness of breath
certain types of diabetes
Loss of appetite
Chest pain
Different types of heart diseases


General Classification

Hridrogas are fundamentally classified as,

1.      Vataja hridroga

2.      Pittaja hridroga

3.      Kaphaja hridroga

4.      Sannipataja hridroga

5.      Krimija hridroga

Vataja Hridroga

Symptoms- feeling of emptiness in the cardiac region, pricking pain, palpitations, cardiac muscke atrophy, mental confusion, obstructed movements

Treatment – application of medicated oils, administration of various herbal decoctions (for e.g.; punarnava, devdaru etc), administration of medicated ghrita (clarified butter/ghee)

Pittaja Hridroga

Symptoms – dizziness, fever, burning sensation etc

Treatment – virechana or purgation therapy, administration of medicated ghee, intake of sugarcane juice etc.

Kaphaja hridroga

Symptoms – heaviness of the heart, fever, excess salivation, drowsiness etc

Treatment – intake of barley, various herbal decoctions, rasayana therapy(administration of chyavanprash, agastyaharitiki(herbal formulations))

Sannipataja hridroga

Symptoms – the symptoms of the three doshas are manifested together.

Treatment – langhana, appropriate diet administration, etc

Krimija Hridroga

Symptoms – acute pain, itching, discomfort

Treatment – anti helminthic measures.