The commentaries for the samvada suktas indicate natural phenomenon in the Brahmana granthas, Nirukta, other texts such as Brhaddevata. Many western scholars have studied the samvada suktas to express other perspectives of the suktas such as the spiritual and ethical aspects. Samvada style of presenting mantra meanings are specifically found in the Rigveda. In Yajurveda and Atharvaveda we rarely find the samvada suktas while in Samaveda a clear such sukta is not found. | The commentaries for the samvada suktas indicate natural phenomenon in the Brahmana granthas, Nirukta, other texts such as Brhaddevata. Many western scholars have studied the samvada suktas to express other perspectives of the suktas such as the spiritual and ethical aspects. Samvada style of presenting mantra meanings are specifically found in the Rigveda. In Yajurveda and Atharvaveda we rarely find the samvada suktas while in Samaveda a clear such sukta is not found. |