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== सायणाचार्यस्य यजुर्वेदीयाः भाष्यकृतयः ॥ Sayanacharya's Commentaries on Yajuvedic Texts ==
== सायणाचार्यस्य यजुर्वेदीयाः भाष्यकृतयः ॥ Sayanacharya's Commentaries on Yajuvedic Texts ==
The Yajurvedic sahitya is inclusive of the various Samhitas, brahmanas, aranyakas as well as the upanishads belonging to the different shakhas of the Yajurveda. Sayanacharya is known to have written commentaries on the texts belonging to the Karmakanda section of the Vedas ie. there is no known commentary of Sayanacharya on any of the Upanishads. The extent of his work includes commentaries on 5 Samhitas and as many as 13 Brahmana and Aranyaka texts. Out of these, the texts belonging to shakhas of the Yajurveda on which Sayanacharya has written a commentary, in their order of creation are enumerated below in brief. The order in which the the bhashya granthas were written is known from the study of a few verses prefaced by Sayanacharya at the beginning of his commentaries.<ref name=":0" />
=== Taittiriya Samhita of the Krshna Yajurveda ===
It is known from the description provided at the beginning of Sayanacharya's commentary on the Taittiriya Samhita that Maharaja Bukka asked his Guru and Minister Madhavacharya to write a commentary on the Vedas who in turn suggested that this responsibility be vested to his younger brother Sayana thereby, initiating the authorship of commentaries on various Vedic texts by Sayanacharya.
तत्कटाक्षेण तद्रूपं दधद् बुक्कमहीपतिः । आदिशन्माधवाचार्यं वेदार्थस्य प्रकाशने ।
स प्राह नृपतिं "राजन्, सायणार्यो ममानुजः । सर्वे वेत्त्येष वेदानां व्याख्यातृत्त्वे नियुज्यताम्"॥
इत्युक्तो माधवार्येण वीरो बुक्कमहीपतिः । अन्वशात् सायणाचार्ये वेदार्थस्य प्रकाशने ॥
And the first text on which Sayanacharya wrote his commentary was the Taittiriya Samhita of the Krshna Yajurveda. He himself was a Taittiriya Shakhadhyayi. Therefore, his choice of text seems but natural. Another reason for beginning the commentary literature with the Yajurveda is that, in the performance of Yajnas, of the four rtvijs involved, the adhvaryu is given prime importance for, he guides the yajamana in the procedures of the yajna. And Yajurveda is the text designated for the guidance of the adhvaryu. Since the adhvaryu fulfils his role with the help of the Yajurvedic mantras, in lieu of its utility, it is seen as an appropriate decision to begin authorship of the commentary literature with the Yajurveda. This Sayanacharya has mentioned in the beginning of his Rgveda bhashya.<ref name=":0" />
आध्वर्यवस्य यज्ञेषु प्राधान्याद् व्याकृतः पुरा । 
=== Taittiriya Brahmana and Aranyaka of the Krshna Yajurveda ===
After having written a commentary upon the Taittiriya Samhita, Sayanacharya followed it up with a commentary on the Brahmana and Aranyaka of the same Taittiriya shakha thereby, completing the commentary on one shakha of the Krshna Yajurveda. The following verses from the Taittiriya Brahmana and Taittiriya Aranyaka respectively throw light on the order in which the commentaries on the texts of the Taittiriya shakha were written.<ref name=":0" />
व्याख्याता सुखबोधाय तैत्तिरीयकसंहिता । तद् ब्राह्मणं व्याकरिष्ये सुखेनार्थविबुद्धने ॥
व्याख्याता सुखबोधार्थे तैत्तिरीयकसंहिता । तद् ब्राह्मणं च व्याख्यातं शिष्टमारण्यकं ततः ॥
=== Kanva Samhita of the Shukla Yajurveda ===
The Yajurveda has two branches ie. Krshna Yajurveda and Shukla Yajurveda. Of the various sub-branches of the Krshna Yajurveda, Sayanacharya commented upon the texts of his own shakha, the Taittiriya shakha. Similarly, the Shukla Yajurveda consists of two sub-branches, the Madhyandina and Kanva shakhas. Much before Sayanacharya, during the reign of Raja Bhoja, Acharya Uvvata had already written a commentary on the Madhyadina Samhita. Therefore, Sayanacharya chose to write a bhashya on the Kanva Samhita of the Shukla Yajurveda. However, his commentary is available only on the initial 20 adhyayas of the Samhita. It seems that Sayanacharya did not comment upon the Uttarardha (later half) of the Kanva Samhita. And this is reiterated by another bhashyakara Shri. Anantacharya in his commentary on the later half of the Kanva Samhita as follows.<ref name=":0" />
व्याख्याता काण्वशाखीयसंहिता पूर्वविंशतिः । माधवाचार्यवर्येण स्पष्टीकृत्य न चोत्तरा ॥
=== Shatapatha Brahmana of the Shukla Yajurveda ===
There is only one brahmana text associated with the Shukla Yajurveda that is available which is the extensive Shatapatha Brahmana consisting of 100 adhyayas. It is last of the texts commented upon by Sayanacharya later during the reign of Harihara II under whom he was a minister. This is mentioned by Sayanacharya himself in the preface of his commentary on the Shatapatha Brahmana as follows:
तत्कटाक्षेण तद्रूपं दधतो बुक्कभूपतेः । कृतावतरणः क्षीरसागरादिव चन्द्रमाः ॥३॥
विजितारातिव्रातो वीरः श्रीहरिहरः क्षमाधीशः । धर्मब्रह्माध्वन्यः समादिशत् सायणाचार्यम् ॥४॥
Though Sayanacharya is said to have written a commentary on the entire Shatapatha Brahmana, the entire commentary is unavailable today. However, the commentaries by Sayanacharya and Harisvami compliment each other to make available the commentary on the complete text of the shatapatha brahmana.<ref name=":0" /> 
== References ==
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