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Abhyanga means therapeutic massage of whole body with medicated oils, ghruta(ghee). It is one of the most used panchakarma therapy where in by proper consideration of dosha, dhatu, prakriti of an individual appropriate oil or ghee is selected. It is one of the important kriya in dinacharya(daily regimen) wherein application of oil is recommended as a daily routine.


It is derived from

“Ang” dhatu which means movement or motion

“abhi” upasarga(prefix) meaning direction

Thus, abhi+ang means movement in different direction.



Only by considering and examining an individual’s prakriti,dosha, vikara, and satmya-asatmyata abhyanga should be done with lukewarm medicated oil or ghrita(clarified butter/ghee).

Consideration of rutu(season), desha(locality) is also essential before abhyanga.

Shiro abhyanga (head massage with oil) is done before and then body.

Abhyanga as a daily routine or panchakarma therapy, is not merely application of oil but includes mardana (rubbing) for the medicated oil to get absorbed.

There is specific motion or direction in which abhyanga is to be done according to the dosha involved or the roga present.

Snana(bath) is essential after abhyanga as a dinacharya(daily routine).

As a panchakarma therapy swedana(sudation) is done as well after abhyanga.


अभ्यङ्गमाचरेन्नित्यं, स जराश्रमवातहा|


(vagbhata 2.8,9)

Abhyanga when done daily prevents ageing, helps overcome tiredness or fatigue, prevents and helps manage vata dosha related disorders. It improves vision, nourishes body, promotes longevity, helps improve sleep, enhances skin texture.

अभ्यङ्गो मार्दवकरः कफवातनिरोधनः |

धातूनां पुष्टिजननो मृजावर्णबलप्रदः ||३०|| (Sush.chik.24.30)

Abhyanga induces softness in the skin, helps prevention of kapha and vata dosha vikaras(diseases), nourishment of dhatus, improves varna(complexion) of the skin.

Shiro abhyanga (head massage)


Shiro abhyanga must be done before full body abhyanga.

Shiro abhyanga when done daily, helps in headache, reduces greying of hair and hair fall. Strengthens hair roots and helps hair growth, improve colour and texture of hair.


वर्ज्योऽभ्यङ्गः कफग्रस्तकृतसंशुद्ध्यजीर्णिभिः||९|| (vagbhata. Sutra. 2.9)

Those who are suffering from kaphaja disorders, who have undergone purificatory procedures, and who are suffering with digestive disorders must not undergo abhyanga procedure.

Abhyanga being the most used panchakarma therapy has it disadvantages if done without proper considerations and knowledge.


भवत्युपाङ्गादक्षश्च दृढः क्लेशसहो यथा||८५||

तथा शरीरमभ्यङ्गाद्दृढं सुत्वक् च जायते| (char.sutra.5.85)

Acharya charak has drawn a comparison to explain the importance of abhyanga, just like anointing or applying oil to an earthen pot makes it strong in a similar way body gains strength by applying oil or abhyanga.
