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Vyakhyana (Samskrit: व्याख्यानम्) is a kind of explanatory exposition used to explain obscure expressions and sutras (short terse aphorisms) found in samskrit literature. Different kinds of expositions have different characteristics regulated by some principles. An exposition is made to help students of a subject or shastra understand the terse concepts presented by acharyas and aid in the comprehensive study of samskrit texts. Such exposition is varied according to the capacity and necessity of students and hence we see expositions of various kinds from time to time.<ref>Bhattacharya. Ram Shankar, (1955) ''Kinds of Expositions in Sanskrit Literature.'' Poona: ABORI (Annals of Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute) Vol 36 </ref>

== Introduction ==
Samskit literature abounds with various kinds of expositions to help students study difficult shastras. Every exposition is basically a study, but different kinds of expositions have different characteristics. The chief function of a Vyakhyana is to remove doubts pertaining to the sense of words, as is aptly shown below in the text Paribhashendusekhara.<blockquote>व्याख्यानतो विशेषप्रतिपत्तिर्नहि सन्देहादलक्षणम्।। १ ।। (Pari. 1)<ref>Paribhashendusekhara ([ Full Text])</ref></blockquote>

== References ==

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