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Sampati (Samskrit : सम्पातिः) and Jatayu were born to Aruna. Their mother, a bird, was Syeni.<ref>Adi Parva, Chapter 66, Verse 71</ref>
Sampati (Samskrit : सम्पातिः) and Jatayu were born to Aruna. Their mother, Syeni was a bird.<ref>Adi Parva, Chapter 66, Verse 71</ref> The vulture king, Sampati helped Rama and his army to find Sitadevi.
== Sampati loses his wings ==
== Family ==
Jatayu and his elder brother Sampati, under a bet, flew up to the Sun's sphere. In his attempt to shield Jatayu, who flew with great speed and neared the Sun's sphere, from the scorching heat of the Sun, Sampati's wings got burned and he fell down on the heights of Vindhya where he lay unconscious for six days. Nisakara maharsi heard Sampati crying and he saved the bird, which lived there for many years as the maharsi's slave. The maharsi, who could foresee things told Sampati about Sri Rama's incarnation which was to happen in the future. He entered Samadhi after finally telling Sampati that monkeys would go there then in search of Sita, that Sampati would point out to them where Sita was and that on that day his wings would automatically reappear and his legs would become strong. Afterwards for eight thousand years Sampati led a solitary life in the asrama. It was during this period that monkeys, in the course of their search for Sita got information about her from Sampati.<ref>Kamba Ramayana; Valmiki Ramayana, Kiskindha Kanda, Canto 60</ref> It was at the time of the killing of Vrtra by Indra, that Jatayu and Sampati made bets and flew up to the region of the Sun.<ref>Valmiki Ramayana, Kiskindha Kanda, Sarga 58, Stanza 4</ref> Suparsva was the son of Sampati who looked after the aged and weak Sampati.<ref>Valmiki Ramayana, Kiskindha Kanda, Canto 59, Verse 8</ref>
Sampati's mother was Mahasveta and father was Surya. His brother was Jatayu, who fought against Ravana while he was abducting Sita from Dandakaranya.  
'''Similar narration'''
Sampati's son is Suparshva who tended to him and maintained him for a long time.<ref name=":0" />
Sampati and Jatayu, once under a bet flew up towards the sun. Jatayu outflew Sampati, and in the exuberance of youth entered Surya's orbit at noon time with the result that, due to the excessive heat his wings were scorched. At this Sampati, to save his brother, flew up higher than Jatayu and spread out his wings like an umbrella over Jatayu with the result that Sampati's wings were burnt, and he fell down somewhere on the Vindhya mountains. He spent the rest of his life under the protection of a sage called Nisakara who was performing penance on the mountains. After their tragic meeting in Suryamandala Sampati and Jatayu never again met in their life. (Valmiki Ramayana, Kiskindha Kanda, Chapter 58; Kamba Ramayana, Kiskindha Kanda) . (Page 351, Puranic Encyclopedia - Vettam Maṇi)
== Sampati Burns his Wings ==
Jatayu and his elder brother Sampati, once in an impetuous deed of rashly following the sun in his course flew up towards the sun(to challenge against Indra). Jatayu outflew Sampati, and in the exuberance of youth entered Surya's orbit at noon time with the result that, due to the excessive heat his wings were scorched. In his attempt to shield Jatayu from the scorching heat of the Sun, Sampati flew up higher than Jatayu, and spread out his wings like an umbrella over Jatayu. Sampati's wings were burnt and fell down from the aerial heights on to Vindhya and Jatayu had fallen down somewhere near Janasthana.<ref>Valmiki Ramayana ([https://www.valmiki.iitk.ac.in/sloka?field_kanda_tid=4&language=dv&field_sarga_value=61 Kishkinda Kanda Sarga 61])</ref> <blockquote>पक्षाभ्यां च मया गुप्तो जटायुर्न प्रदह्यते। प्रमादात्तत्र निर्दग्धः पतन्वायुपथादहम्।।4.61.15।।</blockquote><blockquote>''pakṣābhyāṁ ca mayā gupto jaṭāyurna pradahyate। pramādāttatra nirdagdhaḥ patanvāyupathādaham।।4.61.15।।''</blockquote>After their tragic meeting in Suryamandala Sampati and Jatayu never again met in their life. It was at the time of killing of Vrtra by Indra, that Jatayu and Sampati made bets and flew up to the region of the Sun.<ref name=":2">Valmiki Ramayana ([https://www.valmiki.iitk.ac.in/sloka?field_kanda_tid=4&language=dv&field_sarga_value=58 Kishkinda Kanda, Sarga 58])</ref><blockquote>पुरा वृत्रवधे वृत्ते परस्परजयैषिणौ। आदित्यमुपयातौ स्वो ज्वलन्तं रश्मिमालिनम्।।4.58.4।। (Valm. Rama. 4.58.4)<ref name=":2" /></blockquote><blockquote>''purā vr̥travadhe vr̥tte parasparajayaiṣiṇau। ādityamupayātau svo jvalantaṁ raśmimālinam।।4.58.4।।''</blockquote>Nisakara maharsi heard Sampati crying and he saved the bird, which lived in the asrama for eight thousand years as the maharsi's slave. Suparsva was the son of Sampati who looked after the aged and weak Sampati.<ref name=":0">Valmiki Ramayana ([https://www.valmiki.iitk.ac.in/sloka?field_kanda_tid=4&language=dv&field_sarga_value=59 Kiskindha Kanda, Sarga 59])</ref><blockquote>तं मामेवं गतं पुत्रस्सुपार्श्वोनाम नामतः। आहारेण यथाकालं बिभर्ति पततां वरः।।4.59.8।।</blockquote><blockquote>''taṁ māmevaṁ gataṁ putrassupārśvonāma nāmataḥ। āhāreṇa yathākālaṁ bibharti patatāṁ varaḥ।।4.59.8।।''</blockquote>
== Sampati in Ramayana ==
== Sampati gives Sita's Information ==
Nisakara maharsi, who could foresee things told Sampati about Shri Rama's incarnation which was to happen in the future. He entered Samadhi after finally telling Sampati that monkeys would go there then in search of Sita, that Sampati would point out to them where Sita was and that on that day his wings would automatically reappear and his legs would become strong. Afterwards for eight thousand years Sampati led a solitary life in the asrama. It was during this period that monkeys, in the course of their search for Sita got information about her from Sampati.<ref name=":1">Valmiki Ramayana ([https://www.valmiki.iitk.ac.in/sloka?field_kanda_tid=4&language=dv&field_sarga_value=61 Kishkinda Kanda, Sarga 60])</ref>
=== Sampati attacks Ravana ===
The monkeys went southward reached Mahendragiri and descending on its southern side, came to shores of the southern sea. They could advance no further to the south. They were suffering from great hunger and thirst and if they returned with no tangible information about Sita, Sugriva would kill them. They preferred death by fasting on the seashore to death by the sword of Sugriva. Having decided thus the monkeys spread darbha grass on the extensive plain of Mahendra mountain and lay on the grass to die. In a large cave in the mountain was living Sampati. <blockquote>सम्पातिर्नाम नाम्ना तु चिरञ्जीवी विहङ्गमः। भ्राता जटायुषः श्रीमान्विख्यातबलपौरुषः।।4.56.2।। (Valm. Rama. 4.56.2)<ref>Valmiki Ramayana ([https://www.valmiki.iitk.ac.in/sloka?field_kanda_tid=4&language=dv&field_sarga_value=56 Kishkinda Kanda Sarga 56])</ref></blockquote><blockquote>''sampātirnāma nāmnā tu cirañjīvī vihaṅgamaḥ। bhrātā jaṭāyuṣaḥ śrīmānvikhyātabalapauruṣaḥ।।4.56.2।।''</blockquote>Meaning : While the monkeys were preparing to fast unto death on the plateau of the mountain, Sampati, the prosperous king of vultures, the longlived elder brother of Jatayu widely known for his strength, appeared there.
All the victory marches of Ravana were in this Puspaka. Once Ravana was going in his Puspaka with a Yaksa beauty kidnapped from Alakapuri when the girl cried loudly attracting the attention of Sampati, a vulture King. Sampati attacked Ravana with his fierce beak and powerful claws. Ravana's weapons proved futile against Sampati and the bird broke the Puspaka into pieces. But the Vimana was a divine one and it regained the original shape and utility soon. All the weapons of Ravana were destroyed, the great weapon Candrahasa was thrown away. The crown of Ravana was struck down and trampled upon. With his sharp beak and piercing claws Sampati made bruises on the face of Ravana. Unable to bear the attack of the mighty bird Ravana begged for peace. Sampati asked Ravana to release the Yaksa girl which Ravana did at once. Ravana then returned to Lanka in the Puspaka.<ref name=":0">Kiskindha Kanda, Kamba Ramayana</ref>
=== Sampati shows directions to find Sita ===
The huge bird Sampati was starving without food and was not able to fly as it had lost its wings. But it dragged itself to the mouth of the cave and saw the monkeys lying there awaiting death, and it thought of eating the monkeys one by one. The monkeys, who understood this idea of Sampati cursed their fate and sang the praise of Jatayu. Hearing the word 'Jatayu' Sampati approached the monkeys, who related to him the object of their journey. Being told about the death of Jatayu. Sampati shed tears and told the monkeys as follows :- “Jatayu was my younger brother. Our mother was Mahasveta and father Suryadeva. On account of the boon of our parents I was King of all the birds and Jatayu the crown Prince."
While Rama and Laksmana wandered in the forest searching for Sita they saw the wounded and disabled Jatayu. Jatayu described his genealogy as follows : "Kasyapa, son of Brahma, married the daughters of Daksa. Of the two wives, Vinata delivered two sons, Garuda and Aruna. Sampati was Aruna's elder son and he (Jatayu) the younger.<ref>Valmiki Ramayana, Aranyakanda, Canto 14</ref> Agni Purana, Chapter 19 also refers to Garuda and Aruna as the sons of Vinata.<ref>Page 55, Puranic Encyclopedia - Vettam Maṇi</ref>
"Know that I am the son of Aruna and Sampati is my elder brother. My name is Jatayu, and I am the son of Syeni."<ref>Valmiki Ramayana, Canto 14, Verse 32</ref> But, according to Kamba Ramayana, the name of the mother of Sampati and Jatayu was Mahasveta.<ref name=":0" /> Perhaps, Syeni was also known as Mahasveta.
== Sampati Relates Sita's Abduction by Ravana ==
It was Suparsva who recounts the abduction of Sita by Ravana, to his father Sampati. Sampati relates the event to Hanuman, Jambavan and the monkey army.<blockquote>अहं तात यथाकालमामिषार्थी खमाप्लुतः। महेन्द्रस्य गिरेर्द्वारमावृत्य सुसमास्थितः।।4.59.12।।</blockquote><blockquote>एव मुक्तस्ततोऽहं तैस्सिद्धै: परमशोभनैः। स च मे रावणो राजा रक्षसां प्रतिवेदितः।।4.59.19।।</blockquote><blockquote>हरन्दाशरथेर्भार्यां रामस्य जनकात्मजाम्। भ्रष्टाभरणकौशेयां शोकवेगपराजिताम्।।4.59.20।।</blockquote><blockquote>रामलक्ष्मणयोर्नाम क्रोशन्तीं मुक्तमूर्धजाम्। (Valm. Rama. 4.59.19-20)<ref name=":0" /></blockquote><blockquote>''ahaṁ tāta yathākālamāmiṣārthī khamāplutaḥ। mahendrasya girerdvāramāvr̥tya susamāsthitaḥ।।4.59.12।।''</blockquote><blockquote>''eva muktastato'haṁ taissiddhai: paramaśobhanaiḥ। sa ca me rāvaṇo rājā rakṣasāṁ prativeditaḥ।।4.59.19।।''</blockquote><blockquote>''harandāśaratherbhāryāṁ rāmasya janakātmajām। bhraṣṭābharaṇakauśeyāṁ śokavegaparājitām।।4.59.20।।''</blockquote><blockquote>''rāmalakṣmaṇayornāma krośantīṁ muktamūrdhajām।''</blockquote>Summary : Once Suparshva goes out in search of food and stood blocking the entrance of Mount Mahendra. Obstructing many creatures, he observed a dark person carrying a lady whose brilliance was like that of the rising Sun. Resolving to seize them for food, he goes towards them, but the person courteously asked him to make way for him as he was blocking the aerial way.  Thus having made way for him, he was greeted by the aerial bound creatures and they informed him that it was Ravanasura, the Asura Raja and the lady was Janakaputri whom he was forcibly carrying away.<ref name=":0" />
The monkeys again went southward, reached Mahendragiri and descending on its southern side came to the shores of the southern sea. They could advance no further to the south. They were suffering from great hunger and thirst and if they returned with no tangible information about Sita, Sugriva would kill them. They preferred death by fasting on the seashore to death by the sword of Sugriva. Having decided thus the monkeys spread darbha grass on the extensive plain of Mahendra mountain and lay on the grass to die. In a large cave in the mountain was living Sampati. The huge bird Sampati was starving without food and was not able to fly as it had lost its wings. But it dragged itself to the mouth of the cave and saw the monkeys lying there awaiting death, and it thought of eating the monkeys one by one The monkeys, who understood this idea of Sampati cursed their fate and sang the praise of Jatayu. Hearing the word 'Jatayu' Sampati approached the monkeys, who related to him the object of their journey. Being told about the death of Jatayu. Sampati shed tears and told the monkeys as follows :- “Jatayu was my younger brother. Our mother was Mahasveta and father Suryadeva. On account of the boon of our parents I was King of all the birds and Jatayu the crown Prince. As our brotherliness grew thicker our haughtiness due to our power and speed also increased. Once we flew up towards the orbit of the Sun to see him, our father. In his youthful enthusiasm my younger brother, Jatayu, climbed higher up in the sky leaving me behind. Due to the heat of the Sun his wings lost their power and energy. Then, to save him, I flew up above him and shaded him. Therefore he could descend to the earth without his wings being burned and thus killed. But, my wings got burned and I fell down on the Mahendra mountain and got my legs broken. Thus I lost the power either to fly or to walk. I stayed here as the attendant of Nisakara Maharsi, who could divine the future also. He told me the story about Rama's incarnation. He told me further that monkeys in search of Sita would come here when I should tell them where Sita was and that then I would regain my health." After telling the monkeys the above facts Sampati, with their cooperation, performed the obsequies of Jatayu. Then the King of birds (Sampati) raised its head and surveyed the ocean and he saw the following: Mountain Subela in the heart of the southern sea; the plain at the heights of the mountain constituting the base of Lanka; in the centre of Lanka there was Ravana's capital; nearby the ladies' quarters; near the quarters the asoka garden; at the centre of the garden the sim’apa tree and under the tree Sitadevi. As soon as Sampati had finished telling the monkeys the above details he regained his health. Sampati told the monkeys another story also as follows: - Ravana once abducted a Yaksa beauty from Alakapuri and carried her away in his Puspaka Vimana. Sampati clashed with Ravana on his way and destroyed his plane. But the plane, which was self-generating came again into existence. Sampati threw away by its beak the Candrahasa (Ravana's sword) and kicked his crown down. At last, at the request of Ravana, he and Sampati signed a non-aggression pact. That was the reason why Sampati could not fight Ravana in person.
Sampati, with the monkeys' cooperation, performed the obsequies of Jatayu. Then the King of birds (Sampati) raised its head and surveyed the ocean and he saw the following : Mountain Subela in the heart of the southern sea; the plain at the heights of the mountain constituting the base of Lanka; in the centre of Lanka there was Ravana's capital; nearby the ladies' quarters; near the quarters the asoka garden; at the centre of the garden the simapa tree and under the tree Sitadevi. As soon as Sampati had finished telling the monkeys the above details he regained his wings (Kishinda Kanda Sarga 63)
=== Why Sampati didn't fight Ravana in Lanka? ===
Sampati told the monkeys another story also as follows: - Ravana once abducted a Yaksa beauty from Alakapuri and carried her away in his Puspaka Vimana. Sampati clashed with Ravana on his way and destroyed his plane. But the plane, which was self-generating came again into existence. Sampati threw away by its beak the Candrahasa (Ravana's sword) and kicked his crown down. At last, at the request of Ravana, he and Sampati signed a non-aggression pact. That was the reason why Sampati could not fight Ravana in person.
Angada said that for the search for Sita in Lanka as told by Sampati, some one should jump across the ocean. Though many a monkey tried to do so it was Hanuman, who succeeded in crossing the sea. At one jump he reached the heights of Mahendragiri whence he took another jump forward.<ref>Page 635-636, Puranic Encyclopedia - Vettam Maṇi</ref>
Angada said that for the search for Sita in Lanka as told by Sampati, some one should jump across the ocean. Though many a monkey tried to do so it was Hanuman, who succeeded in crossing the sea. At one jump he reached the heights of Mahendragiri whence he took another jump forward.<ref>Page 635-636, Puranic Encyclopedia - Vettam Maṇi</ref>
== संवादः|| Discussion ==
== संवादः|| Discussion ==
Rsi Candramas who imparted spiritual knowledge to Sampati and advised Jatayu to give directions about the way to the monkeys in their search for Sitadevi. (Valmiki Ramayana ). (Page 173, Puranic Encyclopedia - Vettam Maṇi)
According to Valmiki Ramayana, rsi Candramas imparted adhyatmik knowledge to Sampati and advised Jatayu to give directions about the way to the monkeys in their search for Sitadevi.<ref>Page 173, Puranic Encyclopedia - Vettam Maṇi</ref>
== References ==
== References ==
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[[Category:Legendary Animals]]

Latest revision as of 22:13, 12 March 2020

Sampati (Samskrit : सम्पातिः) and Jatayu were born to Aruna. Their mother, Syeni was a bird.[1] The vulture king, Sampati helped Rama and his army to find Sitadevi.


Sampati's mother was Mahasveta and father was Surya. His brother was Jatayu, who fought against Ravana while he was abducting Sita from Dandakaranya.

Sampati's son is Suparshva who tended to him and maintained him for a long time.[2]

Sampati Burns his Wings

Jatayu and his elder brother Sampati, once in an impetuous deed of rashly following the sun in his course flew up towards the sun(to challenge against Indra). Jatayu outflew Sampati, and in the exuberance of youth entered Surya's orbit at noon time with the result that, due to the excessive heat his wings were scorched. In his attempt to shield Jatayu from the scorching heat of the Sun, Sampati flew up higher than Jatayu, and spread out his wings like an umbrella over Jatayu. Sampati's wings were burnt and fell down from the aerial heights on to Vindhya and Jatayu had fallen down somewhere near Janasthana.[3]

पक्षाभ्यां च मया गुप्तो जटायुर्न प्रदह्यते। प्रमादात्तत्र निर्दग्धः पतन्वायुपथादहम्।।4.61.15।।

pakṣābhyāṁ ca mayā gupto jaṭāyurna pradahyate। pramādāttatra nirdagdhaḥ patanvāyupathādaham।।4.61.15।।

After their tragic meeting in Suryamandala Sampati and Jatayu never again met in their life. It was at the time of killing of Vrtra by Indra, that Jatayu and Sampati made bets and flew up to the region of the Sun.[4]

पुरा वृत्रवधे वृत्ते परस्परजयैषिणौ। आदित्यमुपयातौ स्वो ज्वलन्तं रश्मिमालिनम्।।4.58.4।। (Valm. Rama. 4.58.4)[4]

purā vr̥travadhe vr̥tte parasparajayaiṣiṇau। ādityamupayātau svo jvalantaṁ raśmimālinam।।4.58.4।।

Nisakara maharsi heard Sampati crying and he saved the bird, which lived in the asrama for eight thousand years as the maharsi's slave. Suparsva was the son of Sampati who looked after the aged and weak Sampati.[2]

तं मामेवं गतं पुत्रस्सुपार्श्वोनाम नामतः। आहारेण यथाकालं बिभर्ति पततां वरः।।4.59.8।।

taṁ māmevaṁ gataṁ putrassupārśvonāma nāmataḥ। āhāreṇa yathākālaṁ bibharti patatāṁ varaḥ।।4.59.8।।

Sampati gives Sita's Information

Nisakara maharsi, who could foresee things told Sampati about Shri Rama's incarnation which was to happen in the future. He entered Samadhi after finally telling Sampati that monkeys would go there then in search of Sita, that Sampati would point out to them where Sita was and that on that day his wings would automatically reappear and his legs would become strong. Afterwards for eight thousand years Sampati led a solitary life in the asrama. It was during this period that monkeys, in the course of their search for Sita got information about her from Sampati.[5]

The monkeys went southward reached Mahendragiri and descending on its southern side, came to shores of the southern sea. They could advance no further to the south. They were suffering from great hunger and thirst and if they returned with no tangible information about Sita, Sugriva would kill them. They preferred death by fasting on the seashore to death by the sword of Sugriva. Having decided thus the monkeys spread darbha grass on the extensive plain of Mahendra mountain and lay on the grass to die. In a large cave in the mountain was living Sampati.

सम्पातिर्नाम नाम्ना तु चिरञ्जीवी विहङ्गमः। भ्राता जटायुषः श्रीमान्विख्यातबलपौरुषः।।4.56.2।। (Valm. Rama. 4.56.2)[6]

sampātirnāma nāmnā tu cirañjīvī vihaṅgamaḥ। bhrātā jaṭāyuṣaḥ śrīmānvikhyātabalapauruṣaḥ।।4.56.2।।

Meaning : While the monkeys were preparing to fast unto death on the plateau of the mountain, Sampati, the prosperous king of vultures, the longlived elder brother of Jatayu widely known for his strength, appeared there.

The huge bird Sampati was starving without food and was not able to fly as it had lost its wings. But it dragged itself to the mouth of the cave and saw the monkeys lying there awaiting death, and it thought of eating the monkeys one by one. The monkeys, who understood this idea of Sampati cursed their fate and sang the praise of Jatayu. Hearing the word 'Jatayu' Sampati approached the monkeys, who related to him the object of their journey. Being told about the death of Jatayu. Sampati shed tears and told the monkeys as follows :- “Jatayu was my younger brother. Our mother was Mahasveta and father Suryadeva. On account of the boon of our parents I was King of all the birds and Jatayu the crown Prince."

Sampati Relates Sita's Abduction by Ravana

It was Suparsva who recounts the abduction of Sita by Ravana, to his father Sampati. Sampati relates the event to Hanuman, Jambavan and the monkey army.

अहं तात यथाकालमामिषार्थी खमाप्लुतः। महेन्द्रस्य गिरेर्द्वारमावृत्य सुसमास्थितः।।4.59.12।।

एव मुक्तस्ततोऽहं तैस्सिद्धै: परमशोभनैः। स च मे रावणो राजा रक्षसां प्रतिवेदितः।।4.59.19।।

हरन्दाशरथेर्भार्यां रामस्य जनकात्मजाम्। भ्रष्टाभरणकौशेयां शोकवेगपराजिताम्।।4.59.20।।

रामलक्ष्मणयोर्नाम क्रोशन्तीं मुक्तमूर्धजाम्। (Valm. Rama. 4.59.19-20)[2]

ahaṁ tāta yathākālamāmiṣārthī khamāplutaḥ। mahendrasya girerdvāramāvr̥tya susamāsthitaḥ।।4.59.12।।

eva muktastato'haṁ taissiddhai: paramaśobhanaiḥ। sa ca me rāvaṇo rājā rakṣasāṁ prativeditaḥ।।4.59.19।।

harandāśaratherbhāryāṁ rāmasya janakātmajām। bhraṣṭābharaṇakauśeyāṁ śokavegaparājitām।।4.59.20।।

rāmalakṣmaṇayornāma krośantīṁ muktamūrdhajām।

Summary : Once Suparshva goes out in search of food and stood blocking the entrance of Mount Mahendra. Obstructing many creatures, he observed a dark person carrying a lady whose brilliance was like that of the rising Sun. Resolving to seize them for food, he goes towards them, but the person courteously asked him to make way for him as he was blocking the aerial way. Thus having made way for him, he was greeted by the aerial bound creatures and they informed him that it was Ravanasura, the Asura Raja and the lady was Janakaputri whom he was forcibly carrying away.[2]

Sampati, with the monkeys' cooperation, performed the obsequies of Jatayu. Then the King of birds (Sampati) raised its head and surveyed the ocean and he saw the following : Mountain Subela in the heart of the southern sea; the plain at the heights of the mountain constituting the base of Lanka; in the centre of Lanka there was Ravana's capital; nearby the ladies' quarters; near the quarters the asoka garden; at the centre of the garden the simapa tree and under the tree Sitadevi. As soon as Sampati had finished telling the monkeys the above details he regained his wings (Kishinda Kanda Sarga 63)

Why Sampati didn't fight Ravana in Lanka?

Sampati told the monkeys another story also as follows: - Ravana once abducted a Yaksa beauty from Alakapuri and carried her away in his Puspaka Vimana. Sampati clashed with Ravana on his way and destroyed his plane. But the plane, which was self-generating came again into existence. Sampati threw away by its beak the Candrahasa (Ravana's sword) and kicked his crown down. At last, at the request of Ravana, he and Sampati signed a non-aggression pact. That was the reason why Sampati could not fight Ravana in person.

Angada said that for the search for Sita in Lanka as told by Sampati, some one should jump across the ocean. Though many a monkey tried to do so it was Hanuman, who succeeded in crossing the sea. At one jump he reached the heights of Mahendragiri whence he took another jump forward.[7]

संवादः|| Discussion

According to Valmiki Ramayana, rsi Candramas imparted adhyatmik knowledge to Sampati and advised Jatayu to give directions about the way to the monkeys in their search for Sitadevi.[8]


  1. Adi Parva, Chapter 66, Verse 71
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Valmiki Ramayana (Kiskindha Kanda, Sarga 59)
  3. Valmiki Ramayana (Kishkinda Kanda Sarga 61)
  4. 4.0 4.1 Valmiki Ramayana (Kishkinda Kanda, Sarga 58)
  5. Valmiki Ramayana (Kishkinda Kanda, Sarga 60)
  6. Valmiki Ramayana (Kishkinda Kanda Sarga 56)
  7. Page 635-636, Puranic Encyclopedia - Vettam Maṇi
  8. Page 173, Puranic Encyclopedia - Vettam Maṇi