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Doshas (दोषाः)

The term Dosha in Samskrit refers to ‘a fault, defect or weak point’ in general. It is also used to indicate someone’s noxious quality, crime, guilt or offense. However, in the context of Ayurveda, this term ‘Dosha’ by default refers to the 3 humors or bio energies in the body that control entire functioning of the body. According to Ayurveda, Sharira doshas and Manas doshas are separate entities that control the function of body and mind respectively. Vata, Pitta and Kapha are 3 sharira doshas while Raja and Tama are 2 Manas doshas. All of them have a some specific role and function which is vital for life.



Sharira Dosha or Tridosha




Doshas and Panchamahabhutas (Association between Doshas and 5 basic elements)

Significance of Doshas

Manasa Doshas Manas commonly correlated with mind is one of the integral components of one’s life. Vedas and Bhagvadgita has clearly mentioned that Satva, Raja and Tama are the 3 properties of manas which carry individual significance. Amongst these 3 properties Ayurveda makes differentiation and considers Satva as Guna (Good quality) of mind while Raja and Tama are regarded as Doshas of mind.

