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Sharira (शरीरम्) The term Sharira can be attributed to the physical body of an individual. However, according to Ayurveda physical body is that component of the life of an individual which is limited to this world i.e mortal. Although Vedas and other shastras identify various aspects of one’s life by the term Sharira, Ayurveda sticks to only the gross Sthula Sharira category amongst Sharira Trayam. Thus, ‘Sharira’ in Ayurveda refers to the material physical mortal body that eats, breathes and moves (acts). Other terms like ‘Deha’, ‘Kaya’, ‘Vapu’ are also used synonymously with ‘Sharira’.

Ayurveda believes that any Purusha (पुरुषः । Human being or Individual) is a life and, this life is believd to be the union of Satva (सत्वम्। Mind), Atman (आत्मा। Life energy) and Sharira (शरीरम् । Body). Thus, Sharira is one of the 3 vital components of anyone’s life. Ayurveda believes that the entire life (Individual) depends and sustains on this union. Thus, the term Sharira can be correlated with the physical body of an individual which provides the seat for life energy and mind.

Definition of Sharira by Ayurveda According to Acharya Charaka, Sharira is the seat for life energy and it is composed of factors derived from the five basic elements mahabhuta in a specific proportion that maintains equilibrium. तत्र शरीरं नाम चेतनाधिष्ठानभूतं पञ्चमहाभूतविकारसमुदायात्मकं समयोगवाहि | (Char. Samh. Shar. 6.4) Acharya Sushruta has laid great importance on physical appearance and constituents like organs, tissues, systems and body parts while defining the term Sharira as various places. Roots of the Sharira 3 Doshas, 7 Dhatus and 3 Malas are believed to be the building blocks or roots of the ‘Sharira’. All of them are composed of different proportions of 5 basic elements or Panchamabhootas. It is thus believed that any visible characteristic or activity of a human being has its roots in the interplay of these 3 integral components of human body. These 3 components control and represent the structure and function of physical body while maintaining close union with mind, senses and life energy. Factors responsible for maintenance and destruction of Sharira Ayurveda has given utmost importance to maintaining the equilibrium of these 3 components viz. Dosha, Dhatu & Malas because it is said that, when in equilibrium these constituents maintain natural state of balanced internal environment and promote health. However, when these 3 components fail to maintain natural equilibrium (in terms of alteration in natural quality or quantity) then there is either discomfort or destruction of the body.

Factors responsible for growth of Sharira In line with Ayurveda’s objective of maintaining health and treating diseases, guideline has been provided on the role of some important factors responsible for growth of this Sharira. These factors play critical role in growth and development of physical body according to Ayurveda. This topic is another example of brilliance of ancient Ayurveda scholars. They have precisely pointed out the various factors that should be considered together in order to understand the possible reasons for proper or improper growth of physical body of any individual. Listed following are those critical factors responsible for one’s groeth and development, Favourable time of season and one’s lifespan (age), natural tendencies of individual (which might be correlated with genetic constitution for ease of understanding), quality of food consumption and abiding by all the good dietary practices expounded in compendia, absence of inhibiting factors for health like not indulging in unhygienic practices and following rules of Sadvrtta. कार्त्स्न्येन शरीरवृध्दिकरास्त्विमे भावा भवन्ति; तद्यथा- कालयोगः, स्वभावसंसिध्दि:, आहारसौष्ठवम्,अविघातश्चेति||