Difference between revisions of "Module:Wikidata label"

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(add "show_id" parameter; add link_type='wikidata talk' option)
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Revision as of 23:22, 7 December 2018


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This module is intended to be the engine behind "Template:Label". Thic module was copied from Commons please ask for changes there.

Please do not modify this code without applying the changes first at "Module:Wikidata label/sandbox" and testing at "Module:Wikidata label/testcases".

Authors and maintainers:

  • User:Jarekt - original version


  • Module:Yesno - used only if "show_id" parameter present


-- use different sitelink call depending if you already have an entity or not local function getSitelink(item, entity, lang) if entity then -- if we have entity than use it return entity:getSitelink(lang .. 'wiki') else -- if no entity than use different function return mw.wikibase.sitelink( item, lang .. 'wiki' ) end end

local p = {}

--[[ _getLabel

This function returns a label translated to desired language, created based on wikidata

Inputs: 1: item - wikidata's item's q-code or entity class 2: lang - desired language of the label 3: link_type - link style. Possible values: "wikipedia", "Wikidata", "Commons", or "-" (no link) 4: capitalization - can be "uc" (upper case), "lc" (lower case), "ucfirst" (upper case for the first letter), "lcfirst" (lower case for the first letter)

Error Handling: Bad q-code will result in displayed error ]] function p._getLabel(item, lang, link_type, capitalization, show_id) local entity, s, link, label, language

-- clean up the input parameters if type(item)~='string' then -- "item" is not a q-code entity = item -- "item" must be the entity item = entity.id -- look-up q-code elseif tonumber(item) then -- if it is just the number than add "Q" in front item = 'Q'..item end item = string.gsub( string.upper(item), 'PROPERTY:P', 'P') -- make all the properties the same and capitalize

-- build language fallback list lang = string.lower(lang) or 'en' local langList = mw.language.getFallbacksFor(lang) table.insert(langList, 1, lang)

-- get label (visible part of the link) for _, language in ipairs(langList) do -- loop over language fallback list looking for label in the specific language if entity then label = entity:getLabel(language) else label = mw.wikibase.getLabelByLang(item, language) end if label then break end -- label found and we are done end if not label then -- no labels found, so just show the q-code label = item elseif show_id then -- add id local yesno = require('Module:Yesno') show_id = yesno(show_id,false) if show_id then local id = mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess( "(" .. item ..")") local wordsep = mw.message.new( "Word-separator" ):inLanguage(lang):plain() label = label .. wordsep .. "" .. id .. "" end end

-- change capitalization of the label if capitalization=='ucfirst' then label = mw.language.new(lang):ucfirst(label) elseif capitalization=='lcfirst' then label = mw.language.new(lang):lcfirst(label) elseif capitalization=='uc' then label = mw.language.new(lang):uc(label) elseif capitalization=='lc' then label = mw.language.new(lang):lc(label) end

-- create URL part of the link link_type = string.lower(link_type or ) local dLink = 'd:'..item; -- create fallback wikidata link if string.sub(item, 1, 1) == 'P' then dLink = 'd:Property:'.. item end if link_type=='-' then -- allow different link formats link = -- no link elseif link_type=='wikidata' then link = dLink -- link to wikidata elseif link_type=='wikidata talk' and string.sub(item, 1, 1)=='P' then link = 'd:Property talk:'.. item -- link to wikidata property talk page elseif link_type=='wikidata talk' then link = 'd:Talk:'..item -- link to wikidata talk page elseif link_type=='commons' then link = getSitelink(item, entity, 'commons') -- look for sitelink to commons if link then link = 'c:'..link else -- try linking to P373 category entity = entity or mw.wikibase.getEntity(item); assert(entity, "Item ID " .. item .. " is not valid") s = entity:getBestStatements( 'P373' ) if s[1] and s[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value then link = 'c:Category:' .. s[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value end end if not link then -- try linking to P935 gallery s = entity:getBestStatements( 'P935' ) if s[1] then link = s[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value end end end if not link then-- apply default "Wikipedia" link type for _, language in ipairs(langList) do local sitelink = getSitelink(item, entity, language) if sitelink then link = mw.ustring.format('w:%s:%s', language, sitelink) break end end end link = link or dLink -- no wiki sitelink, so link to wikidata

-- return the results if link~= then return mw.ustring.format('%s', link, label) -- return link else return label -- return just a label end end

--[[ getLabel

This function returns a label translated to desired language, created based on wikidata

Usage: Lua error at line 69: attempt to index field 'wikibase' (a nil value).

Parameters 1: wikidata's item's q-code (required) 2: language (optional; default ⧼lang⧽ ) 3: link_style: "wikipedia" (default), "Wikidata", "Commons", or "-" (no link) 4: capitalization - can be "uc", "lc", "ucfirst", "lcfirst"

Error Handling: Bad q-code will result in displayed error ]] function p.getLabel(frame) local args = frame.args if not (args.lang and mw.language.isSupportedLanguage(args.lang)) then args.lang = frame:callParserFunction( "int", "lang" ) -- get user's chosen language end if (not args.link) or (mw.text.trim(args.link) == "") then args.link = "wikipedia" end if (not args.capitalization) or (mw.text.trim(args.capitalization) == "") then args.capitalization = "none" end args.item = mw.text.trim(args.item or ) return p._getLabel(args.item, args.lang, args.link, args.capitalization, args.show_id) end

--[[ _sitelinks

This function returns a table of sitelinks for a single project organized by language

Inputs: 1: item - wikidata's item's q-code or entity class 2: project - "wikipedia", "wikisource", "wikiquote", "wikibooks", "wikinews", "wikiversity", "wikivoyage", "wiktionary", "commons", "mediawiki", "wikispecies", "wikidata", etc.

Output: Table with language fields ]] function p._sitelinks( item, project ) local entity, sitelink -- get entity if type(item)=='string' then -- "item" is a q-code entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity(item); else entity = item -- "item" is the entity item = entity.id -- look-up q-code end

-- get project code local LUT = {wikipedia='wiki', commons='commonswiki', mediawiki='mediawikiwiki', wikispecies='specieswiki', wikidata='wikidatawiki'} project = string.lower(project) if LUT[project] then -- correct the project name project=LUT[project] end local n = string.len(project); local s ={} if entity and entity.sitelinks then -- See if entity exists, and that it has sitelinks for _, sitelink in pairs(entity.sitelinks) do -- loop over all sitelinks local site = sitelink.site local lang = mw.ustring.sub( site, 1, mw.ustring.len(site) - n ) -- language part of the siteID local proj = mw.ustring.sub( site, mw.ustring.len(site) - n + 1 ) -- project part of the siteID if proj == project then -- proj matches desired "project" s[lang] = sitelink.title end end end return s end

--[[ sitelinks

This function returns a comma separated list of sitelinks for a single project organized by language Its main purpose is to help with testing of _sitelinks function.

Usage: Lua error at line 197: attempt to index field 'wikibase' (a nil value).

Inputs: 1: item - wikidata's item's q-code or entity class 2: project - "wikipedia" (or "wiki"), "wikisource", "wikiquote", "wikibooks", "wikinews", "wikiversity", "wikivoyage", "wiktionary", etc.

Output: comma separated list ]] function p.sitelinks(frame) local sitelinks = p._sitelinks(frame.args.item, frame.args.project) local s = {} for i, j in pairs(sitelinks) do table.insert(s, i .. ':' .. j) end return table.concat(s, ', ') end

--[[ _aliases

This function returns a table of aliases for a single language

Inputs: 1: item - wikidata's item's q-code or entity class 2: lang - language code, like 'en' or 'de'

Output: Table of aliases ]] function p._aliases( item, lang ) local entity if type(item)=='string' then -- "item" is a q-code entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity(item); else entity = item -- "item" is the entity item = entity.id -- look-up q-code end local s = {} if entity and entity.aliases then -- See if there is an entity and that is has aliases if entity.aliases[lang] then -- See if it has English Aliases for i, j in pairs(entity.aliases[lang]) do -- Make a loop around the English aliases table.insert(s, j.value) -- Create a table of English aliases end end end return s end

--[[ aliases

This function returns a comma separated list of aliases for a single language Its main purpose is to help with testing of _aliases function.

Usage: Lua error at line 264: attempt to index field 'wikibase' (a nil value).

Inputs: 1: item - wikidata's item's q-code or entity class 2: lang - language code, like 'en' or 'de'

Output: Comma separated list of aliases ]] function p.aliases(frame) return table.concat(p._aliases(frame.args.item, frame.args.lang), ', ') end

return p